[[events]] name = "Montpelier Contra Dance" details = """ Lisa Greenleaf calling to music by River Road (Kristen Planeaux, Sarah-Hadley Yakir, Jesse Ball). Newcomers lesson at 7:40 with dancing 8-11. Everyone welcome. All dances are taught and gender-neutral role terms are used. Please bring clean soft-soled shoes. Masks are optional. More info at Capital City Grange. $12 adults, $5 kids/low-income, $20 dance supporters. Questions? 802-225-8921 or cdu.tim@gmail.com Dancing every 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturday.""" links = ["https://capitalcitygrange.org/dancing/contradancing/", "https://cdss.org/event/montpelier-contra-dance-6/"] start = "2023-12-02T19:40:00-05:00" end = "2023-12-02T23:00:00-05:00" country = "USA" state = "VT" city = "Berlin" styles = ["contra"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["River Road"] callers = ["Lisa Greenleaf"] price = "$5-$20" organisation = "Montpelier Contra Dance" source = "events/usa/cdss_2023.yaml" [[events]] name = "Peterbough Snow Ball" links = ["https://www.monadnockfolk.org/?p=11577"] start_date = "2024-01-20" end_date = "2024-01-20" country = "USA" state = "NH" city = "Peterborough" styles = ["contra"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["The Moving Violations", "Stomp Rocket"] callers = ["Mary Wesley", "Will Mentor", "Lisa Greenleaf", "Steve Zakon-Anderson"] price = "$28" organisation = "TryContra" source = "events/usa/trycontra.yaml" [[events]] name = "TopHill Music Spring Special" details = """ We are pleased to bring these TWO wonderful bands together for you at one dance party!  Please welcome River Road: Sarah Hadley-Yakir on fiddle, Jesse Ball on mandolin and feet, and Kristen Planeaux on keys, accordion and flute and  welcome back Nova: Kathleen Fownes on fiddle, Everest Witman on guitar, and Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin on accordion and piano. These two delightful bands offer nonstop talent and fun for this THM Contradance Party! But wait—There’s more good news: Calling the evening program for you will be Lisa Greenleaf Please join us for this double dance! There will be a newcomers workshop at 7:00pm. Please come early to help our new dancing friends! All are welcome. Let’s gooooooooooooo! Admission: $25-30 Masks are recommended but not mandated for this dance. Please bring your own water bottle. **If you are not feeling well please do not attend, but rather care for yourself and others and join us next time! More info: Alice Kenney, 413-575-9721, alicekenneypt@gmail.com""" links = ["https://www.guidingstargrange.org/events.html", "https://cdss.org/event/tophill-musics-spring-special-contradance-party/", "https://cdss.org/event/second-saturday-tophill-music-contradance-party-at-guiding-star-grange/2024-05-11/"] start = "2024-05-11T19:00:00-04:00" end = "2024-05-11T23:30:00-04:00" country = "USA" state = "MA" city = "Greenfield" styles = ["contra"] workshop = true social = true bands = ["Nova", "River Road"] callers = ["Lisa Greenleaf"] price = "$25-$30" organisation = "TopHill Music" source = "events/usa/cdss.yaml"