--- events: - name: Folk Dance Course links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/327091070425645/327091193758966/" start: "2025-02-17T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-17T22:30:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Milan styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: La Scighera source: events/italy/milan.yaml - name: Advanced workshop series details: "Jij hebt al wat Balfolklessen gevolgt en kent de basis. Nu wil je de diepte in. Speciaal voor jou hebben we een serie workshops voor gevorderden.\n\nReserveer je in één keer voor de hele serie? Dan ben je een stuk goedkoper uit en krijg je bovendien gratis toegang tot de disco avonden en het eindbal.\n\nInstapniveau is tenminste groep 2 gevolgd bij Balfolk Amsterdam of vergelijkbaar niveau ergens anders.\n\n<>\nWorkshops\nDe serie bestaat uit 5 workshops. De kosten voor de serie bedragen € 90,-. De inschrijving voor de hele serie workshops geeft ook recht op toegang tot het eindbal op 7 mei, en de disco-avonden zonder extra kosten.\n\n\n\nmaandag 17 februari\nWaltz (regular & irregular)\n(English language)\nSara & Paulo\n\n\nmaandag 24 februari\nDisco avond\n\n\n\nmaandag 10 maart\nDisco avond\n\n\n\nmaandag 17 maart\nDeep-dive Mazurka\n(English language)\nSara & Paulo\n\n\nmaandag 24 maart\nDisco avond\n\n\n\nmaandag 31 maart\nPolska 1\nAmber Wever\n\n\nmaandag 7 april\nDisco avond\n\n\n\nmaandag 21 april\nPolska 2\nAmber Wever\n\n\nmaandag 28 april\nDisco avond\n\n\n\nmaandag 5 mei\nBretons en Poitou\nLeo Visser\n\n\nwoensdag 7 mei\nEindbal\n\n\n\n\nTijden workshops\n19:00 Deur open\n19:30 Workshop deel 1\n20:30 Pauze\n20:45 Workshop deel 2\n22:00 Einde\nLosse workshops\nInschrijving per losse workshop is ook mogelijk, zie onze agenda balfolkamsterdam.nl. Een losse inschrijving geeft geen recht op disco of eindbal." links: - "https://balfolkamsterdam.nl/workshops-gevorderden-voorjaar-2025" - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/serie-workshops-gevorderden-voorjaar-2025/" start: "2025-02-17T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-17T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €90 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Miniball links: - "https://www.baladanse.ch/agenda" - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7865/mini-bal?jour=17-02-2025" start: "2025-02-17T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-17T22:30:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Violonelle organisation: Bâladanse source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/montagstanzen-anfaengerinnen/" start: "2025-02-17T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-17T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Gainesville English Country Dance details: "We dance to live music by Hoggetowne Fancy every Monday at United Church of Gainesville, 1624 NW 5th Avenue. Cost is $5 for the hall plus a similar amount for the band. This dance is open to all. All dances are taught, walked through and called. There is a lesson at 6:10." links: - "https://cdss.org/event/gainesville-florida-english-country-dance/2025-02-17/" start: "2025-02-17T18:10:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-17T20:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: FL city: Gainesville styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Hoggetowne Fancy price: $10 organisation: Gainesville English Country Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Asheville Monday Night Contra Dance details: "New Location, Times, & Admission \nThe Ivy Building at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College\n9 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28801\n(On GPS, type the address, not the building name! The building looks like an old church and is across from the Ferguson Medical Building at 10 Genevieve Circle.) \n\nLesson: 7:00pm – 7:30pm\nDance: 7:30pm – 10:00pm\n$0 – $50 Sliding Scale; $12 Suggested\nCheck our Facebook page for caller and musician info\n\nThe Asheville Monday Night Contra Dance, every Monday. Dancing to a live band and caller! Contra dancing is fun and energetic. The welcoming atmosphere makes it a perfect evening for beginners as well as seasoned contra dancers. \nBeginners are welcome, lesson 7:00pm–7:30pm. Contra dancing from 7:30pm–10:00pm. A waltz ends the night! \nSafe dance for all! Families welcome. All ages, races & ethnicities, LGBTQIA+ welcome. No discrimination or bullying of any kind will be tolerated. Volunteers earn a free dance. \nBring a water bottle. Bring comfortable, smooth soled shoes to dance in. No partner required. No experience needed for the beginners’ lesson." links: - "https://themondaynightdance.wixsite.com/home/about" - "https://cdss.org/event/the-asheville-monday-night-contra-dance/2025-02-17/" start: "2025-02-17T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-17T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: NC city: Asheville styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $0-$50 organisation: Meredith RosemanYager source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Monday Night Dance details: "Contra Dance to live music every Monday in the beautiful, historic Laurel Theater. We have a short newcomer session beginning at 7:00 with the dance beginning at 7:30. \nEveryone is welcome! \n$10 Adults / $5 Students" links: - "https://www.knoxvillecontra.org/schedule" - "https://cdss.org/event/monday-night-dance/2025-02-17/" start: "2025-02-17T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-17T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: TN city: Knoxville styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$10 organisation: Knoxville Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Monday Contra Dance details: "What better way to start the week? Only $5! It’s Monday, and we (almost) always dance on Monday." links: - "https://www.monadnockfolk.org/contra-dances/the-nelson-monday-night-dance/" - "https://cdss.org/event/monday-contra-dance-in-nelson-nh/2025-02-17/" start: "2025-02-17T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-17T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: NH city: Nelson styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $5 organisation: Monadnock Folklore Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Chicago Contra Dance details: "The Chicago Barn Dance Company sponsors and supports contra dance, traditional square dance, and old-time music in the Chicago area. Our dances are held every Monday night, except holidays, in the beautiful fourth-floor Erin Ballroom at Chicago’s Irish American Heritage Center. The dance venue is near the Montrose Blue Line stop, or you can park in the large FREE parking lot on site. \nAdmission is $7-$10 for adults, $5 for seniors and students. Come at 6:30pm if you would like a beginner/refresher lesson." links: - "https://www.chicagobarndance.org/calendar/" - "https://cdss.org/event/chicago-contra-dance/2025-02-17/" start: "2025-02-17T18:30:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-17T21:40:00-06:00" country: USA state: IL city: Chicago styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$10 organisation: Chicago Barn Dance Company source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Monday Evening English Country Dance details: "All are welcome to join us for an evening of English country dance with live music. All dances talked and walked through. Easy parking, air conditioning, and fans. Snacks are encouraged for the break! Please register online at our website." links: - "https://www.bfms.org/mondayDance.php" - "https://cdss.org/event/monday-evening-english-country-dance-in-baltimore/2025-02-17/" start: "2025-02-17T20:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-17T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MD city: Baltimore styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $10-$15 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Scandinavian Weekly Dance details: "The weekly Monday Night Scandinavian Dance continues in the new year. Learn Scandinavian couple dancing (polskas and pols). We teach the first hour, followed by open dancing, usually with live music. \nNo partner needed, just low-friction, hard-soled shoes so that you will be able to pivot (spin) on the beautiful Avalon floors. Pivoting easily and frequently is necessary for fast-turning Polska and Pols dances. These classes build skills from week to week so one should try and attend regularly. Come and dance to beautiful Scandinavian fiddle tunes and live music. \nCome dance with us every Monday night (except when Monday falls on or very near a major holiday – check The Avalon dance calendar)!" links: - "https://boulderdance.org/event/scandinavian-weekly-dance-2-2024-01-22-2025-02-17/" start: "2025-02-17T19:30:00-07:00" end: "2025-02-17T22:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true price: $7 organisation: Boulder Scandinavian Dancers cancelled: true source: events/usa/boulder.yaml - name: Ashland Country Dancers details: "The Ashland Branch of the Heather and the Rose Country Dancers hosts a weekly English dance (with some Scottish). Since formation in 1980, all dances are taught with positional/global language. We use recorded music most evenings." links: - "http://www.heatherandrose.org/activities/ongoing.shtml" - "https://cdss.org/event/ashland-country-dancers-english-country-dance/2025-02-17/" start: "2025-02-17T19:00:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-17T21:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: OR city: Ashland styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $5 organisation: The Heather and the Rose Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590259324486/" start: "2025-02-18T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-18T22:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Folk Knock price: 250 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Neue Kreistänze und Mixer" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-02-18T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-18T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Borculo closing ball details: "Als afsluiting van de korte cursus balfolkdansen in Borculo die start op 8 oktober hebben we een openbaar afsluitend bal in de Synagoge in Borculo. Bon Voyage zal live muziek verzorgen en docent Anke Veens (Dancing Bodies) zal eventuele introducees begeleiden.\n\nKom dus vooral gezellig een avondje dansen in de Achterhoek! Deelname is op basis van vrije gift.\n\nNeem vooral al je vrienden, familie en kennissen mee uit de buurt om ze kennis te laten maken met Balfolk in de Achterhoek." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/afsluiting-korte-cursus-borculo/" - "https://www.plug.events/event/openbaar-afsluitend-bal-borculo" start: "2025-02-18T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-18T21:30:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Borculo styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Bon Voyage price: donation organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Elke dinsdag gaan we gezellig dansen. Met een verzameling van meer dan 2000 nummers en handige software waardoor iedereen gemakkelijk een dans naar keuze kan kiezen is elke avond anders maar altijd gezellig.\n\nKoffie en thee zijn gratis en iedereen is welkom om iets lekkers uit te delen. Alcohol is niet toegestaan.\n\nTussen 19:30 en 20:00 nemen we de tijd om beginners wat basispassen te leren of technische vragen over dansen te beantwoorden.\n\nPraat ook mee op onze discord https://discord.gg/wMuHDEH8Ua ." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-2025-02-18/" start: "2025-02-18T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-18T23:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Zeist styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €5 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: prowadzenie - podążanie - praktyka | warsztaty details: "Zapraszamy na mini-cykl warsztatów, którego głównym celem jest uzyskanie lub zwiększenie pewności i komfortu w tańcach w parach." links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/prowadzenie-podazanie-praktyka-warsztaty" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/487954020676759/487954024010092/" - "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSed4pKo_pA3nGpug1Do7-uV2YYRKAWBbRD-eLix2zvL8VaM9w/viewform" start: "2025-02-18T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-18T22:00:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Poznań styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: 40 PLN organisation: Bal Folk Poznań source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: TECDA Tuesday Evening English Country Dance details: "Come and join us every Tuesday for an evening of dance with our talented callers: Cathy Campbell, Dave Berman, Alan Rosenthal and Walter Zagorski. \nMasks are optional. Please bring your dancing shoes, water bottle, and come and enjoy an evening of English Country Dancing." links: - "https://www.tecda.ca/weekly_dances.html" - "https://cdss.org/event/tecda-tuesday-evening-english-country-dance/2025-02-18/" start: "2025-02-18T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-18T21:00:00-05:00" country: Canada state: Ontario city: North York styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Alan Rosenthal - Cathy Campbell - Dave Berman - Walter Zagorski price: $10 organisation: Toronto English Country Dance Assembly (TECDA) source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Tuesday English Country Dance details: "We dance to live music from our wonderful local musicians. All dances taught and prompted. Wear comfortable clothes and bring flat, non-slippy shoes to change into. Pay what you can; $8 donation helps cover the hall, band, and callers. Masks are welcome at the dance." links: - "https://aactmad.org/english-country" - "https://cdss.org/event/ann-arbor-tuesday-english-country-dance/2025-02-18/" start: "2025-02-18T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-18T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MI city: Ann Arbor styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $8 organisation: AACTMAD source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Williamsburg Tuesday Night English Dance details: "Come join us for English Country Dancing on Tuesdays from 8-10 pm in Williamsburg, VA. All are welcome! No partner, previous dance experience, or registration is required. We start with easier dances and work up to more complicated material, so if it’s your first time attending, we recommend arriving by 8 pm. Come dance with us!" links: - "https://williamsburgheritagedancers.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/williamsburg-va-tuesday-night-english-dance/2025-02-18/" start: "2025-02-18T20:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-18T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: VA city: Williamsburg styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true organisation: Williamsburg Heritage Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: BACDS Peninsula English Country Dance details: "Caller: Alan Winston\nMusicians: Susan Jensen, Bill Jensen, and friends \nPeninsula English Country Dance meets 1st/3rd/5th Tuesdays, September to June. \nMembers $15, Non-members $20" links: - "https://www.bacds.org/series/english/peninsula/" - "https://cdss.org/event/bacds-peninsula-english-country-dance-3/" start: "2025-02-18T19:30:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-18T21:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Palo Alto styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Alan Winston price: $6-$25 organisation: Bay Area Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/wellington" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2355346788144714/2355346798144713/" start: "2025-02-19T18:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-02-19T19:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Wellington styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $15 organisation: Balfolk Wellington source: events/new_zealand/wellington.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943237594116/" start: "2025-02-19T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-19T20:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2660" start: "2025-02-19T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-19T21:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Wednesday Balfolk details: "Zapraszamy na potańcówkę balfolkową w Chacie.\r\nO 20:00 warsztaty\r\nO 21:00 potańc.\r\nWstęp na imprezę: 10 zł\r\nWstęp na warsztaty: dowolna kwota wedle uznania" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-srodowy65" start: "2025-02-19T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-19T23:45:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Warsaw styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: 10 PLN organisation: Numinosum source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: English Country Dance details: "English Country Dance. All levels welcome, newcomers through advanced dancers. Skills session at 6:40 pm. Occasional live music. Please bring clean, soft-soled shoes and a sunny disposition. All dances taught using mostly positional language." links: - "https://oldfarmersball.com/english-country-dance/" - "https://cdss.org/event/english-country-dance-asheville-nc-3/2025-02-19/" start: "2025-02-19T18:40:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-19T21:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: NC city: Asheville styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true organisation: Luanne Stiles source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Bloomington Contra Dance details: "Please see our home page for the latest information. \nEntrance fee: by sliding scale donation, with a suggested range from $3 to $20.  \nStriving Toward Safe Space Policy: We hope to create a dance in which everyone feels safe and welcome. Please take a moment to review our policy on respect and consent. \nMembership: Membership is optional. Both members and non-members pay a sliding scale entrance fee; see above.  \nVolunteers are always welcome! Sign up with a dance coordinator for set-up or clean-up if you’d like! Many of us also go out for drinks and munchies after each Wednesday night dance." links: - "https://bloomingtoncontra.org/wednesday-dances/" - "https://cdss.org/event/bloomington-contra-dance/2025-02-19/" start: "2025-02-19T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-19T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: IN city: Bloomington styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $3-$20 organisation: Bloomington Old Time Music and Dance Group source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Richmond English Country Dance details: "Please join us for our weekly English Country Dancing Wednesday night social at 7:30 p.m. All dances are taught, walked through, and called. No experience or partner are required, just a pair of comfortable shoes. New dancers are asked to please come at at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. The first night is free; after that $2 per evening." links: - "https://colonialdanceclubofrichmond.com/english-dance-calendar" - "https://cdss.org/event/richmond-va-english-country-dance-2/2025-02-19/" start: "2025-02-19T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-19T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: VA city: Richmond styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $2 organisation: Colonial Dance Club of Richmond source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Baltimore Folk Music Society Wednesday Contra Dance details: "The Baltimore Folk Music Society presents Contra Dancing on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays, 8:00 to 10:30 p.m., in the hall at Lovely Lane United Methodist Church. \n\nGender-free calling\nNo partner? No problem.\nNew dancer lesson every week at 7:30pm\nLive music from local, regional, and national bands\n\nAdmission \n\n$10 for members and affiliates (FSGW, ATDS)\n$15 for non-members\nUnder 21 and full-time students with IDs: Free!\n\nThe Wednesday Contra Dance is sponsored in part by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council. \nSee our Contra dance FAQs for general information on Contra Dances. \nPlease see our Behavior Policy." links: - "https://www.bfms.org/squarecontra.php" - "https://cdss.org/event/monday-night-english-country-dance-2/2025-02-19/" start: "2025-02-19T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-19T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MD city: Baltimore styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $10-$15 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: FSGW English Country Dance details: "In-person dancing at Glen Echo Town Hall. \nWith live music! \nYou may register in advance (preferred) or at the door. Attendance will be limited to 50 dancers and spectators, so if you are planning on registering at the door, please check the event page beforehand to see how many spaces are left. \nIf you have not previously attended a Wednesday night English country dance at Glen Echo, you may select “first time free” when registering. New dancers are welcome. If you have no previous English country dance experience or would like a refresher, please arrive at around 7:30 for a lesson. \nCOVID info: masks and vaccinations encouraged but not required. More info \nThe dance is held in the upstairs room of the Glen Echo Town Hall. \nIf you’d like to get weekly reminders and other email of interest to our local dancers, please send an email to ecd.registrar@fsgw.org to be added to the list. \nGeneral information on our English Country Dance web page \nMember (FSGW, BFMS, CDSS, ATDS) – $15.00 \nNon-member – $17.00 \nStudents and Limited income – $8.00" links: - "https://fsgw.org/event-6019944" - "https://cdss.org/event/fsgw-english-country-dance/2025-02-19/" start: "2025-02-19T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-19T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MD city: Glen Echo styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true callers: - Ann Fallon price: $8-$17 organisation: Folklore Society of Greater Washington source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Princeton Country Dancers’ Contra Dance details: "Weekly contra dance on Wednesday nights, 8:00-10:30." links: - "https://www.princetoncountrydancers.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/princeton-country-dancers-contra-dance/2025-02-19/" start: "2025-02-19T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-19T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: NJ city: Princeton styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $15 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Nordic Dance class details: "Blue Bldg, Rm 1.             

Lisa Brooks and Elaine Mathies will teach a six-week series from Feb 19 - March 26. They will focus on the dances to be taught at Springdans, especiallyLillhärdal, Hede, and Storhurveln.

Singles and couples are welcome. We change partners frequently, and anybody can do either role. Bring clean shoes to change into, with smooth soles and low, flat heels for easy turning. 

Show up any time (not necessarily at the beginning of the series); there’s no need to pre-register. Info: lisa@hambo.us or (206) 258-2580.         

The cost is $45 for Skandia members and $55 for non-members for the6-week series ($10 / $12 one-class drop-in).

" links: - "https://skandia-folkdance.org/" start: "2025-02-19T19:00:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-19T21:00:00-08:00" country: USA state: WA city: Seattle styles: - scandi workshop: true social: false price: $10-$12 organisation: Skandia Folkdance Society source: events/usa/skandia.yaml - name: "Socialles 329 — Bourrée in 2: variaties" details: "Deze donderdag 20 februari is het socialles nr 329. Het onderwerp van de workshop is variaties in de Bourrée in 2 (bijvoorbeeld dos á dos). Deze workshop wordt gegeven door René.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-329-rotterdam-bourree-in-2-variaties/" start: "2025-02-20T18:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-20T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823041578302/" start: "2025-02-20T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-02-20T23:30:00+02:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Cleveland Thursday English Country Dance details: "Come join us every Thursday afternoon for English Country Dancing. \nCombination of live and recorded music, in an air-conditioned hall." links: - "https://englishcountryorg.wordpress.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/cleveland-thursday-english-country-dance/2025-02-20/" start: "2025-02-20T13:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-20T15:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: OH city: Cleveland Heights styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $3 organisation: Cleveland English Dance Community source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Umefolk links: - "https://umefolk.com/en" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/869726045282041/" start: "2025-02-20T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T16:00:00+01:00" country: Sweden city: Umeå styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true price: 550-650 SEK organisation: Umeå Folk Music Association source: events/sweden/umea.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-02-20T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-20T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Galhalla links: - "https://www.shedances.org/galhalla" - "https://cdss.org/event/galhalla-womens-dance-weekend/" start_date: 2025-02-21 end_date: 2025-02-23 country: USA state: MO city: St Louis styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - "Baba Yaga's Stew" - Alyssa Catlin Band callers: - Sarah Kaiser - Lo Peckman price: $100-$140 organisation: SheDances source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Lake City Contra Dance details: "Thursday nights; doors open at 7 pm \nDances: intro/refresher workshop 7:15 pm, dancing 7:30 till 10:00 pm \nAdmission on a sliding scale $10 – 20 – pay what you can \nThe hall is well-ventilated and air-conditioned! \nFor more information call 206-525-0932, or send us email." links: - "https://seattledance.org/contra/lakecity/" - "https://cdss.org/event/lake-city-contra-dance/2025-02-20/" start: "2025-02-20T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-20T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: WA city: Seattle styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $10-$20 organisation: Lake City Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Rochester Thursday Night Contras details: "We are a welcoming contra group, dancing every week to live music. Please come! Check our website in case of last minute changes, and check out our videos on our Country Dancers of Rochester YouTube channel!" links: - "https://cdrochester.org/events/thursday-night-contra-241/" - "https://cdss.org/event/rochester-ny-thursday-night-contras/2025-02-20/" start: "2025-02-20T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-20T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: NY city: Rochester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Lake Effect callers: - Rachel Ameen price: $5-$12 organisation: Country Dancers of Rochester source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Thursday Contra Dance details: "Weekly Contra Dance – See our website for this week’s band and caller(s).\nMostly contras with occasional squares, mixers, four facing fours, and more. \n\n7:30pm New Dancer Lesson; 8:00pm to 10:30pm dancing\nMasks are no longer required but are welcomed.\nOur sliding scale is $10-$15-$20.\nOur role terms are Larks and Robins." links: - "https://thursdaycontra.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/thursday-contra-dance-in-philadelphia/2025-02-20/" start: "2025-02-20T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-20T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: PA city: Philadelphia styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $10-$20 organisation: PATMAD source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Berkeley Contra Dance details: "BACDS (Bay Area Country Dance Society) presents dances every Thursday night (except holidays) at \nChrist Church Berkeley, 2138 Cedar St, Berkeley, CA. \nContra dancing happens on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursday of the month, from 8pm to 10:30pm. \nEnglish Country Dancing happens on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month, from 7:45pm to 10pm. \nBoth are are preceded by beginners’ lessons. \nIn addition, there is an experienced English dance on the 4th Saturday of the month from 7:30pm to 10pm at the same location. \nDetails at our website. \nWe also have Facebook groups: \n\nBerkeley Contra Dance\nBerkeley English Country Dance" links: - "https://bacds.org/series/contra/berkeley_wed/" - "https://cdss.org/event/berkeley-ca-contra-and-english-dances/2025-02-20/" start: "2025-02-20T20:00:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-20T22:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Berkeley styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $6-$25 organisation: Bay Area Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Tänze aus Frankreich und der Bretagne details: VHS Rottenburg links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923208797" start: "2025-02-21T15:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-21T17:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Rottenburg am Neckar styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Concert and dance links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1128115289319701/" start: "2025-02-21T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-21T23:00:00+01:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Lars-Olof Ejstes & Marika Jakobsson - Bagaregårdens Spelmanslag price: 85-160 SEK organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Start balfolklessen in Zwolle details: "Er wordt weer een lesserie balfolk gegeven in Zwolle.\nBeginner, begonner? Doe mee!\nGeen partner? Geen probleem, bij balfolk wordt vaak van danspartner gewisseld.\n\nKijk op deze pagina\n\nVan 19.00 tot 20.30 is er les voor beginners,\nvan 20.30 tot 22.00 zijn de begonners aan de beurt.\n\nTot 21 februari!" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/start-balfolklessen-in-zwolle/" - "https://www.balfolk.nl/informatie/lessen/balfolk-lessen-in-zwolle/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Zwolle styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: BalhallaFestival details: "A brand new Balfolk Festival in Gent, 3 days of live music, dancing, workshops, jams. More info soon." links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1155578375753732" - "https://www.balhallafestival.be/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T19:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Gent styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Duo Clercx - Naragonia - Pantonim - Loogaroo - Duo Nello - Airboxes - Emmarilin - Mizu Mizi - La Galavarde - Duo Zhao-Perrin - Snaarmaarwaar organisation: Balhalla source: events/belgium/balhalla.yaml - name: Folktańcówka details: "Zapraszamy na wyjątkową potańcówkę na drewnianym parkiecie Dublinera - świętujemy 14 lat Bal Folk Poznań! 🥳\r\nW planie swobodna balfolkowa zabawa, czyli tańce tradycyjne głównie z zachodnich stron Europy, do dźwięków muzyki ze specjalnie przygotowanej playlisty.\r\nRóżnorodność muzyczna i taneczna sprawi, że każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Tańce w parach, korowodach, kręgu czy solo przeplatane przerwami pełnych śmiechu rozmów z ciekawymi ludźmi." links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/folktancowka3" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1434527687322024/" start: "2025-02-21T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-22T01:00:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Poznań styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Bal Folk Poznań source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Bristol Contra Dance details: "Bristol Contra Dance is a communal-style folk dance very similar to a Ceilidh. No partner or experience is necessary. A caller leads the dancers through a series of moves. All calling is gender free.\n\nBob Morgan will be calling with music from Matt Norman and Edward Wallace.\n\nWe are in the Faith Space Chapel. It's nice and close to Temple Meads and comes with free parking. Check the new Bristol Clean Air Zone information carefully, as this may effect you.\n\nWe have cheese in the break, along with tea, coffee and cordial. You are welcome to bring your own things. Please don't bring alcohol, as this is the venue rule.\n\nBristol Contra is committed to not having the cost of a dance be a hindrance to anyone attending, and have a sliding pay scale.\n\nSuggested prices available on the door:\nUnwaged £6\nWaged £10\nSupporters Ticket £15.\nThe new supporters ticket is a fair representation of what the event costs to run, and supports fair fees for the Band and Caller. It is entirely voluntary.\n\nSo bring your smiles and your joy and come join us for amazing social dancing. Absolutely all welcome of any level of experience for great dancing to some amazing gender-free calling and brilliant music!" links: - "https://bristolcontra.wordpress.com/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1045271730538400/" start: "2025-02-21T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-21T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Matt Norman & Edward Wallace callers: - Bob Morgan price: £6-£15 organisation: Bristol Contra source: events/uk/bristol_contra.yaml - name: Cambridge Contra Dance links: - "https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/" - "https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/programme.html" start: "2025-02-21T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:15:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: £2 organisation: Cambridge Contra Dance source: events/uk/cambridge_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-21-2-25-grand-junction-paddington/" start: "2025-02-21T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-21T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Knees Up Cecil Sharp links: - "http://www.kneesupcecilsharp.co.uk/programme.html" start: "2025-02-21T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-21T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Frog on a Bike callers: - Cate Haynes price: £5-£15 organisation: Knees Up Cecil Sharp source: events/uk/kucs.yaml - name: TECDA Friday Evening Dance details: "Come and join us every Friday for an evening of dance with our talented callers: \nDave Berman, Cathy Campbell, Alan Rosenthal, Walter Zagorski. \nMasks are optional. Please bring your dancing shoes, water bottle and come and enjoy an evening of English Country Dancing. \nemail: info@tecda.ca" links: - "https://www.tecda.ca/weekly_dances.html" - "https://cdss.org/event/tecda-friday-evening-dance/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T21:00:00-05:00" country: Canada state: Ontario city: Toronto styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Alan Rosenthal - Cathy Campbell - Dave Berman - Walter Zagorski price: $10 organisation: Toronto English Country Dance Assembly (TECDA) source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Orlando Contra Dance details: "Welcome to the Orlando Contra Dance! We feature high-tempo, gender-neutral dancing. We are Florida’s only gender-neutral contra series. Dancing is open to everyone and free for students and returning beginners (2nd dance is free)! \nWe usually dance on the first and third Friday of the month. Holidays, semester breaks, and regional events happen, so check the schedule before going!" links: - "https://orlandocontra.org/dances-and-events/" - "https://cdss.org/event/orlando-contra-dance-2-2/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: FL city: Winter Park styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $15 organisation: Orlando Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Rivanna Contra Dance details: "Third Friday contra dances in Charlottesville, VA. A few miles off I-64. Mask optional. Larks & Robins. Intro lesson 7:00 PM. Dance starts 7:30 PM.\nSliding scale admission: recommend $20" links: - "https://cdss.org/event/rivanna-contra-dance/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: VA city: Crozet styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $20 organisation: Rivanna Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Dancify details: "Fun DJ'd event featuring simple high-energy dances to today's music. Variety of partner dances, line dances, balfolk and ceilidh, plus other mayhem and mischief. Snacks! No experience or partner required. Bring your friends!" links: - "https://www.guidingstargrange.org/events.html" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MA city: Greenfield styles: - balfolk - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: true price: $5-10 organisation: Joe Blumenthal source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: G.O.D.S. Contra Dance links: - "https://godsdance.org/event/feb-21-andy-kane-the-little-mercies/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: FL city: Gainesville styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - The Little Mercies callers: - Andy Kane price: $5-$10 organisation: Gainesville Oldtime Dance Society source: events/usa/gainesville.yaml - name: East Derry Contra Dance details: "When: Dance 7:30-10:30pm [beginners session 7:15 pm]\nWhat: Want to meet new people, get some exercise and try something different? Consider contra dancing! It’s good, clean fun. “We get people of all ages. It’s unique, it’s different and it’s a lot of fun.” Contra dancing is a couples dance that begins in two lines. That’s why it’s called contra dancing, because you’re standing opposite — or contra — your partner. “You start in lines and then you dance in and out of formations,” following moves announced by a caller. Our dance is accompanied by live music! So come out and enjoy friendly camaraderie, dance to live fiddle music and see everyone’s smiling faces! No need to bring a partner, nor have past experience or know how!\nLive Music: by Jumpstart! JumpStart was formed around 21 years ago after an M.I.T. contra dance when Gene (bass), Paul (fiddle), and Victor (piano) decided to continue what had been a chance grouping. Paul took over the Manchester NH Dance in 2008 and JumpStart became the house band! They are an exciting and percussive band!\nCaller: Don Heinold. Hailing from Rhode Island, Don has been calling at dances, weddings, and parties all over New England for over 14 years. Don is also known for his clear calling and teaching the popular rotary (or “turning”) waltz.\nAdmission: $10, $7 students, $20 families" links: - "https://www.wordworthy2.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/east-derry-contra-dance/" start: "2025-02-21T19:15:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: NH city: East Derry styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Jumpstart callers: - Don Heinold price: $7-$10 organisation: East Derry Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: ContraATL Weekly Dance details: "Atlanta’s weekly contra dance features a variety of local and regional talent. We dance every Friday night except rare blackout dates, generally last two Fridays in December and the first Friday in January." links: - "https://contradance.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/contra-atl-weekly-dance/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: GA city: Decatur styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $7-$15 organisation: ContraATL source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Hot Springs Contradance details: "Monthly 3rd Friday dance in Hot Springs North Carolina, a mere 200 yards from the Appalachian Trail! \nFind us on Facebook: Friends of Hot Springs Contradance" links: - "https://cdss.org/event/3rd-friday-hot-springs-nc-contradance/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: NC city: Hot Springs styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $10 organisation: Charley Harvey source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Friday Night Contra at Glen Echo details: "Join us in Glen Echo, Maryland, for a fun night of contras and an occasional square! There’s a free lesson at 7:30pm." links: - "https://www.fridaynightdance.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/friday-night-contra-at-glen-echo-maryland-2/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T23:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: MD city: Glen Echo styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $15 organisation: Friday Night Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Bayou Bedlam details: "Bayou Bedlam is the contra dance festival in Houston, Texas. It is produced by the Houston Area Traditional Dance Society. \nOur 2025 festival will be held February 21-23 (later than usual) and feature the incomparable Lisa Greenleaf calling to the Stringrays. \nDetails will be posted by early October. Online registration will open in November." links: - "http://www.bayoubedlam.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/bayou-bedlam-2025/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-23T14:00:00-06:00" country: USA state: TX city: Houston styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Stringrays - Tea&Whiskey callers: - Lisa Greenleaf price: $50-$145 organisation: Houston Area Traditional Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Pittsburgh Holiday Ball and Contra Dance details: "Join us for our annual Holiday Ball: now celebrating Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Groundhog Day, Mardi Gras, or whatever holiday you choose! Feel free to dress your festive best if you’re so inclined. One thing that makes this weekend special is that we bring together both the English country, waltz, and contra dance communities. Make sure to arrive on time to take part in the always-exciting Grand March. Gaye Fifer will be calling and music will be provided by our Holiday Ball Orchestra. Contact us if you’d like to join our orchestra. \n$15 suggested donation." links: - "https://pittsburghcontra.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/pittsburgh-holiday-ball-contra-dance-and-english-country-dance/" start: "2025-02-21T20:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-21T23:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: PA city: Pittsburgh styles: - contra - ecd workshop: false social: true bands: - Holiday Ball Orchestra callers: - Gaye Fifer price: $15 organisation: Pittsburgh Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Friday Contra Dance details: "All are welcome to come and dance! You don’t need to bring a partner. Contra dancing is easy to learn. We have beginners’ lessons for anyone who hasn’t done it before, or wants a reminder. \n$5 – $25, pay what you can." links: - "https://www.nashvillecountrydancers.org/contra-dances" - "https://cdss.org/event/friday-contra-dance-nashville-tn/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:30:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:30:00-06:00" country: USA state: TN city: Nashville styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$25 organisation: Nashville Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: CFOOTMAD Community Contra Dance details: "CFOOTMAD Community Contra Dance, first and third Fridays each month.\n7:00 p.m. lesson, 7:30-10:30 p.m. dance. $15/general $12/members $19 students. CFOOTMAD events at The Avalon are mask optional and no longer\nrequire proof of vaccine or boosters. Vaccines are recommended, but not required." links: - "https://boulderdance.org/event/community-contra-dance-2020-12-04-2022-03-18/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:30:00-07:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $12-$19 organisation: Colorado Friends of Old Time Music and Dance source: events/usa/boulder.yaml - name: Fiddling Frog details: "Get ready for an epic lineup: \n\nThe Syncopaths\nRiver Road\nSusan Petrick & Lindsey Dono\n\nSound engineered by Victor Garza! \nReady to join the fun? Click here. \nQuestions? Want a PDF registration form? Email us at 2fiddlingfrog@gmail.com" links: - "https://www.sccdc.org/special-events/fiddling-frog/" - "https://cdss.org/event/fiddling-frog-dance-weekend-in-pasadena-ca/" start: "2025-02-21T19:00:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-23T22:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Pasadena styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - River Road - The Syncopaths callers: - Lindsey Dono - Susan Petrick price: $185-$195 organisation: Southern California Community Dance Coalition source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Friday Night English Dance details: "For details about venue, callers, musicians, COVID policies, please go to our website, or email ecd-chair@portlandcountrydance.org \nSliding scale: $7 – $20." links: - "https://portlandcountrydance.org/calendar/?mc_id=6088" - "https://cdss.org/event/pcdc-friday-night-english-dance-2/2025-02-21/" start: "2025-02-21T19:30:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: OR city: Portland styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Laura Hatch price: $7-$20 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Skandia Third Friday dance details: "The class runs from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.  and is included with admission to the dance.   Harry Khamis and Pat Pi will teach a lovely dance from Funäsdalen, Härjedalen (Sweden), called Storhurveln (Svängpolska) från Funäsdalen. The three parts of the dance are försteg, polska, and bakmes. The Lead’s polska is unique and involves a clicking of heels. Dances and music from this region (including Storhurveln) are the focus of this coming Springdans Northwest. See www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm8R-hP9ikE

Sprida Ut will play for this Third Friday dance. The music of this trio—Brian and Nola Nelson, together with Kris Johansson—will be a treat, with their unique and haunting blend of nyckelharpa, guitar,and voice. The warm and rich harmonies will irresistibly pull people out onto the dance floor.

Skandia members, $10; nonmembers, $15; kids, free  
The price of admission includes a free dance class." links: - "https://skandia-folkdance.org/" start: "2025-02-21T19:30:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-21T22:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: WA city: Lynnwood styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Sprida Ut price: $10-$15 organisation: Skandia Folkdance Society source: events/usa/skandia.yaml - name: Grand Bal de Chidlow links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/995374859120979/" start: "2025-02-22T17:30:00+08:00" end: "2025-02-22T21:30:00+08:00" country: Australia state: WA city: Chidlow styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: $5 organisation: Bal Folk Perth source: events/australia/chidlow.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-02-22T13:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-22T17:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: Balfolk im Städtli links: - "https://balsoleil.ch/balfolk-in-lichtensteig/" start: "2025-02-22T17:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Lichtensteig styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Zéphyr Combo price: 35 CHF organisation: BalSoleil source: events/switzerland/lichtensteig.yaml - name: Balfolk Practice links: - "https://tanzhaus-innsbruck.jimdofree.com/" start: "2025-02-22T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Innsbruck styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Tanzhaus Innsbruck source: events/austria/innsbruck.yaml - name: Karnawał balfolkowy - Muzyka Filmowa details: "Karnawał balfolkowy!🎉 \r\nDrugi rok z rzędu udaje się nam go zorganizować w... karnawale👏\r\nKonkurs zakończony - w tym roku tańczymy do perełek muzyki filmowej!🎬" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/karnawal-balfolkowy-muzyka-filmowa" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/573681832221620/" start: "2025-02-22T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T01:00:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Kraków styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Balfolks source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Gugelhupf details: "Bouton (Belgien) und Clarabal (Halle) mit bal folk\\r\n\\r\nhttps://www.accordart.be/bouton" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-in-dresden/" start: "2025-02-22T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-22T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Bouton - CLARABAL organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Contrabridge details: "Join us for our contra dance with Contrary Faeries with calling from Charlotte Rich-Griffin.\n\nContrary Faeries arise from Sheffield to delight, entrance, and enthral! Sol Loreto-Miller on piano and Joshua Rowe on fiddle will whisk you away to a world where you can dance forever and forget your troubles, your home, and the life you lived before.\n\nCharlotte Rich-Griffin is a friendly contra dance caller from Oxford. She loves sharing the joy of contra dances with everyone from absolute beginners right through to die-hard fans. You may have seen her calling at Chippenham, Sidmouth or Whitby Folk Festivals." links: - "https://contrabridge.org/events/2025-02/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/599894195960718/" start: "2025-02-22T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-22T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Contrary Faeries callers: - Charlotte Rich-Griffin price: £7-£15 organisation: Contrabridge source: events/uk/contrabridge.yaml - name: Dansez Français links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-02-22T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Portmanteau - Jeudi Matin price: £10 organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: Exeter Ceilidh links: - "https://exeterceilidhs.net/" start: "2025-02-22T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-22T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Phoenix price: £4-£15 organisation: Exeter Ceilidhs source: events/uk/exeter_ceilidhs.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-22-2-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-02-22T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-22T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-22-2-25-queens-gate-house/" start: "2025-02-22T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-22T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Berea 4th Saturday English Country Dance details: "We dance nearly every 4th Saturday from 4-6 pm, with a beginner workshop at 3:45 pm. We welcome everyone! All dances are taught and usually start off fairly simple and progress a bit in difficulty as the program unfolds. Held at the Russel Acton Folk Center, 212 Jefferson St, Berea, KY 40403. Admission: $5 adults, $3 students. \nWe are blessed with many callers from Berea, Lexington, Frankfort, and environs, so there are many callers throughout the evening. We also are blessed with talented local musicians who provide delightful music for our dances! \nJoin us! We are friendly and happy to welcome beginners and all levels of dancers. No partner or special clothing required. Flat, leather-soled shoes usually provide the best experience. Sometimes we are part of other events, such as Swing Shift (January), Hands Four dance weekend (April), or Balance the Star dance festival (September), where times will change. For more information, visit the website or call  859-869-8043." links: - "https://www.berea-folk-circle.org/english-country-dance" - "https://cdss.org/event/berea-4th-saturday-english-country-dance/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T15:45:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-22T18:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: KY city: Berea styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true price: $3-$5 organisation: The Folk Circle Association of Berea source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Jax Contra Dance details: "Monthly contra dance, occurring on the 4th Saturday of the month in Jacksonville, Florida (Riverside area). \n$10 adult, $5 child." links: - "https://jaxcontra.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/jax-contra-dance-2/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T18:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: FL city: Jacksonville styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $5-$10 organisation: Lisa Lowell source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Columbia Contra Dance at Arsenal Hill Center details: "Contra dance to live music. No partner or experience necessary. Newcomers workshop & socializing at 6:30pm, and the first contra at 7:00pm. Admission is $10—cash, check, or Venmo to @contracola-sc (add 50 cents for Venmo). Kids 12 & under dance for free with parent, and must be supervised." links: - "https://www.contracola.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/columbia-contra-dance-at-arsenal-hill-center/" start: "2025-02-22T18:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: SC city: Columbia styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Chris Liakos & John Wetzel callers: - Dianne Palmer-Quay price: $10 organisation: Columbia Traditional Music and Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Toronto Contra Dance details: "Get ready for an unforgettable night of Contra dancing on the Danforth! With Drew Delaware calling the moves and live music by Dan MacDonald & Friend, this is a dance you won’t want to miss. \nNo partner? No problem! Beginners are always welcome—we’ll teach you everything you need to know. \nSchedule:\n7:00 PM – Beginner class (come learn the steps!)\n7:30 PM – Dance the night away! \nPay what you can (suggested $22)—your support keeps these magical nights going! \nMask-optional event. \nEveryone’s welcome—bring your friends, your energy, and your dancing shoes. See you on the floor!" links: - "https://tcdance.org/in-person-dance-2025-Feb-22.php" - "https://cdss.org/event/toronto-contra-dance/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/3865079833758392/" start: "2025-02-22T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:30:00-05:00" country: Canada state: Ontario city: Toronto styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Brian Taheny & Pat Simmonds callers: - Drew Delaware price: $22 organisation: Toronto Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: CDK Contra & Square Dance details: "Contra & Square Dance – Beginning Workshop 7pm, Dancing 7:30-10:30pm \nSuggested donation $5-$20" links: - "https://www.countrydancinginkalamazoo.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/cdk-contra-square-dance-2/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MI city: Kalamazoo styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$20 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Kingston Contra Dance details: "What: Community shindig, bring your friends or just bring yourself to our traditional public contra dance with a healthy dose of chestnut dances! No fancy footwork needed to attend, just come, enjoy the friendly camaraderie, dance to live fiddle music and see everyone’s smiling faces! No need to bring a partner, nor have past experience, just know how\nWhy: To have a wicked good time with older chestnut dances!\nLive music by: “Black Cat Quadrille” who are Emeline Dehn, fiddle & piano (but not both at the same time); Ainsley Morrison, fiddle; Peter Yarensky, fiddle; Jason Morrison, bass! They should not be missed!\nCaller: Don Heinold. Hailing from Rhode Island, Don has been calling at dances, weddings & parties all over New England for over 14 years. Don is also known for teaching the Rotary (country) Waltz.\nAdmission: Admission is $10 regular admission & $5 for students and those 12 years or younger.\nRole Terms: We are a traditional contra dance, “Ladies & Gents” or “Women & Men” are the terms we use, but, dancers are welcome to choose whatever role that works for them with no worries.\nParking: plenty of parking around the Kingston, NH, Town Hall.\nClothing & Footwear: Clothing is casual. Shoes that move easily on the floor work fine but rubber soled sneakers are ok but make dancing much harder." links: - "https://cdss.org/event/4th-saturday-kingston-nh-contra-dance/" - "https://www.nh.gov/folklife/learning-center/traditions/live-free-dance.htm#kingston" start: "2025-02-22T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: NH city: Kingston styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Black Cat Quadrille callers: - Don Heinold price: $5-$10 organisation: Kingston NH Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Dancing with Jane Austen details: "English Country Dance with emphasis on dances from the lifetime of Jane Austen. Live music by Fourpence, instruction and prompting by Susan English. No experience or partner necessary. Please carry in clean shoes and a personal water bottle. Suggested donation $7 adults, $5 students. Must be able to follow directions." links: - "https://www.woosterdance.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/dancing-with-jane-austen/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-22T21:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: OH city: Wooster styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true bands: - Fourpence callers: - Susan English price: $5-$7 organisation: Wooster Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Mendocino English Country Dance details: "Fourth Saturday of every month (check our calendar for occasional date changes). \nLive music with Take a Dance, the Mendocino English Country Dance Orchestra. \nDances taught and prompted by alternating local and guest callers.  \nFun and friendly dancers welcome newcomers in an inclusive and enjoyable environment. Everyone gets to dance!" links: - "https://www.mendoecd.org/events/" - "https://cdss.org/event/mendocino-english-country-dance/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: CA city: Caspar styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Take a Dance price: $15 organisation: Mendocino English Country Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: NACDS Contra Dance details: "Every 2nd & 4th Saturday starting 2024.\nContra Dance in the gym at Faith Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, AL.\nNewcomers at 6:30pm; dance 7 pm Central time.\nCheck Facebook for updated info under North Alabama Country Dance Society.\nWear soft-soled shoes and bring your own resealable water container.\nMembers $10;  non-members $15." links: - "https://cdss.org/event/north-alabama-country-dance-society-contra-dance/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T18:30:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-22T23:00:00-06:00" country: USA state: AL city: Huntsville styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $10-$15 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-02-23T14:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-02-23T15:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Scissortail Contra Dance details: "Scissortail Contra Dance in Oklahoma City, second and fourth Saturdays. Check our Facebook or our website for more details!" links: - "https://scissortail.org/calendar/" - "https://cdss.org/event/scissortail-contra-dance-in-oklahoma-city/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T19:00:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:00:00-06:00" country: USA state: OK city: Oklahoma City styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $15 organisation: Scissortail Traditional Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Contra Dance details: "HATDS hosts contra dances on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of most months. We dance to live music. All skill levels are welcome and all dances are called. Bring water and clean shoes! \nThe admission price for contra dances is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. Cash, checks, credit cards, and digital wallets are currently accepted at the door. If paying cash, please bring correct change. No large bills accepted." links: - "https://hatds.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/contra-dancing-in-houston-tx/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T19:30:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:30:00-06:00" country: USA state: TX city: Houston styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $10-$15 organisation: Houston Area Traditional Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Contra Dance at Tapestry Folkdance Center details: "Every Saturday\nLARGE STUDIO\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n7:30 – 8:00 pm  Lesson\n8:00 – 11:00 pm  Dance\n \nCost:\nLive Music: $15 General Admission | $12 Tapestry Member | $8 Young Adult (Ages 18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 10-17) | Under 10 – Free \n“Pay What You Choose” first seven days of every month (1st through the 7th)\nRecorded Music:  $12 General | $10 Members | $7 Young Adult & Youth (Ages 10 -21) \nWhat is Contra Dance?\nIn a Contra dance, a leader, known as a caller, teaches basic dance steps during an introductory “walk-through” of the dance. Dancers learn by walking through the steps and formations, following the caller’s instructions. The dance figures are similar to those of old-time square dancing except the figures are usually danced in a line, with leaders and followers facing each other. \n​These dances are lively, social, easy to learn, and aerobic. Although you will dance with a partner, it isn’t necessary to come with one. All dances are taught and are usually done in “long-ways sets” (partners facing in long lines down the hall).  Many of the regular Tapestry Folkdance Center Contra bands play old-time music (similar to bluegrass), but the music at any given Saturday night Contra may reflect a range of music traditions, such as New England, French Canadian, Irish, Scottish, Cape Breton and modern compositions. \nHow does Contra Dance Work?\n“A contra dance can be thought of as a triangle of energy with the three vertices being the musicians, the dancers and the caller. Magical evenings occur when all three come together, feeding off of each others’ energy to raise and sustain an atmosphere of fun and joy. The caller’s role in this is paramount. Good music and dancers without a good caller may not be magical. Poor teaching, lack of rapport or inappropriately selected dances can lead to frustration. But a good caller can make even new dancers feel like they are good, and by working with the musicians to match music to dances, set the right tempo, and feed off the energy of everyone in the hall, the caller can help make magic.”\nby Beau Farmer, Tapestry Folkdance Center Contra Caller" links: - "https://www.tapestryfolkdance.org/contra" - "https://cdss.org/event/contra-dance-at-tapestry-folkdance-center/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T19:30:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-22T23:00:00-06:00" country: USA state: MN city: Minneapolis styles: - contra workshop: true social: true callers: - Beau Farmer price: $4-$15 organisation: Tapestry Folkdance Center source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Anaheim Contra Dance details: "Anaheim Contra Dances are held every 4th Saturday January-November 6:30-9:30pm PST. \nAlways live music! \nFamily-friendly, no partner required. \nEasy introductory lesson for beginners @ 6:30pm.\n\nFree parking." links: - "https://www.thelivingtradition.org/tltbodydance.html" - "https://cdss.org/event/anaheim-contra-dance/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T18:30:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-22T21:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Anaheim styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $12-$18 organisation: The Living Tradition source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Las Vegas Contra Dance details: "Monthly Contra Dance with live music and positional calling. Introductory lesson at 6:30 pm." links: - "https://www.lasvegascontradance.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/las-vegas-contra-dance-2/" start: "2025-02-22T18:30:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-22T21:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: NV city: Las Vegas styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - 112 and Then Some price: $10-$15 organisation: Southern Nevada Old-Time Contra Dancers (SNOCD) source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Sacramento Contra Dance details: "Contra Dancing in Sacramento! Every 2nd and 4th Saturday, 7-10PM, at 4623 T St., Sacramento. Check our website for details. \nCost: $12 for adults; $8 for college students with ID; $5 for dancers under 18; $25 maximum for families (cash or check). If cost is the only thing preventing you being being there, please talk to the greeters at the door." links: - "https://sactocds.wordpress.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/sacramento-ca-contra-dance-2nd-and-4th-saturdays/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T18:30:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:00:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Sacramento styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$12 organisation: Sacramento Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: 4th Saturdays Contra Dance details: "Mark your calendars now for the next Saturday night dance at Fulton Hall. Dances are called using gender-neutral terms. \nCovid precautions are suspended indefinitely! We will continue to monitor potential exposures at PCDC events and adjust policies as needed. Refer to the PCDC Covid policy for details. \n\n\n7:00 pm newcomer/refresher lesson\n7:30 pm dancing starts\n10:30 dancing ends\n\nSome dancers head to a pub for “afters”—all are welcome!" links: - "https://portlandcountrydance.org/upcoming/" - "https://cdss.org/event/portland-country-dance-community-4th-saturdays-contra-dance/2025-02-22/" start: "2025-02-22T19:00:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-22T22:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: OR city: Portland styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $6-$20 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: English Dance Day links: - "https://nvs-dance.nl/dansdagen-engels/" start: "2025-02-23T10:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T16:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Amersfoort styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Dirkje Teljeur price: €15-€20 organisation: NVS source: events/netherlands/nvs.yaml - name: Folk Dance for Beginners - Level 1 details: Course links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/folk-dance-for-beginners-level-1/1113/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2478" start: "2025-02-23T13:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T18:15:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €20-€55 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: "Tanztag: Grundkurs Balfolk und Wunschprogramm" details: Salzstadel Tübingen links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923208923" start: "2025-02-23T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T18:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Tübingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Balfolkcafe Groningen details: "Mook bij Balfolk Groningen op zondag 23 februari 2025\n\nLet op: dit keer op zondagmiddag!\n\nAanvang: 14:00\nEntree: Vrijwillige bijdrage, geef gul voor de band! Bijvoorbeeld €15 per persoonLocatie: Theater De Kapel in het Oude Rooms Katholiek Ziekenhuis (ORKZ),Emmastraat 15, 9722 EW GroningenInstructies: Ja, om 14:00 uur\nBalfolk Groningen is dansen op live folkmuziek en natuurlijk sessie na afloop: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!Entree: vrijwillige donatie, zoals bijvoorbeeld € 15,- Geef ruim, want alles gaat 100% naar muzikanten.\nDansuitlegIn deze dansuitleg komen de basisprincipes van balfolk aan bod zodat iedereen mee kan doen. In de tweede helft van de dansuitleg gaan ze dieper op één dans in.\n\n\nGlobaal tijdschema:14:00 dansworkshop15:00:Bal16:30 sessie17:30 einde programma(Tijden onder voorbehoud)\n\n\nMookMook is een splinternieuwe band die furore maakte bij hun debuut op Cadansa. En na optredens in Rotterdam en Enkhuizen inmiddels al geen echte onbekende meer. Het trio speelt vooral eigen werk, creatief en fijn dansbaar.Jan Sijben: Gitaar, mandolineAndré ten Broeke: Diatonische accordeonJochem Beltman: Viool\n\n\nWat is Balfolk?Balfolk is misschien een beetje te vergelijken met een tango- of salsa-avond, maar dan met de muziek en dansen van hier: de dansen en muziek die traditioneel in West-Europa voorkomen. En er is altijd live muziek! En we starten altijd met een dansuitleg. Iedereen kan meedoen.\n\n\nDe KapelDe kapel is te vinden als je naar het Oude RKZ (ORKZ) komt in de Emmastraat 15 in Groningen. Wanneer je binnenkomt loop je naar de bar, en rechts van de bar bevindt zich de deur naar de kapel." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolkcafe-groningen-op-zondag-met-mook/" start: "2025-02-23T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T17:30:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Groningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Mook price: €15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: "Carevale \"Folk Made in Italy\"" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/593665169966302/" start: "2025-02-23T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-24T01:00:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Ceresole Alba styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Folk en Rouge - Saro Calandi - Tacasbandà - Filippo Gambetta - Pitularita price: €25 organisation: Roero Folk source: events/italy/ceresole_alba.yaml - name: Contra Dance links: - "https://contradance-ka.wixsite.com/home-eng/events" start: "2025-02-23T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T17:30:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: €5-€10 organisation: Karlsruhe Contra Dance source: events/germany/karlsruhe.yaml - name: Wageningen Junushoff details: "Het is tijd voor een net te laat Valentijnsbal, trek je (stoute) dansschoenen aan en vraag iemand ten dans!\nBen je een nieuwe danser? Om 15:00 beginnen wij met een uurtje dansuitleg! Entree: Regulier €20, korting €15. Betalen kan contant of via een QR-code. Reserveren is niet nodig, er zijn altijd genoeg kaartjes beschikbaar.\n\n\n\n\n\nTijdens het bal is er een gezellige picknick. Neem hiervoor vooral wat lekkers mee, dan delen we dat met z'n allen. Vergeet je bordje, bestek en opscheplepels niet. Een waterflesje om de dorst te lessen tijdens het bal is ook aangeraden. Neem zelf geen andere dingen mee, de bar verkoopt genoeg lekkere drankjes!\nVoorlopige planning:\n15:00 Dansinitiatie\n16:00 Trio Baftig\n18:00 Potluck diner\n19:00 Le Mange Bal\n21:00 Einde" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/wageningen-junushoff-16/" start: "2025-02-23T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Wageningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Le Mange Bal - Trio Baftig price: €15-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Sunday Tea Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1140447897504458/" start: "2025-02-23T14:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-23T17:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Alcester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Jam for Tea callers: - Lynne Render organisation: "Sunday Tea: time to dance" source: events/uk/alcester_contra.yaml - name: Carnaval Folk + Bal Folk RZF details: Ball links: - "https://www.rzf.be/en_US/event/bal-carnaval-folk-2025-02-23-71/register" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2469" start: "2025-02-23T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T18:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Alleur styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Bal & Gambettes price: €8-€16 organisation: "Rif Zans L'Fiesse" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Kettingbal details: Ball links: - "https://tsmiske.be/programma/kettingbal-met-sons-of-sirius" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2629" start: "2025-02-23T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T17:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Asse styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Sons Of Sirius price: €10 organisation: "'t Smiske" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Sunday Afternoon Masterclass links: - "http://www.contrafusion.co.uk/Saturday.html#P" start: "2025-02-23T14:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-23T16:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Maidstone styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: false callers: - John Sweeney price: £7 organisation: Contrafusion source: events/uk/contrafusion.yaml - name: WirtshausDanz details: "Musik mit BBM und offene Bühne für Musiker, offene Tanzfläche" links: - "http://www.bratwurschtmusig.de/Termine_T_S.html" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/968524067" start: "2025-02-23T17:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-23T20:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Badische Bråtwurschtmusig source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Rochester Sunday Afternoon English details: "Weekly English Country dances in Rochester, NY" links: - "https://cdrochester.org/events/english-country-dance-16/" - "https://cdss.org/event/rochester-sunday-afternoon-english/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T14:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-23T17:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: NY city: Rochester styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true bands: - Bellamira callers: - David Smukler price: $5-$10 organisation: Country Dancers of Rochester source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: English Country Dance Atlanta details: "2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday afternoons \n$9, cash or check" links: - "https://ecdatlanta.org/schedule.htm" - "https://cdss.org/event/english-country-dance-atlanta-2nd-4th-and-5th-sunday-afternoons/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T15:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-23T17:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: GA city: Atlanta styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $9 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Louisville English Country Dance details: Louisville English Country Dance meets on the 2nd and last Sundays of most months. Please check our website for details. links: - "https://www.louisvilleecd.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/louisville-english-country-dance/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T15:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-23T17:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: KY city: Louisville styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $5 organisation: Louisville English Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: English Country Dance details: "All are welcome to join us for another very fine afternoon of English Country Dance. Spread the word and bring all your friends, family and neighbors! \n\n3:30pm-4:00pm, Newcomers’ Session\n4:00pm-6:15-ish pm, Dance\nLeader: TBA\nLive Music: TBA\nBring a snack to share during the break-out in the parlor.\nWear comfortable clothes and non-marking shoes.\n\nWe are deeply grateful to be a part of our community dance organization, The Old Farmers Ball, and for their promotion and support of area traditional dance and music. \nFree of charge. \nFor schedule updates, visit the Old Farmers Ball website." links: - "https://oldfarmersball.com/english-country-dance/" - "https://cdss.org/event/asheville-sunday-afternoon-english-country-dance-2/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T15:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-23T18:15:00-05:00" country: USA state: NC city: Asheville styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: English Country Dance details: "Twice-monthly English Country Dance session in Colorado Springs, CO. Each dance will be taught and then practiced. Great social atmosphere and fun!" links: - "https://www.meetup.com/english-county-dance-colorado-springs/events/305948814/" - "https://cdss.org/event/english-country-dance/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T13:45:00-07:00" end: "2025-02-23T15:45:00-07:00" country: USA state: CO city: Colorado Springs styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Scottish Country Dance details: Social dance of Scotland. Does not require a partner links: - "https://scdcolorado.org/Weekly_Classes.html" - "https://boulderdance.org/event/boulder-scottish-country-dance/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T16:30:00-07:00" end: "2025-02-23T18:30:00-07:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - scd workshop: true social: false price: $5 organisation: Scottish Country Dancers of Colorado source: events/usa/boulder.yaml - name: Hayward Contra Dance details: "We typically dance on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month. \nFor years, the Hayward Contra has drawn dancers from all over the Bay Area and beyond. \nSome of the unique features that have drawn a loyal following are: \nHayward is centrally located and the venue, The Hill and Valley Club, 1808 ‘B’ Street, Hayward, CA, is easy to reach by BART or car. \nAs a weekend dance, we have attracted dancers with busy work schedules. \nMeeting in the afternoon from 4-7pm, dancers coming from greater distances were able to manage the travel time both before and after the dances. \nOur venue, the Hill and Valley Club, is one of the airiest dance halls in the bay area. \nThese features have allowed us to attract a very diverse multigenerational crowd that is comfortable with our gender-neutral atmosphere. \nDetails at our website. \nWe also have a Facebook group." links: - "https://sfbaycontra.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/hayward-ca-contra-dance/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T16:00:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-23T19:00:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Hayward styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $15-$20 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Contra Dance in St Louis details: Weekly contra dance in St Louis area (actually Webster Groves MO). Always great live music. First dance each month features open calling. links: - "https://www.childgrove.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/contra-dance-in-st-louis/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T18:30:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-23T21:30:00-06:00" country: USA state: MO city: Webster Groves styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $10 organisation: Childgrove Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: English Country Dance at Tapestry Folkdance Center details: "Every Sunday \nSmall Studio\n7:00 – 9:00 pm \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n2nd Sunday of the Month\nLive Music with Anytime English Players | 6:30 – 9:00 pm \n​Cost:\n​Recorded Music:  $12 General Admission | $9 Tapestry Member | $8 Young Adult (Ages 18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 10-17) | Under 10 – Free\nLive Music: $15 General Admission | $12 Tapestry Member | $8 Young Adult (Ages 18-30) | $4 Youth (Ages 10-17) | Under 10 – Free\n\n​“Pay What You Choose” first seven days of every month (1st through the 7th) – Newcomers especially encouraged to attend! \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEnglish country dancing is an accessible social dance form with a history going back several centuries. This is the dancing of Queen Elizabeth I, of Jane Austen, and a living tradition that inspires musical compositions and choreographies today. The music can be stately or spritely, traditional or modern, recorded or live. It is danced with simple walking or skipping steps in time to the music. All dances are taught and are usually done in “long-ways sets” with partners facing in lines down the hall. After a walk-through, the easy-to-learn figures are called throughout the dance as you interact with other couples in your set and then move on to the next and repeat.\n​\nYou can come by yourself and be assured of dancing throughout the evening, since our tradition is to welcome and teach beginners and change partners for each dance. Anyone can invite anyone else to dance, regardless of gender or experience.  English country dance will satisfy your wish for pleasurable exercise, a warm social community, mental stimulation, or even transcendent aesthetic experiences. We invite you to join us!" links: - "https://www.tapestryfolkdance.org/english-country-dance" - "https://cdss.org/event/english-country-dance-at-tapestry-folkdance-center-3/2025-02-23/" - "https://cdss.org/event/english-country-dance-4/2025-02-23/" start: "2025-02-23T19:00:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-23T21:00:00-06:00" country: USA state: MN city: Minneapolis styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true price: $4-$12 organisation: Tapestry Folkdance Center source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-02-24T19:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-02-24T20:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Balfolk Dance Course links: - "https://baselfolk.ch/" - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7788/balfolk-tanzkurs?jour=24-02-2025" start: "2025-02-24T17:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-24T18:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Basel Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Folk Dance Course links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/327091070425645/327091170425635/" start: "2025-02-24T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:30:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Milan styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: La Scighera source: events/italy/milan.yaml - name: Balfolk dance class series start details: "Balfolk. Fijne aanstekelijke dansen, een simpele basis met veel ruimte voor improviseren. We dansen in koppel of in de hele groep, op vrolijke (en soms een beetje melancholische) franse folkmuziek. Het leukste is gewoon lekker dansen op een bal met live muziek, en daar kan je vaak ook zo meedoen, maar het volgen van regelmatige lessen zorgt ervoor dat je de fijne kneepjes ook onder de knie krijgt. Dat die dansen die wat meer moeite kosten ook gewoon in je systeem komen en dat je nog meer plezier in het samen dansen krijgt." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/begin-danslessen-reeks-balfolk-in-nijmegen-met-louise-4/" start: "2025-02-24T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Breton Dance Workshop links: - "https://www.baladanse.ch/agenda" - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7899/atelier?jour=24-2-2025" start: "2025-02-24T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Bâladanse source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Balfolk beginner classes details: "Balfolk is een verzameling van West-Europese dansen. Er zijn paar dansen, dansen in rijen en cirkel dansen in verschillende variaties. De gewoonte is om regelmatig van partner te wisselen, dus je hoeft zeker niet met een partner te komen. Deze beginnersles is de eerste van 10 lessen. De data zijn: 24 februari, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 maart, 14 april, 12, 19, 26 mei en reserve 2 juni.\n\nDe 10 lessen kosten € 100. Als je weinig te besteden hebt mag je ook kiezen voor € 80.\n\nDe lessen gaan door! Inschrijving gaat op volgorde van betalen, klik op één van de twee linkjes hieronder. We hebben maximaal 20 plekken beschikbaar. Indien je betaald hebt en toch moet annuleren kan dat tot en met 16 februari.\n\n10 lessenreeks standaard tarief\n\n10 lessenreeks met korting\n\nKan je er niet bij zijn, houd ons in de gaten voor bals en workshops." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/beginnerslessen-balfolk-in-leeuwarden/" start: "2025-02-24T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-24T20:30:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €80-€100 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/montagstanzen-anfaengerinnen-2/" start: "2025-02-24T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-24T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\n \n\nHet vrijdansen wordt op 10 avonden georganiseerd. De data zijn: 24 februari, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 maart, 14 april, 12, 19, 26 mei en reserve 2 juni. Tot 1 maart kan je voor de 10 avonden samen 15 euro betalen, daarna is het het standaard tarief van € 2,50 per avond.\n\nBetalen voor 10 avonden\n\nBetalen voor 24 februari" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-2/" start: "2025-02-24T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Gainesville English Country Dance details: "We dance to live music by Hoggetowne Fancy every Monday at United Church of Gainesville, 1624 NW 5th Avenue. Cost is $5 for the hall plus a similar amount for the band. This dance is open to all. All dances are taught, walked through and called. There is a lesson at 6:10." links: - "https://cdss.org/event/gainesville-florida-english-country-dance/2025-02-24/" start: "2025-02-24T18:10:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-24T20:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: FL city: Gainesville styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Hoggetowne Fancy price: $10 organisation: Gainesville English Country Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Asheville Monday Night Contra Dance details: "New Location, Times, & Admission \nThe Ivy Building at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College\n9 Genevieve Circle, Asheville, NC 28801\n(On GPS, type the address, not the building name! The building looks like an old church and is across from the Ferguson Medical Building at 10 Genevieve Circle.) \n\nLesson: 7:00pm – 7:30pm\nDance: 7:30pm – 10:00pm\n$0 – $50 Sliding Scale; $12 Suggested\nCheck our Facebook page for caller and musician info\n\nThe Asheville Monday Night Contra Dance, every Monday. Dancing to a live band and caller! Contra dancing is fun and energetic. The welcoming atmosphere makes it a perfect evening for beginners as well as seasoned contra dancers. \nBeginners are welcome, lesson 7:00pm–7:30pm. Contra dancing from 7:30pm–10:00pm. A waltz ends the night! \nSafe dance for all! Families welcome. All ages, races & ethnicities, LGBTQIA+ welcome. No discrimination or bullying of any kind will be tolerated. Volunteers earn a free dance. \nBring a water bottle. Bring comfortable, smooth soled shoes to dance in. No partner required. No experience needed for the beginners’ lesson." links: - "https://themondaynightdance.wixsite.com/home/about" - "https://cdss.org/event/the-asheville-monday-night-contra-dance/2025-02-24/" start: "2025-02-24T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: NC city: Asheville styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $0-$50 organisation: Meredith RosemanYager source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Monday Night Dance details: "Contra Dance to live music every Monday in the beautiful, historic Laurel Theater. We have a short newcomer session beginning at 7:00 with the dance beginning at 7:30. \nEveryone is welcome! \n$10 Adults / $5 Students" links: - "https://www.knoxvillecontra.org/schedule" - "https://cdss.org/event/monday-night-dance/2025-02-24/" start: "2025-02-24T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: TN city: Knoxville styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$10 organisation: Knoxville Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Monday Contra Dance details: "What better way to start the week? Only $5! It’s Monday, and we (almost) always dance on Monday." links: - "https://www.monadnockfolk.org/contra-dances/the-nelson-monday-night-dance/" - "https://cdss.org/event/monday-contra-dance-in-nelson-nh/2025-02-24/" start: "2025-02-24T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: NH city: Nelson styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $5 organisation: Monadnock Folklore Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Chicago Contra Dance details: "The Chicago Barn Dance Company sponsors and supports contra dance, traditional square dance, and old-time music in the Chicago area. Our dances are held every Monday night, except holidays, in the beautiful fourth-floor Erin Ballroom at Chicago’s Irish American Heritage Center. The dance venue is near the Montrose Blue Line stop, or you can park in the large FREE parking lot on site. \nAdmission is $7-$10 for adults, $5 for seniors and students. Come at 6:30pm if you would like a beginner/refresher lesson." links: - "https://www.chicagobarndance.org/calendar/" - "https://cdss.org/event/chicago-contra-dance/2025-02-24/" start: "2025-02-24T18:30:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-24T21:40:00-06:00" country: USA state: IL city: Chicago styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$10 organisation: Chicago Barn Dance Company source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Monday Evening English Country Dance details: "All are welcome to join us for an evening of English country dance with live music. All dances talked and walked through. Easy parking, air conditioning, and fans. Snacks are encouraged for the break! Please register online at our website." links: - "https://www.bfms.org/mondayDance.php" - "https://cdss.org/event/monday-evening-english-country-dance-in-baltimore/2025-02-24/" start: "2025-02-24T20:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MD city: Baltimore styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $10-$15 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Scandinavian Weekly Dance details: "The weekly Monday Night Scandinavian Dance continues in the new year. Learn Scandinavian couple dancing (polskas and pols). We teach the first hour, followed by open dancing, usually with live music. \nNo partner needed, just low-friction, hard-soled shoes so that you will be able to pivot (spin) on the beautiful Avalon floors. Pivoting easily and frequently is necessary for fast-turning Polska and Pols dances. These classes build skills from week to week so one should try and attend regularly. Come and dance to beautiful Scandinavian fiddle tunes and live music. \nCome dance with us every Monday night (except when Monday falls on or very near a major holiday – check The Avalon dance calendar)!" links: - "https://boulderdance.org/event/scandinavian-weekly-dance-2-2024-01-22/2025-02-24/" start: "2025-02-24T19:30:00-07:00" end: "2025-02-24T22:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true price: $7 organisation: Boulder Scandinavian Dancers source: events/usa/boulder.yaml - name: Ashland Country Dancers details: "The Ashland Branch of the Heather and the Rose Country Dancers hosts a weekly English dance (with some Scottish). Since formation in 1980, all dances are taught with positional/global language. We use recorded music most evenings." links: - "http://www.heatherandrose.org/activities/ongoing.shtml" - "https://cdss.org/event/ashland-country-dancers-english-country-dance/2025-02-24/" start: "2025-02-24T19:00:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-24T21:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: OR city: Ashland styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $5 organisation: The Heather and the Rose Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590269324485/" start: "2025-02-25T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-25T22:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 150 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Polska" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-02-25T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-25T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Elke dinsdag gaan we gezellig dansen. Met een verzameling van meer dan 2000 nummers en handige software waardoor iedereen gemakkelijk een dans naar keuze kan kiezen is elke avond anders maar altijd gezellig.\n\nKoffie en thee zijn gratis en iedereen is welkom om iets lekkers uit te delen. Alcohol is niet toegestaan.\n\nTussen 19:30 en 20:00 nemen we de tijd om beginners wat basispassen te leren of technische vragen over dansen te beantwoorden.\n\nPraat ook mee op onze discord https://discord.gg/wMuHDEH8Ua ." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-2025-02-25/" start: "2025-02-25T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-25T23:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Zeist styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €5 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Practica XL + Initiation at the Pianofabriek details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-xl-+-initiation-at-de-pianofabriek/1144/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2540" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1488971458394126/1568421140449157/" start: "2025-02-25T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-25T22:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: prowadzenie - podążanie - praktyka | warsztaty details: "Zapraszamy na mini-cykl warsztatów, którego głównym celem jest uzyskanie lub zwiększenie pewności i komfortu w tańcach w parach." links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/prowadzenie-podazanie-praktyka-warsztaty" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/487954020676759/487954030676758/" - "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSed4pKo_pA3nGpug1Do7-uV2YYRKAWBbRD-eLix2zvL8VaM9w/viewform" start: "2025-02-25T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-25T22:00:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Poznań styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: 40 PLN organisation: Bal Folk Poznań source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: TECDA Tuesday Evening English Country Dance details: "Come and join us every Tuesday for an evening of dance with our talented callers: Cathy Campbell, Dave Berman, Alan Rosenthal and Walter Zagorski. \nMasks are optional. Please bring your dancing shoes, water bottle, and come and enjoy an evening of English Country Dancing." links: - "https://www.tecda.ca/weekly_dances.html" - "https://cdss.org/event/tecda-tuesday-evening-english-country-dance/2025-02-25/" start: "2025-02-25T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-25T21:00:00-05:00" country: Canada state: Ontario city: North York styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Alan Rosenthal - Cathy Campbell - Dave Berman - Walter Zagorski price: $10 organisation: Toronto English Country Dance Assembly (TECDA) source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Tuesday English Country Dance details: "We dance to live music from our wonderful local musicians. All dances taught and prompted. Wear comfortable clothes and bring flat, non-slippy shoes to change into. Pay what you can; $8 donation helps cover the hall, band, and callers. Masks are welcome at the dance." links: - "https://aactmad.org/english-country" - "https://cdss.org/event/ann-arbor-tuesday-english-country-dance/2025-02-25/" start: "2025-02-25T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-25T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MI city: Ann Arbor styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $8 organisation: AACTMAD source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Williamsburg Tuesday Night English Dance details: "Come join us for English Country Dancing on Tuesdays from 8-10 pm in Williamsburg, VA. All are welcome! No partner, previous dance experience, or registration is required. We start with easier dances and work up to more complicated material, so if it’s your first time attending, we recommend arriving by 8 pm. Come dance with us!" links: - "https://williamsburgheritagedancers.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/williamsburg-va-tuesday-night-english-dance/2025-02-25/" start: "2025-02-25T20:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-25T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: VA city: Williamsburg styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true organisation: Williamsburg Heritage Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: English Country Dance Class details: "Whether you are brand new or LOVE this style of dancing, Tuesday nights in Pasadena is where you learn the skills to dance with elegance and ease! It’s a great mid-week pick-me-up with dance friends old and new. We dance on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Tuesday of the month. \nPay $10 at the door, and pre-register on our website to receive all of the pertinent details! \nPlan on sticking around for after-hours socializing and getting the latest details on a favorite dance, the next ball, or that costume question you always wanted to ask." links: - "https://historicalteaanddance.org/#Tuesdaydances" - "https://cdss.org/event/english-country-dance-classes-in-pasadena/2025-02-25/" start: "2025-02-25T19:15:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-25T21:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Pasadena styles: - ecd workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Historical Tea & Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/wellington" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2355346788144714/2355346808144712/" start: "2025-02-26T18:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-02-26T19:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Wellington styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $15 organisation: Balfolk Wellington source: events/new_zealand/wellington.yaml - name: Bal Van Morgen details: Ball links: - "https://stanistil.be/event/42" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/610179741388318/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2635" start: "2025-02-26T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-26T22:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Melanie & Hannelore price: donation organisation: Stanistil source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" start: "2025-02-26T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-26T21:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Wednesday Balfolk details: "Zapraszamy na potańcówkę balfolkową w Chacie.\r\nO 20:00 warsztaty\r\nO 21:00 potańc.\r\nWstęp na imprezę: 10 zł\r\nWstęp na warsztaty: dowolna kwota wedle uznania" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-srodowy07" start: "2025-02-26T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-26T23:45:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Warsaw styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: 10 PLN organisation: Numinosum source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk café Nijmegen details: "Balfolk Cafe is livemuziek, tussendoor fijne balfolkhitjes en natuurlijk sessie: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!\n\n\nEntree: € 15,-  (of € 10,- voor mensen die kortingstarief nodig hebben)\nGeef ruim, alles gaat 100% naar de muzikanten.\n\n20:00 dans uitleg\n21:00 Livemuziek (2 sets)\n23:00 Sessie!\n(Tijden onder voorbehoud)" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-cafe-nijmegen-43/" start: "2025-02-26T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-26T23:59:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €10-€15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-02-26T19:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-26T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Folkbal details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2658" start: "2025-02-26T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-26T22:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Gooik styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - DroneMatic organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal Étoile at the Gipsy Queen links: - "https://londonbalfolk.org.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/578013841762348/" start: "2025-02-26T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-26T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: London Balfolk source: events/uk/london_balfolk.yaml - name: Practica Mechelen details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-mechelen/1153/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2547" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1120858039382966/1120858049382965/" start: "2025-02-26T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-26T22:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: English Country Dance details: "English Country Dance. All levels welcome, newcomers through advanced dancers. Skills session at 6:40 pm. Occasional live music. Please bring clean, soft-soled shoes and a sunny disposition. All dances taught using mostly positional language." links: - "https://oldfarmersball.com/english-country-dance/" - "https://cdss.org/event/english-country-dance-asheville-nc-3/2025-02-26/" start: "2025-02-26T18:40:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-26T21:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: NC city: Asheville styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true organisation: Luanne Stiles source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: English Country Dance at Guiding Star Grange details: "Join us in Greenfield for an evening of English Country Dancing. Lively, elegant, and fun: English country dances from 1650 to today, with a rotating cast of stellar musicians and callers. 
 \nCost: $10-$20, sliding scale. \nSee venue website for this month’s details and Covid policy." links: - "https://www.guidingstargrange.org/events.html" - "https://cdss.org/event/second-fourth-wednesday-english-country-dance-at-guiding-star-grange/2025-02-26/" start: "2025-02-26T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-26T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MA city: Greenfield styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $10-$20 organisation: Graham Christian source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Bloomington Contra Dance details: "Please see our home page for the latest information. \nEntrance fee: by sliding scale donation, with a suggested range from $3 to $20.  \nStriving Toward Safe Space Policy: We hope to create a dance in which everyone feels safe and welcome. Please take a moment to review our policy on respect and consent. \nMembership: Membership is optional. Both members and non-members pay a sliding scale entrance fee; see above.  \nVolunteers are always welcome! Sign up with a dance coordinator for set-up or clean-up if you’d like! Many of us also go out for drinks and munchies after each Wednesday night dance." links: - "https://bloomingtoncontra.org/wednesday-dances/" - "https://cdss.org/event/bloomington-contra-dance/2025-02-26/" start: "2025-02-26T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-26T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: IN city: Bloomington styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $3-$20 organisation: Bloomington Old Time Music and Dance Group source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Richmond English Country Dance details: "Please join us for our weekly English Country Dancing Wednesday night social at 7:30 p.m. All dances are taught, walked through, and called. No experience or partner are required, just a pair of comfortable shoes. New dancers are asked to please come at at least 10 minutes before the start of the session. The first night is free; after that $2 per evening." links: - "https://colonialdanceclubofrichmond.com/english-dance-calendar" - "https://cdss.org/event/richmond-va-english-country-dance-2/2025-02-26/" start: "2025-02-26T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-26T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: VA city: Richmond styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $2 organisation: Colonial Dance Club of Richmond source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Princeton Country Dancers’ Contra Dance details: "Weekly contra dance on Wednesday nights, 8:00-10:30." links: - "https://www.princetoncountrydancers.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/princeton-country-dancers-contra-dance/2025-02-26/" start: "2025-02-26T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-26T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: NJ city: Princeton styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $15 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: FSGW English Country Dance details: "In-person dancing at Glen Echo Town Hall. \nWith live music! \nYou may register in advance (preferred) or at the door. Attendance will be limited to 50 dancers and spectators, so if you are planning on registering at the door, please check the event page beforehand to see how many spaces are left. \nIf you have not previously attended a Wednesday night English country dance at Glen Echo, you may select “first time free” when registering. New dancers are welcome. If you have no previous English country dance experience or would like a refresher, please arrive at around 7:30 for a lesson. \nCOVID info: masks and vaccinations encouraged but not required. More info \nThe dance is held in the upstairs room of the Glen Echo Town Hall. \nIf you’d like to get weekly reminders and other email of interest to our local dancers, please send an email to ecd.registrar@fsgw.org to be added to the list. \nGeneral information on our English Country Dance web page \nMember (FSGW, BFMS, CDSS, ATDS) – $15.00 \nNon-member – $17.00 \nStudents and Limited income – $8.00" links: - "https://fsgw.org/event-6019969" - "https://cdss.org/event/fsgw-english-country-dance/2025-02-26/" start: "2025-02-26T20:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-26T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MD city: Glen Echo styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true callers: - Dan Gillespie price: $8-$17 organisation: Folklore Society of Greater Washington source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: San Francisco Contra Dance details: "2nd & 4th Wednesday in San Francisco! \nRole names: The role names usually used at this series are “Larks” and “Robins.” \nBeginner lesson at 7:30, dance 8:00-10:30 \nCheck our website for details. \n$25 supporters; $20 non-members; $15 members; $6 students or low-income; or pay what you can." links: - "https://bacds.org/series/contra/san_francisco_wed/" - "https://cdss.org/event/san-francisco-contra-dance/2025-02-26/" start: "2025-02-26T19:30:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-26T22:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: San Francisco styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $6-$25 organisation: Bay Area Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823014911638/" start: "2025-02-27T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-02-27T23:30:00+02:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Cleveland Thursday English Country Dance details: "Come join us every Thursday afternoon for English Country Dancing. \nCombination of live and recorded music, in an air-conditioned hall." links: - "https://englishcountryorg.wordpress.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/cleveland-thursday-english-country-dance/2025-02-27/" start: "2025-02-27T13:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-27T15:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: OH city: Cleveland Heights styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $3 organisation: Cleveland English Dance Community source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Playford in the Pub links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/598749686459469/" start: "2025-02-27T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-27T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true organisation: Sheffield Playford source: events/uk/sheffield_playford.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-02-27T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-27T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Giovedì Grasso links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1582225602411789/" start: "2025-02-27T21:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-27T23:45:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Recanati styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - TRADplus price: donation organisation: Due passi nel Folk source: events/italy/recanati.yaml - name: Lake City Contra Dance details: "Thursday nights; doors open at 7 pm \nDances: intro/refresher workshop 7:15 pm, dancing 7:30 till 10:00 pm \nAdmission on a sliding scale $10 – 20 – pay what you can \nThe hall is well-ventilated and air-conditioned! \nFor more information call 206-525-0932, or send us email." links: - "https://seattledance.org/contra/lakecity/" - "https://cdss.org/event/lake-city-contra-dance/2025-02-27/" start: "2025-02-27T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-27T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: WA city: Seattle styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $10-$20 organisation: Lake City Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Rochester Thursday Night Contras details: "We are a welcoming contra group, dancing every week to live music. Please come! Check our website in case of last minute changes, and check out our videos on our Country Dancers of Rochester YouTube channel!" links: - "https://cdrochester.org/events/thursday-night-contra-238/" - "https://cdss.org/event/rochester-ny-thursday-night-contras/2025-02-27/" start: "2025-02-27T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-27T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: NY city: Rochester styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Clara & Co callers: - Margaret Mathews price: $12 organisation: Country Dancers of Rochester source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: IVFDF 2025 links: - "https://sheffield-ivfdf.org.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Leq1eMKDNDjcN3gCWJYP85NiybMTMXjsQ4xmtFoGHHoAZuMj4nJDXANz3dZVWTRyl&id=61556458347712" start_date: 2025-02-28 end_date: 2025-03-02 country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - balfolk - contra - e-ceilidh - ecd - s-ceilidh - scd workshop: true social: true bands: - Out of Hand - Contrary Faeries - Portmanteau - "Purcell's Polyphonic Party" callers: - Andrew Swaine - Charlie Turner - Patrick Rose price: £20-£45 organisation: IVFDF source: events/uk/ivfdf.yaml - name: Thursday Contra Dance details: "Weekly Contra Dance – See our website for this week’s band and caller(s).\nMostly contras with occasional squares, mixers, four facing fours, and more. \n\n7:30pm New Dancer Lesson; 8:00pm to 10:30pm dancing\nMasks are no longer required but are welcomed.\nOur sliding scale is $10-$15-$20.\nOur role terms are Larks and Robins." links: - "https://thursdaycontra.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/thursday-contra-dance-in-philadelphia/2025-02-27/" start: "2025-02-27T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-27T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: PA city: Philadelphia styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $10-$20 organisation: PATMAD source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Berkeley English Dance details: "BACDS (Bay Area Country Dance Society) presents dances every Thursday night (except holidays) at \nChrist Church Berkeley, 2138 Cedar St, Berkeley, CA. \nContra dancing happens on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Thursday of the month, from 8pm to 10:30pm. \nEnglish Country Dancing happens on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month, from 7:45pm to 10pm. \nBoth are are preceded by beginners’ lessons. \nIn addition, there is an experienced English dance on the 4th Saturday of the month from 7:30pm to 10pm at the same location. \nDetails at our website. \nWe also have Facebook groups: \n\nBerkeley Contra Dance\nBerkeley English Country Dance" links: - "https://www.bacds.org/series/english/berkeley_wed/" - "https://cdss.org/event/berkeley-ca-contra-and-english-dances/2025-02-27/" start: "2025-02-27T19:15:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-27T22:00:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Berkeley styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true callers: - Lise Dyckman price: $6-$25 organisation: Bay Area Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Concert and dance links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2303922813339744/" start: "2025-02-28T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-28T23:00:00+01:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Rullstråk - Eva Blanck & Jan Nilsson price: 85-160 SEK organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Folkbal details: Ball links: - "https://www.kunstkrak.com/folkbal" - "https://www.geraardsbergen.be/28-02-2025---dansinitiatie-en-folkbal" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2603" start: "2025-02-28T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-28T23:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Geraardsbergen styles: - balfolk - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Folkorkest Kunstacademie Geraardsbergen - The Off Brand Scandinavian Band price: €5-€10 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Entrudanças links: - "https://pedexumbo.com/entrudancas/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/799413755706293/" start: "2025-02-28T18:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-02T23:45:00+00:00" country: Portugal city: Entradas styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - String Fling - Airboxes Trio - Pesdelan - Karamaus - Jam.PT - Siga Bailando price: €37.50-€50 organisation: Associação PédeXumbo source: events/portugal/evora.yaml - name: Vrijdagavondbal details: "Op vrijdagavond 28 februari kan er gratis balfolk gedanst worden in Rotterdam, in de studio van De Doelen. De band die komt spelen is Geronimo.\n\nGeronimo is het soloproject van gitarist Jeroen Geerinck, bekend van onder andere Snaarmaarwaar en Hot Griselda. Hij is een muzikant en producer die actief is in de Belgische folkscene. Hij is vooral bekend vanwege de flinke hoeveelheid energie die hij brengt in het geluid van de bands waar hij in speelt. Bovendien heeft hij ruimschoots ervaring in het creëren van folkalbums en is hij altijd op zoek naar nieuwe smaken en muzikale interpretaties. Geronimo is voor hem een soort speeltuin waar hij het experiment van het mixen van genres en muziek nog verder kan brengen, waar hij voor zichzelf geen  compromissen hoeft te sluiten en alle grenzen kan opzoeken en verkennen.\n\nGratis\nHet bal in De Doelen is gratis toegankelijk en iedereen van binnen en buiten Rotterdam is van harte welkom om mee te komen dansen of te luisteren naar de fijne muziek.\nDansuitleg voor beginners Nog niet eerder (balfolk) gedanst? Geen zorgen, er wordt gestart met een dansuitleg van Balfolk Zuid-Holland, zodat degenen die nog niet eerder hebben gedanst, kunnen kennismaken met balfolk en daarna ook de hele avond mee kunnen doen.\n\nProgramma\nHet programma is als volgt:\n19.30 - 20.30: dansuitleg\n20.30 - 22.30: bal met Geronimo!\nJe kunt naar wens binnen komen lopen in De Doelen (maar vanaf het begin meedoen is natuurlijk wel het leukste).\n\nVernieuwde locatie\nOnlangs is De Doelen Studio volledig vernieuwd en opgeknapt. De ruimte is fijner om te dansen, de bar is apart - en de studio is nu zelfs op een nieuwe plek te vinden in het gebouw!\nHet adres is: Kruisplein 44. Volg de tonen van de balfolkmuziek en het gaat helemaal goed komen!\n\nBereikbaarheid\nDe Doelen is het welbekende concertgebouw middenin hartje Rotterdam, op een kleine 3 minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Er zijn diverse parkeergarages in de omgeving. Kijk op prettigparkeren.nl voor mogelijkheden (zoek daarin wel even verder naar parkeergarages want standaard zie je een vrij dure optie). Je kunt voor De Doelen Studio naar binnen via een aparte ingang op de hoek van het Schouwburgplein en het Kruisplein, Kruisplein 44. \n\nInformatie\nMeer weten of vragen? Neem contact op met Balfolk Zuid-Holland via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/vrijdagavondbal-met-geronimo-in-de-doelen-studio-in-rotterdam/" start: "2025-02-28T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-28T22:30:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Geronimo price: free organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Drakenbal (CarnaBal edition) details: "CARNABAL DEN BOSCH \n\nAan de vooravond van het Brabantse Carnaval roert de draak van ‘s-Hertogenbosch zijn staart voor een bal boordevol muziek, dans en gezelligheid. Voor dit bal zijn we heel blij en trots om het duo Swinco te mogen verwelkomen! Ze komen uit Brabant maar vergis je niet: ze spelen dansbare folk als geen ander. Jullie zijn allen enorm welkom om verkleed te komen, maar het hoeft niet!\n\nHet beste kostuum wint een gratis kaartje!\n\nAVONDPROGRAMMA\n\n \t19:30 Welkom\n \t20:00-21:00 Dansworkshop Bretonse dansen\n \t21:00-21:15 Kwartier van Plezier met Fyr Freya\n \t21:20-23:00 Bal met Swinco\n \t23:00-1:00 Sessie met David Cornelissen\n\nDANSWORKSHOP 20:00-21:00\n\nBo Caubo en Paul de man verzorgen deze avond de workshop die vooral in het teken zal staan van Bretonse dansen, omdat Swinco deze zo graag speelt!\n\nKWARTIER VAN PLEZIER 21:00-21:15\n\nVoor de allereerste keer zal Fyr Freya spelen in het Kwartier van Plezier. Dit trio bestaat uit Lisette van de Pavoordt (piano, accordeon, zang). Maartje van Iersel (viool en zang) en Sophie de Vries (gitaar, percussie, zang). Ze spelen samen met veel liefde en plezier en dat is terug te horen in hun diverse eigen liedjes.\n\nBAL MET SWINCO 21:20-23:00\n\nDavid Cornelissen heeft al op elk Drakenbal gespeeld en nu verwelkomen we hem eindelijk als hoofdact met zijn band! Het duo Swinco bestaat uit Gregor Swinkels (gitaar) en David Cornelissen (mandoline en fluitjes). Al komen David en Gregor gewoon uit Brabant, ze delen 'n sterke liefde voor Bretonse dansmuziek en die invloed is dan ook duidelijk in hun eigen deunen te horen.\n\nJAMSESSIE 23:00- uiterlijk 1:00\n\nNa het optreden is er gelegenheid voor muzikanten om samen te spelen in een sessie onder leiding van David Cornelissen. De dansers kunnen dan nog lekker door blijven dansen. We dragen de folkmuziek een warm hart toe en het is onze wens dat de muziekscene in Den Bosch steeds groter en actiever wordt. Schroom dus niet om je instrument te pakken en mee te spelen, iedereen is welkom! Ook als je niet bij het dansen bent geweest, ben je gratis welkom voor de sessie!\n\nVERSNAPERINGEN\n\nIn de bar kun je alles bestellen wat je wilt, probeer zeker eens een Boschgebrouwen Draken speciaalbiertje! Maar er staan ook gratis gezonde snacks omdat je niet kunt carnaballen zonder een goede basis.\n\nENTREE: 10 / 15 / 20 : naar ondersteuningsmogelijkheid.\nKorting €10\nRegular €15\nFair €20\n\nLOCATIE\nCafé Station Zuid, in kelder\nErasmusstraat 9 ‘s-Hertogenbosch\n\nROUTE\n\nOpenbaar vervoer:\n\nHet Bal is te bereiken met OV, hiervoor kun je naar ’s-Hertogenbosch Centraal of ‘s-Hertogenbosch Oost komen. Vanaf beide stations is het ongeveer 30 minuten lopen naar de locatie. Je kunt ook de bus nemen die vlak bij Café Station Zuid stopt. Dit is buslijn 1 (en 306).\n\nAuto:\n\nLet op het is betaald parkeren in de wijk. Je kan vrij parkeren op de parkeerplaats van de Lucaskerk na 18u (240m), aan de Hildebrandstraat voor de winkels (400m), op de gelijknamige parallelweg van de Gestelseweg (450m), inrit bij kruising Pieter Langendijksingel. Er kan ook vrij geparkeerd worden op de Jacob van Mearlantstraat vanaf nummer 191 en oplopend (de andere kant op niet!). Aan de overkant bij de bedrijven mag vanaf 19u ook geparkeerd worden, mits er ruimte is. Vanaf hier is het 2 minuten lopen.\n\nCarpoolen:  zie de Folkpool discordgroep: https://discord.com/invite/WWRBahjhJm" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/carnabal-door-drakenbal/" start: "2025-02-28T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-02-28T23:55:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: "'s-Hertogenbosch" styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - David Cornelissen - Fyr Freya - Swinco price: €10-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-28-2-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-02-28T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-02-28T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Flint Hills Contra Dance details: "Contra dance in Manhattan, Kansas. Open to everyone!" links: - "https://cdss.org/event/flint-hills-contra-dance/2025-02-28/" start: "2025-02-28T18:15:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-28T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: KS city: Manhattan styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: $10 organisation: Flint Hills Contradance and Music Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: TECDA Friday Evening Dance details: "Come and join us every Friday for an evening of dance with our talented callers: \nDave Berman, Cathy Campbell, Alan Rosenthal, Walter Zagorski. \nMasks are optional. Please bring your dancing shoes, water bottle and come and enjoy an evening of English Country Dancing. \nemail: info@tecda.ca" links: - "https://www.tecda.ca/weekly_dances.html" - "https://cdss.org/event/tecda-friday-evening-dance/2025-02-28/" start: "2025-02-28T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-28T21:00:00-05:00" country: Canada state: Ontario city: Toronto styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Alan Rosenthal - Cathy Campbell - Dave Berman - Walter Zagorski price: $10 organisation: Toronto English Country Dance Assembly (TECDA) source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Lava Meltdown details: "Situated between Salt Lake City, Utah and Yellowstone National Park, Lava Hot Springs is a great choice among Idaho resorts and Utah resorts for relaxing activities and fun adventures.  This Idaho resort town treats you to beautiful scenery with many types of lodging. It is a peaceful community where you can unwind with your family and friends.  \nWhen you arrive, you will notice the beautiful mountains with a river running through. As you look about the town, there are many beautiful options for soaking in the lovely geothermal healing waters. Everything in town is walkable, there are many shops and restaurants and a charming main street to peruse. This is a town that is full of spa offerings such as massage. There are many quaint little restaurants where you will find great food.  \nCome to a great weekend of contra dancing to the musical stylings of Avourneen, a Celtic and Irish band out of Denver, Colorado. We will also feature the mystical music of Bandage a Trois, a local Idaho band. Our main caller is Seth Tepfer, a dynamic and fun dance teacher and caller. He will be hosting a caller’s workshop. This will be a weekend filled with soaking, dancing, lovely music, great food, and fun with old and new friends.  \nThis dance has been on hold for five years, we are very excited to bring this dance weekend back and see all of your lovely faces!  \nCarrie Dayton-Madsen, Ray Madsen, and Courtney Brueckner" links: - "http://www.lavameltdown2025.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/lava-meltdown-contra-dance-weekend/" - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/lavameltdown.dance" start: "2025-02-28T17:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-03-02T14:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: ID city: Lava Hot Springs styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Avourneen - Bandage a Trois callers: - Seth Tepfer price: $75-$150 organisation: Carrie Dayton-Madsen source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Palmetto Bug Stomp details: "ContraForce and Playing with Fyre!\nDiane Silver and Cis Hinkle!\nENT Sound Productions, LLC\nCharleston Folk – Charleston, SC\nRegistration opens October 1, 2024" links: - "http://charlestonfolk.weebly.com/palmetto-bug-stomp.html" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/476398272066928/" - "https://cdss.org/event/palmetto-bug-stomp/" start: "2025-02-28T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-03-02T15:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: SC city: Charleston styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - ContraForce - Playing with Fyre callers: - Cis Hinkle - Diane Silver price: $145-$160 organisation: Charleston Folk source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Tallahassee Contra Dance details: "Join us for a fun community contra dance on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of most months! See tallydancer.com or our Facebook page for band and caller details. No dance experience is needed and no need to bring a partner. An intro lesson starts at 7:15 for beginners and anyone wanting to refresh their skills. \nAdmission cost: $10 for adults, $9 seniors over 50, $6 for students, free for kids under 12. Admission is payable by cash, check, or card at the door. Newcomers get in to their 2nd dance free!" links: - "http://www.tallydancer.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/tallahassee-contra-dance-2/2025-02-28/" start: "2025-02-28T19:15:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-28T22:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: FL city: Tallahassee styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $6-$10 organisation: Tallahassee Community Friends of Old Time Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: ContraATL Weekly Dance details: "Atlanta’s weekly contra dance features a variety of local and regional talent. We dance every Friday night except rare blackout dates, generally last two Fridays in December and the first Friday in January." links: - "https://contradance.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/contra-atl-weekly-dance/2025-02-28/" start: "2025-02-28T19:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-02-28T22:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: GA city: Decatur styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $7-$15 organisation: ContraATL source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Childgrove English Country Dance details: "The regular dance generally starts out with simpler dances early in the evening, progressing to dances with more difficulty later on, depending on the experience level of the crowd." links: - "https://www.childgrove.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/childgrove-english-country-dance/2025-02-28/" start: "2025-02-28T19:00:00-06:00" end: "2025-02-28T21:30:00-06:00" country: USA state: MO city: Webster Groves styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $10 organisation: Childgrove Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Monrovia English Country Dance details: "Please join us for English Country Dancing on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month from 7:30-10pm in the Guildhall of St Luke’s Episcopal Church. $5 admission (cash only). Beginners welcome! All dances are taught, walked through and called. No partner or costume required; just bring comfortable closed-toed shoes and a water bottle. We’re friendly, laid-back, and welcoming!" links: - "https://monroviaecd.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/monrovia-english-country-dance/2025-02-28/" start: "2025-02-28T19:15:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-28T22:00:00-08:00" country: USA state: CA city: Monrovia styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: $5 organisation: Monrovia English Country Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Friday Night English Dance details: "For details about venue, callers, musicians, COVID policies, please go to our website, or email ecd-chair@portlandcountrydance.org \nSliding scale: $7 – $20." links: - "https://portlandcountrydance.org/calendar/?mc_id=6089" - "https://cdss.org/event/pcdc-friday-night-english-dance-2/2025-02-28/" start: "2025-02-28T19:30:00-08:00" end: "2025-02-28T22:30:00-08:00" country: USA state: OR city: Portland styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Dilip Sequeira - Rachel Pusey price: $7-$20 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk Stuttgart details: Altes Feuerwehrhaus Süd links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/585162447" start: "2025-03-01T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-01T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Stuttgart styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Akleja - KV Express organisation: Holger & Moritz & Vera source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: FolkArena details: BalFolk-Tanzabend links: - "https://folkarena.wordpress.com/termine/" start: "2025-03-01T18:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-01T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Jena styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Bal Affaire price: €17 organisation: FolkArena source: events/germany/jena.yaml - name: Balfolk Bonn details: "Kulturbad Rüngsdorf \r\nAm Schwimmbad 8, Bad Godesberg" links: - "http://balfolk-bonn.de/ausblick.html" start: "2025-03-01T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-01T23:45:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Bonn styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Snaarmaarwaar price: donation organisation: Balfolk Bonn e.V. source: events/germany/bonn.yaml - name: Tanzfest details: "Balfolktänze mit Anleitung, Livemusik" links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/962576825" start: "2025-03-01T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-01T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Stuttgart styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Unipot organisation: Bürgerverein Plieningen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Edinburgh Contra Dance links: - "https://www.citizenticket.com/events/edinburgh-contra-dance/edinburgh-contra-dance-march-1st/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1125927352407959/" start: "2025-03-01T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-01T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Edinburgh styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Jeri Foreman & Heather McAslan callers: - Rachel Shapiro-Wallace price: £10-£20 organisation: Edinburgh Contra Dance source: events/uk/edinburgh_contra_dance.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-1-3-25-queens-gate-house/" start: "2025-03-01T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-01T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Sloterbal details: "WAT KUN JE VERWACHTEN\nEen echte danslocatie, fijne houten vloeren, 130 dansers en heerlijke muziek van Airboxes en Tom & Aurélie. Alle ingrediënten zijn er voor een fijn bal. Kom zondag 2 maart genieten en dansen in de middelgrote zaal van CanDance Studios, dichtij Station Sloterdijk.\n\nWil je balfolk leren dansen? Vooraf is er een gratis dansinstructie voor beginners. Na deze workshop kan je de belangrijkste danjes al gelijk meedoen tijdens het bal.\n \nDATUM\nZondag 2 maart 2025\nTICKETS\n- Voorverkoop vroege vogel € 19,50 (t/m 16-02-2025)\n- Voorverkoop regulier € 23,50\n- Aan de deur € 25,00\n\n<>\n \nPROGRAMMA\n14:30 Deuren open\n15:00 Dansinstructie\n16:00 Bal met Tom & Aurélie\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met Airboxes\n21:00 Einde\n\n(Geluidstechniek door Lucas Kooijman)\nLOCATIE\nCanDance Studios: Isolatorweg 28, 1014 AS Amsterdam\n\nJe parkeert gratis in de straten rondom de locatie. Het is makkelijk bereikbaar met het OV. Je loopt er vanaf Station Amsterdam Sloterdijk naartoe in +/-15 minuten. Of pakt de bus die iedere 10 minuten vanaf het station vertrekt.\nNIEUW IN BALFOLK?\nBalfolk is een social dance. Vergelijkbaar met Salsa, Tango of Lindyhop, maar dan op West-Europese volksmuziek. Bij balfolk geen shows of competitie, gewoon lekker dansen zoals ze dat vroeger op dorpsfeesten en bruiloften deden. Met familie en vrienden. Van jong tot oud. Iedereen danst mee. Je hebt geen vaste partner nodig. Je kunt iedereen ten dans vragen. Én je kunt door iedereen ten dans worden gevraagd. Of je stapt zelf in bij een van de groepsdansen.\n\nIn Balfolk is iedereen welkom om te komen dansen. Je hoeft geen danservaring te hebben om mee te kunnen doen. Je mag zijn we je bent en je hoeft geen speciale kleding of schoenen te hebben.\n\nWe willen graag dat iedereen zich bij ons vrij voelt om zichzelf te zijn en zich veilig voelt om aan te geven wat ze nodig hebben. Daarom vinden we het belangrijk dat iedereen die naar een Balfolk evenement komt op de hoogte is van een aantal dansrichtlijnen.\nhttps://www.balfolk.nl/informatie/dansrichtlijnen/" links: - "https://balfolkamsterdam.nl/sloterbal-met-airboxes-en-tom-aurelie" - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/sloterbal/" - "https://www.plug.events/event/sloterbal-met-airboxes-en-tom-aurelie" start: "2025-03-02T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-02T21:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Airboxes - Tom & Aurélie price: €19.50-€25 organisation: Balfolk Amsterdam source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: "Bal @ Shakespeare's" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/902532955425601/" start: "2025-03-02T16:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-02T20:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Emily & The Simons price: £10-£15 organisation: Emily & The Simons source: events/uk/sheffield_balfolk.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: "GÖZE Sanft, verspielt und mitreißend Vor mehr als zehn Jahren verzauberten Göze die europäische Festivalwelt. Nun bietet sich in Marburg die einmalige Gelegenheit, sie endlich wieder gemeinsam auf der Bühne zu sehen! Auftritte auf der Weltausstellung in Japan, beste CD, gemeinsame Projekte mit anderen Folk Größen wie Gilles Chabenat und Frédéric Paris – schon damals waren sie Spitzenklasse. Aber beide sind ihre Wege weiter gegangen: Maarten Decombel ist jetzt einer der gefragtesten Gitarristen der Szene (Snaarmaarwaar, Naragonia Quartet, Mandolinman, …) und seine leichtfüßig einfühlsamen Kompositionen erobern die Herzen im Flug. Der schon früh erfolgreiche Akkordeonist Wim Claeys (8 CDs mit Ambozijn) hingegen lässt neue Erfahrungen mit Theater, Kabarett, Komposition und als Liedermacher in sein Spiel einfließen. Sie finden sich an diesen Abend zusammen auf auf besonderen Wunsch des FolkClubs. Sanft, verspielt und mitreißend – von verträumten Mazurkas bis hin zu originellen Schottischen: Die geschickt mit traditionellen Stücken verwobenen Eigenkompositionen machen das Tanzen und das Zuhören gleichermaßen zur Freude! Maarten Decombel: Gitarre Wim Claey: Diatonisches Akkordeon Abendkasse: 17,- / 11,- (ermäßigt) Tanzworkshop 19 Uhr: Wir zeigen kurz die wichtigsten Tänze und Überlebenstricks für die Tanzfläche. Mit Live-Musik. Ohne Workshop geht auch – aber mit macht es noch mehr Spaß!" links: - "https://folkclub-marburg.de" start: "2025-03-02T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-02T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Marburg styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Göze price: €11-€17 organisation: Folkclub Marburg source: events/germany/marburg.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-03-03T19:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-03-03T20:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-03-03T19:15:00+11:00" end: "2025-03-03T21:30:00+11:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Folk Dance Course links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/327091070425645/327091190425633/" start: "2025-03-03T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-03T22:30:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Milan styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: La Scighera source: events/italy/milan.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" details: "20:00 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/montagstanzen/" start: "2025-03-03T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-03T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-4-2025-03-03/" start: "2025-03-03T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-03T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590255991153/" start: "2025-03-04T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-04T22:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 250 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Faschingstanzen" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-03-04T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-04T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Elke dinsdag gaan we gezellig dansen. Met een verzameling van meer dan 2000 nummers en handige software waardoor iedereen gemakkelijk een dans naar keuze kan kiezen is elke avond anders maar altijd gezellig.\n\nKoffie en thee zijn gratis en iedereen is welkom om iets lekkers uit te delen. Alcohol is niet toegestaan.\n\nTussen 19:30 en 20:00 nemen we de tijd om beginners wat basispassen te leren of technische vragen over dansen te beantwoorden.\n\nPraat ook mee op onze discord https://discord.gg/wMuHDEH8Ua ." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-2025-03-04/" start: "2025-03-04T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-04T23:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Zeist styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €5 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Boombal details: Ball links: - "https://boombal.be" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2280" start: "2025-03-04T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-04T22:45:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Gent styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Rémi Geffroy Septet - Geronimo organisation: Boombal source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/wellington" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2355346788144714/2355346804811379/" start: "2025-03-05T18:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-03-05T19:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Wellington styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $15 organisation: Balfolk Wellington source: events/new_zealand/wellington.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943234260783" start: "2025-03-05T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-05T20:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: FolkCrash! links: - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7776/folkcrash-balfolk-entdecken?jour=05-03-2025" - "https://www.balefolk.ch/en/folkcrash" start: "2025-03-05T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-05T23:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Bâle Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" start: "2025-03-05T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-05T21:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Wednesday Balfolk details: "Zapraszamy na potańcówkę balfolkową w Chacie.\r\nO 20:00 warsztaty\r\nO 21:00 potańc.\r\nWstęp na imprezę: 10 zł\r\nWstęp na warsztaty: dowolna kwota wedle uznania" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-srodowy00" start: "2025-03-05T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-05T23:45:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Warsaw styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: 10 PLN organisation: Numinosum source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-03-05T20:15:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-05T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Xim price: £10 organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: "Socialles 330 — Bourée: variatie uit de Limousin" details: "Deze donderdag 6 maart is het socialles nr 330. Het onderwerp van de workshop is Bourée: variatie uit de Limousin. Deze workshop wordt gegeven door Max en Isolde.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-330-rotterdam-bouree-variatie-uit-de-limousin/" start: "2025-03-06T18:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-06T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-03-06T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-06T20:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823058244967/" start: "2025-03-06T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-06T23:30:00+02:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Scandi Dance London links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/798575499024651/" start: "2025-03-06T19:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-06T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true price: £8-£10 organisation: East Midlands Scandinavian Dance source: events/uk/ketton.yaml - name: Sheffield Scratch Contra links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1303892117574468/" start: "2025-03-06T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-06T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Sheffield Scratch Contra source: events/uk/sheffield_scratch_contra.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-03-06T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-06T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Exploring Your Dance Identity links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2993519997477386/" start: "2025-03-07T16:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-09T18:00:00+02:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €25-€50 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Heldanskväll links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1154252583096091/" start: "2025-03-07T17:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-07T23:00:00+01:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: false social: true bands: - Folkmusikkaféets Spelmanslag - Tagel & Co - Västkustfolk price: donation organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Cambridge Contra Dance links: - "https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/" - "https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/programme.html" start: "2025-03-07T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-07T22:15:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: £2 organisation: Cambridge Contra Dance source: events/uk/cambridge_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-07-3-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-03-07T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-07T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Workshop and balfolk" details: "Workshop Tschechische Tänze mit Martin Janata (Prag) mit 2 x 90 Minuten + Pause\nLidová muzika z Chrástu aus Tschechien und Ratatouille aus Dresden mit spielen zum Tanz auf. Mit einem Mix aus Balfolk und tschechischen Volkstänzen werden die befreundeten Bands wieder abwechselnd aufspielen, um Euch vom Hocker und von dort auf die Tanzfläche zu reißen. Wir freuen uns auf einen schönen Tanzabend mit Euch." links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-in-dresden/" start: "2025-03-08T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-08T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Chrástu - Ratatouille organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Oxfolk Ceilidh details: Ceilidh for everyone links: - "https://buytickets.at/oxfolkceilidhs/" start: "2025-03-08T13:59:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-08T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Oxford styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Hekety callers: - Lisa Heywood price: £8.5-£14 organisation: Oxfolk source: events/uk/oxfolk.yaml - name: Irish set dance details: Irischer Tanz Nachmittag links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/947751933" start: "2025-03-08T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-08T19:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Frickingen styles: - irish-set workshop: false social: true organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Le Vendredi Danse links: - "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1035775671909454&set=pb.100064310937147.-2207520000" start: "2025-03-08T14:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-08T16:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Holmfirth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Le Vendredi Danse source: events/uk/le_vendredi_danse.yaml - name: Sun Assembly Spring DanceFest details: "Join us March 8-9, 2025 for a weekend of English Country Dancing led by Jenna Simpson! Live music will be provided by our wonderful local musicians Mara Shea, Julie Gorka, Dean Herington, Joey O’Donnell, Walt Robinson, and friends. \nThe weekend consists of two Saturday workshops followed by an evening dance party. On Sunday, there will be a farewell dance. All workshops and dances will be held at the Shared Visions Retreat Center in Durham, NC. \nPlease visit Sun Assembly’s website for registration and other information. \nWhile we would love for you to join us for the entire weekend, you may also just attend individual sessions." links: - "https://sunassembly.org/spring-dancefest/" - "https://cdss.org/event/sun-assembly-spring-dancefest/" start: "2025-03-08T10:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-03-09T12:30:00-04:00" country: USA state: NC city: Durham styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true callers: - Jenna Simpson price: $80 organisation: Sun Assembly source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: "Bal, buvette, restauration" links: - "http://www.lebateauivre-buxy.com/agenda/bal-folk-1.html" start: "2025-03-08T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-09T00:00:00+01:00" country: France city: Buxy styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Les Pieds Plats price: €10 organisation: Bateau Ivre source: events/france/buxy_71390.yaml - name: "Fest Noz du S'Narreschiff" links: - "https://snarreschiff.fr/#Agenda" start: "2025-03-08T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-09T01:00:00+01:00" country: France city: Strasbourg styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Olmaro Duo - Digitale Majeure price: €8-€12 organisation: "S'Narreschiff" source: events/france/strasbourg.yaml - name: "d'Accord" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876/posts/1813811482356480/" start: "2025-03-08T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-08T22:45:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Peter Clifton & Richard Heacock price: £10 organisation: "d'Accord" source: events/uk/daccord.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-8-3-25-queens-gate-house/" start: "2025-03-08T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-08T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Dover Monthly English Country Dance details: "Monthly English country dance with live music.  Newcomers are always welcome, and each dance is taught with a walk-through before it is danced. \nDress is casual (“regular” clothes) except for special events (Spring and Holiday dances), when attendees may dress in formal/cocktail or 18th century attire. \nAnnual membership for the January – December season is $10. Membership admission for regular monthly dances is $7. \nRegular monthly dance admission for non-members is $10. \nAdmission price may change for special dances. \nTimes and locations may be subject to change. \nLocation: Ehinger Hall, Dover DE\nEhinger Hall (#14 Kings Highway) is located directly at the intersection of Kent Avenue and Division Street / Route 8 For those using GPS, the intersection of Kent Avenue and Division Street works best. Best parking will likely be found on Kent Avenue." links: - "http://www.doverdancers.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/dover-english-country-dancers-monthly-dance/2025-03-08/" start: "2025-03-08T18:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-03-08T21:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: DE city: Dover styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true price: $7-$10 organisation: Dover Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Scandinavian Monthly Dance details: "Social Scandinavian dancing, mostly to live music. The evening is a blend of gammaldans (waltz, hambo, schottis….) and bygdedans (polskas and springars). Requests are honored if at all possible. Partners are not necessary, but we strongly recommend wearing hard-soled shoes, as it makes the dances both easier and more fun. There is no dance during the summer months, June, July, and August." links: - "https://boulderdance.org/event/scandinavian-monthly-dance-2022-08-13-2023-06-10/2025-03-08/" start: "2025-03-08T20:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-03-08T22:30:00-07:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - scandi workshop: false social: true organisation: Boulder Scandinavian Dancers source: events/usa/boulder.yaml - name: Balfolk on Sunday afternoon details: "Balfolk op Zondagmiddag in Enkhuizen op 9 maart van 14.00 tot 17.00 uur\n\nOp het Balfolk van 9 maart kunnen we dit keer heerlijk dansen op de dynamische muziek van de groep ‘Madlot’. De naam Madlot komt van een Nederlandse dans die in de negentiende eeuw populair was. Nu kun je daar een cercle op dansen. Madlot is een dynamisch collectief van muzikanten rond Judica Lookman en Bert Lotz. Elkaar ontmoeten en inspireren vanuit verschillende muziektradities, is een nieuw thema geworden: van jong tot oud, en vanuit allerlei streken. En hoe dat klinkt wil Madlot deze middag laten horen.  Zij spelen folk uit Nederland en Frankrijk: scottisch, wals, polka, mazurka, rondeau, andro, hanterdro, enz. enz.\nJudica Lookman – trekharmonica’s\nBert Lotz – doedelzakken, koeienhoorn, blokfluit, schalmei\nWouter Koenders – doedelzakken, fluit\nCorentin Clot – banjo\nZie voor meer informatie www.madlot.nl\n\n\nNatuurlijk is ook het Ad-Hoc Orkest (huisband van het Enkhuizer Balfolk) er weer bij. Het Ad-Hoc speelt vooral traditionele Franse Balfolk muziek. Het bal zal weer gehouden worden in hotel/restaurant Die Port van Cleve, waar een prachtige houten vloer ligt die heerlijk is om op te dansen. Het bal begint zoals gebruikelijk stipt om 14:00 uur. Reserveren is niet nodig." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-op-de-zondagmiddag-met-madlot/" start: "2025-03-09T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-09T17:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Enkhuizen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - AdHoc Orkest - Madlot price: €8 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Contra Dance links: - "https://contradance-ka.wixsite.com/home-eng/events" start: "2025-03-09T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-09T18:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: €5-€10 organisation: Karlsruhe Contra Dance source: events/germany/karlsruhe.yaml - name: Wageningen Junushoff details: "De winter is officieel net voorbij, kom alsnog extra ontdooien in de Junushoff met weer twee geweldige bands!\nBen je een nieuwe danser? Om 15:00 beginnen wij met een uurtje dansuitleg! Entree: Regulier €20, korting €15. Betalen kan contant of via een QR-code. Reserveren is niet nodig, er zijn altijd genoeg kaartjes beschikbaar.\n\n\n\n\n\nTijdens het bal is er een gezellige picknick. Neem hiervoor vooral wat lekkers mee, dan delen we dat met z'n allen. Vergeet je bordje, bestek en opscheplepels niet. Een waterflesje om de dorst te lessen tijdens het bal is ook aangeraden. Neem zelf geen andere dingen mee, de bar verkoopt genoeg lekkere drankjes!\nVoorlopige planning:\n15:00 Dansinitiatie\n16:00 TBA\n18:00 Potluck diner\n19:00 TBA\n21:00 Einde" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/wageningen-junushoff-17/" start: "2025-03-09T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-09T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Wageningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €15-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bal Miniscule links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2247653188941567/" start: "2025-03-09T14:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-09T18:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Oxford styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Oxford source: events/uk/oxford.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-03-10T19:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-03-10T20:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: French & Breton Dance Week details: Separate tickets available for Thursday evening bal. links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/french-breton-dance-week-2025/" - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/bal-french-and-breton-dances-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/561833293078507/" start: "2025-03-10T16:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-14T10:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £255-£460 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Folk Dance Course links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/327091070425645/327091173758968/" start: "2025-03-10T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-10T22:30:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Milan styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: La Scighera source: events/italy/milan.yaml - name: Trial lessons details: "Proeflessen beginners + Half gevorderd Lessenreeks 's Hertogenbosch, Proeflessen Balfolksync!\n\nBeginnersles (19:00 tot 20:30)\nBen jij net begonnen met balfolk? heb je op festivals introducties meegemaakt, en vond je dat toch erg leuk? Dan is de ''how to get started'' lessenreeks iets voor jou.\nSamen met een groep gaan wij de basis van de meest voorkomende dansen aanleren, uitdiepen en speelbaar maken. Wij gaan in op muzikaliteit (wat doet muziek nou?), spanning, dynamiek, techniek en maken zo stevige bouwblokken waar je mee verder kunt.\n\nDe lessen zijn voor jou wanneer...\n\nJe net bent begonnen of je hebt alleen introducties en misschien enkele workshops meegemaakt.\nJe wil samen leren en groeien.\nJe zoekt verdieping in de basisdansen\nJe wil basistechnieken verbeteren\n\nHalf gevorderd (20:30 tot 22:00)\n\n\nAl een beginnersreeks gedaan? Bekend met de basis 10 dansen? (Hanterdro, Andro, Scottish, Mazurka, Polka, Wals, Jigue, Tovercirkel, Bourree (2 en 3)) en klaar om meer technieken te leren of nieuwe dansen aan je repertoire toe te voegen.\n\nDan zou de half gevorderd lessenreeks wat voor jou kunnen zijn. De lessenreeks sluit naadloos aan op de beginnerslessenreeks en gaat meer de diepte in op technieken, biomechanica en dynamiek in koppeldansen.  Ook passeren bekende dansen met nieuwe variaties de revue. Wij gaan kijken naar dansen die regelmatig voor komen, maar niet in de basis horen (rondeau en couple, Gavottes, Kost ar choat, Plinn, Wals in 5 en 8 etc. Er is ook ruimte voor eigen interesse).\n\nOnze proefles kost €10,00. Besluit je mee te doen aan de lessenreeks dan worden deze kosten verrekend met de totaalprijs.\n\nMeer informatie? ga naar www.balfolksync.nl\n\n \n\nWij vinden het erg fijn als geïnteresseerden zich inschrijven voor de proefles zodat wij weten hoeveel dansers aanwezig zijn. Dit kan via onze website." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/proeflessen-beginners-half-gevorderd-lessenreeks-s-hertogenbosch/" - "https://www.balfolksync.nl/lessen-en-workshops" start: "2025-03-10T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-10T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: "'s-Hertogenbosch" styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €10 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/montagstanzen-anfaenger/" start: "2025-03-10T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-10T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-4-2025-03-10/" start: "2025-03-10T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-10T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590272657818/" start: "2025-03-11T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-11T22:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 150 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Israelische Tänze" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-03-11T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-11T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Elke dinsdag gaan we gezellig dansen. Met een verzameling van meer dan 2000 nummers en handige software waardoor iedereen gemakkelijk een dans naar keuze kan kiezen is elke avond anders maar altijd gezellig.\n\nKoffie en thee zijn gratis en iedereen is welkom om iets lekkers uit te delen. Alcohol is niet toegestaan.\n\nTussen 19:30 en 20:00 nemen we de tijd om beginners wat basispassen te leren of technische vragen over dansen te beantwoorden.\n\nPraat ook mee op onze discord https://discord.gg/wMuHDEH8Ua ." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-2025-03-11/" start: "2025-03-11T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-11T23:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Zeist styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €5 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Practica at the Pianofabriek details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-at-de-pianofabriek/1142/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2538" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1488971458394126/1568421137115824/" start: "2025-03-11T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-11T22:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/wellington" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2355346788144714/2355346801478046/" start: "2025-03-12T18:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-03-12T19:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Wellington styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $15 organisation: Balfolk Wellington source: events/new_zealand/wellington.yaml - name: Bal links: - "https://www.folktanz-halle.de/tanzhal/termine.html" start: "2025-03-12T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-12T22:30:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Halle styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Glevenn organisation: Folktanz Halle source: events/germany/halle.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2663" start: "2025-03-12T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-12T21:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Wednesday Balfolk details: "Zapraszamy na potańcówkę balfolkową w Chacie.\r\nO 20:00 warsztaty\r\nO 21:00 potańc.\r\nWstęp na imprezę: 10 zł\r\nWstęp na warsztaty: dowolna kwota wedle uznania" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-srodowy11" start: "2025-03-12T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-12T23:45:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Warsaw styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: 10 PLN organisation: Numinosum source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk details: "Kom gezellig dansen op live muziek door de Limburgse folkband Musac.\n\nMusac organiseert maandelijks (meestal op de eerste woensdag van de maand) een eigen dansavond in Geleen in Zuid-Limburg.\n\nMusac bestaat ruim 30 jaar en speelt op accordeon, doedelzak, draailier, nickelharpa en fluiten.\nDansen zijn o.a. bourrée, scottish, jigue, andro, tovercirkel, wals, dubbele klappolka en nog veel meer.\nDe dansavonden zijn bedoeld voor zowel beginners als gevorderden. Er wordt tussen de dansen door korte dans-instructie verzorgd. De sfeer is ontspannen en samen plezier hebben staat voorop.\n't Volkshoes heeft een grote zaal met goede houten vloer. Drankjes verkrijgbaar (koelkast/penning). Schuin ertegenover ligt een ruime gratis parkeerplaats.\n\nVoorafgaand aan de maandelijkse dansavond is er vanaf 19 uur een klein uurtje samen musiceren voor de liefhebbers. Alle instrumenten zijn welkom.\nHieraan zijn geen kosten verbonden. Evt. bladmuziek vooraf opvragen.\n\nJe mag ook komen luisteren en van de muziek genieten.\n\nMeer info per mail of aanmelden voor de berichten via willvdbool@musac.eu\nTelefonische info via Hans 06 - 1265 1903\n\nAlvast kijken en luisteren naar Musac: Musac op Youtube" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-met-musac-18/" start: "2025-03-12T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-12T22:15:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Geleen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Musac price: €5 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Folkbal Wilhelmina details: "Folkbal Wilhelmina - L'Hêtre Heureux (FR), Terug op veler verzoek: Duo L'Hêtre Heureux!" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-lhetre-heureux-fr-2/" start: "2025-03-12T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-12T23:30:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Eindhoven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - "Duo l'Hêtre Heureux" price: €10 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bal Étoile at Jamboree links: - "https://londonbalfolk.org.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/9319410044759083/" start: "2025-03-12T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-12T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: London Balfolk source: events/uk/london_balfolk.yaml - name: Folkjam Mechelen details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/folk-jam-mechelen/1147/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2543" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1460800437852073/1528559127742870/" start: "2025-03-12T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-12T22:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Solent Contra Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/559317640209024/" start: "2025-03-12T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-12T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Shawford styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Solent Contra Dances source: events/uk/solent_contra.yaml - name: Tobotorsdag links: - "https://esitobo.org/evenemang/tobotorsdag/" start: "2025-03-13T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-13T22:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Uppsala styles: - scandi workshop: false social: true bands: - Silverbasorkestern price: 50 SEK organisation: Eric Sahlström Institutet source: events/sweden/uppsala.yaml - name: Socialles 331 — Bourée Auvergnate details: "Deze donderdag 13 maart is het socialles nr 331. Het onderwerp van de workshop is de Bourée Auvergnate. Deze workshop wordt gegeven door Leon.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-331-rotterdam-bouree-auvergnate/" start: "2025-03-13T18:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-13T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-03-13T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-13T20:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823054911634/" start: "2025-03-13T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-13T23:30:00+02:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-03-13T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-13T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Folkestoltes details: Folkestoltes és un festival de referència pel ball folk i la música popular a Catalunya. El cartell amb una barreja de grups de l’escena internacional i local que ens oferiran concerts/balls en horari nocturn i tallers de música i dansa durant el dia. També cal destacar la Mostra Robert Pellicer que tindrà lloc la nit de dissabte on es presentaran noves propostes musicals catalanes d’arrel i la paella de diumenge per a tots els assistents del festival. links: - "https://qrambla.cat/folkestoltes-2025/" start_date: 2025-03-14 end_date: 2025-03-16 country: Spain city: Girona styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: QRambla source: events/spain/spain.yaml - name: Spring Breakdown Dance Weekend links: - "https://mmtd.wordpress.com/dance-weekend-2025/" start_date: 2025-03-14 end_date: 2025-03-16 country: USA state: MO city: Columbia styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Playing with Fyre callers: - Seth Tepfer organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Beantown Stomp links: - "https://www.beantownstomp.com" start_date: 2025-03-14 end_date: 2025-03-16 country: USA state: MA city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Stove Dragon - Julie Metcalf and Larry Unger callers: - Alex Deis-Lauby - Adina Gordon organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: MärzTanz links: - "https://dckn.de/co-kreative-projekte/maerztanz-festival/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/4175584862677422/" start: "2025-03-14T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-16T18:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Chemnitz styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - La Galavarde - TriOblique - CLARABAL - Feather and Fox - Duo Wolff-Moschcau - Richard - Marina Lazar organisation: Das co-kreative Netzwerk source: events/germany/simmelfolk.yaml - name: Concert and dance links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1680817345799096/" start: "2025-03-14T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-14T23:00:00+01:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Lena Jonsson Trio - Fredy Clue med vänner price: 95-180 SEK organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/9539859099391515" - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-03-14T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-14T21:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: TANZhaus WABE details: "19:00 Uhr – Tanzeinführungsworkshop\n20:00 Uhr – BalFolk – 1. TradTöchter, 2. TriOblique\nEintritt: 22 Euro regulär, 14 Euro ermäßigt *\n \nTriOblique (IT/FR)\nTriOblique – Foto: Elisa Veneziano\nIn den Händen des TriOblique erwacht die Folkmusik Zentral- und Nordfrankreichs zu neuem Leben und greift dabei dezent auf die modernen Klänge von Rock, Pop oder Dance zurück, ohne jemals den festen Kontakt zum Boden und zu den Tanzschritten zu verlieren. Mit der Veröffentlichung ihres ersten Albums „Danse Avec Les Renards“ im Mai 2022 haben TriOblique bereits die Bühnen von halb Europa beehrt und Tausende von wilden Füßen in Bewegung gebracht! Aktuell arbeiten sie mit Hochdruck an ihrem zweiten Album.\nAurélien Congrega (Bouzouki und Stimme)\nSusanna Roncallo (Gitarre, Gesang)\nDario Gisotti (Dudelsack, Flöten, Akkordeon, Gesang)\n \nWebsite TriOblique\nVideo Bourrée TriOblique\nVideo Walzer TriOblique\n \nTradTöchter\nTradTöchter – Foto: Thomas Behr\nTradTöchter – das ist neue Geigenmusik! Das sind groovige Eigenkompositionen und gepfefferte Arrangements traditioneller Tanzmelodien und Lieder. Das Duo TradTöchter (Vivien Zeller und Ursula Suchanek) hat sich Anfang 2016 zusammengetan und bezaubert Tänzer:innen genauso wie Zuhörer:innen, bringt Ohren zum Tanzen und Füße zum Lauschen.\nDie beiden Musikerinnen lieben traditionelle Tanzmusik genauso wie modern folk und spielen zum schwofen, zuhören und abtanzen.\nIhr wollt die eindringliche, fast magische Macht erleben, die Musik auf uns Menschen ausübt? Die Alchemie zwischen Tänzer:innen und Musiker:innen spüren, wenn der Funke überspringt? Die Musik und der Groove der beiden Geigerinnen machen es möglich – egal ob mit den Ohren, mit den Füßen oder mit beidem.\nWebsite TradTöchter\nVideos TradTöchter\n—\n*Ermäßigung mit Nachweis: SchülerInnen, StudentInnen, Auszubildende, Bürgergeldempfänger:innen, Schwerbeschädigte ab 50 %\nIm Vorverkauf haben wir ein erweitertes Preiskonzept, bitte schaut Euch das gerne mal an. Einige Preisstufen sind nur im Vorverkauf verfügbar." links: - "https://spreefolk.de/events/wabe2025-03" start: "2025-03-14T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-14T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Berlin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - TradTöchter - TriOblique price: €14-€22 organisation: Spreefolk e.V. source: events/germany/spreefolk.yaml - name: Klaverbal details: "Le Driadi at Klaverbal\nDit evenement wordt georganiseerd door Inger.Ze organiseerde tijdens COVID klaverbals en nu keert ze terug met een nieuw aanbod in Breda, dit keer in de prachtige, nieuwe locatie van Sounddog! \n\n Le Driadi is een duo dat Europese folk combineert met Italiaanse singer-songwriter-, indie- en popinvloeden. Het resultaat is een echte forest van geluiden, waarbij elke noot een betovering is die luisteraars uitnodigt om zich te verliezen in een wereld waar muziek, dans en poëzie zich met elkaar verweven. Het concert belooft een unieke ervaring: van Franse dansen tot romantische mazurka's, van mixers tot Bretonse kettingen, het duo zal je laten dansen en dromen met hun muzikale magie. \n\n Programma 19:00 – Welkom20:00 - 21:00 – Dansworkshop door Alessandro van Le Driadi21:00 - 23:00 – Bal23:00 - 01:00 – Er zal achteraf ook een sessie zijn. Dus neem vooral je instrument mee! \n\n Locatie en praktische infoAdres: Sounddog, BredaBereikbaarheid: De locatie is 1.3 km (18 minuten lopen) vanaf het station Breda.Parkeren: Er is gratis parkeergelegenheid beschikbaar.Bussen: Er zijn bussen beschikbaar vanaf het station.\nTip: Vergeet niet een flesje water mee te nemen (water is aan te raden!), andere drankjes kun je kopen aan de bar.Kleine snacks zijn ook toegestaan.\n\n Er worden foto’s gemaakt door Dirk Jan.\n\n Stoelmassage door Alex Massage BredaStress? Vastzittende spieren? Of gewoon een moment van rust?Laat je heerlijk verwennen tijdens een stoelmassage, gegeven door de Viking-masseur Alex Massage Breda. Met zijn 20 jaar ervaring op het gebied van spieren en klachten weet hij van aanpakken. Prijs: €30 voor 30 minuten Meer info: https://www.facebook.com/share/19ZHnsNamd/?mibextid=wwXIfr\n\n TicketinformatieJe ticket omvat zowel het concert als de dansworkshop. Kies wat bij je past:Korting: €10Regular: €15Fair: €20\nBetaalmogelijkheden aan de deur:\n\n \tContant\n \tQR-code (online betaling)\n \tPayPal\n\n Over Le DriadiLe Driadi is een duo dat Europese folk combineert met Italiaanse singer-songwriter-, indie- en popinvloeden. Het resultaat is een echte forest van geluiden, waarbij elke noot een betovering is die luisteraars uitnodigt om zich te verliezen in een wereld waar muziek, dans en poëzie zich met elkaar verweven.\nDe band werd opgericht in 2022 door de twee Alessandro's (stem, gitaar en basgitaar), die begonnen met straatmuziek in Turijn en al snel het publiek veroverden met hun spontane optredens. In 2023 ontdekten ze de passie voor folk dansen en begonnen ze een reis door heel Europa, volledig ondergedompeld in de balfolk cultuur.\nIn 2024 was Le Driadi te gast op het Boombal Festival in België en bracht hun energie en muziek naar steden als Gent, Leuven, Holsbeek, Utrecht, en door heel Europa, van Zwitserland naar Spanje, van Polen naar Duitsland en via Tsjechië. Nu keren ze terug naar Nederland, klaar om het podium in Breda te veroveren met hun unieke geluid!\nMet de release van hun album \"Dentro lo Specchio\" in 2024, creëerden Le Driadi een fascinerende mix van indie-pop en Europese tradities, die verder gaat dan hun wortels en nieuwe muzikale grenzen verkent.\nMis deze speciale avond niet! We kijken ernaar uit om je te verwelkomen voor een avond die muziek, dans en poëzie verenigt, allemaal ondergedompeld in een betoverende en meeslepende sfeer." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/klaverbal/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1835489130528128/" start: "2025-03-14T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-15T01:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Breda styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Le Driadi price: €10-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Call Me Ceilidh links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/3683320301981737/" - "https://www.headfirstbristol.co.uk/whats-on/losthorizon/fri-14-mar-call-me-ceilidh-saint-patricks-special-edition-115719#e115719" start: "2025-03-14T19:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-14T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £17.25-£20 organisation: Call Me Ceilidh source: events/uk/bristol.yaml - name: Ceilidh links: - "https://www.ceilidhsoc.org/ceilidhs/" start: "2025-03-14T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-14T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £3-£5 organisation: Sheffield CeilidhSoc source: events/uk/sheffield_ceilidh.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-14-3-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-03-14T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-14T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Unicorn Ceilidh links: - "http://www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk/uc05prog.html" start: "2025-03-14T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-14T23:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Baldock styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Vertical Expression callers: - Adam Hughes price: £7-£13 organisation: Unicorn Ceilidhs source: events/uk/unicorn_ceilidhs.yaml - name: Spring Barn Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/824563536538466/" - "https://www.tickettailor.com/events/weedonbarndance/1392954/r/fbe" start: "2025-03-14T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-14T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Weedon Bec styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - 3Sticks callers: - Lisa Heywood price: £12 organisation: Northampton Ceilidhs source: events/uk/weedon_bec.yaml - name: Congo De Captieux & Luxey + Variations details: Course links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/congo-de-captieux-&-luxey-+-variations/1168/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2645" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/943106271325725" start: "2025-03-15T13:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-15T18:15:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €20-€55 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Les Batons links: - "https://www.lesbatons.org/#dates" start: "2025-03-15T13:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-15T17:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Hollingbourne styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Shivelight price: £7 organisation: Les Batons source: events/uk/les_batons.yaml - name: Bal en Soir links: - "https://balensoir.fr/nos-evenements/bals-2025/bal-du-15-mars-2025/" start: "2025-03-15T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-16T01:00:00+01:00" country: France city: Paris styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Toc Toc Toc - Virevoltes - BalAvril price: €10-€17 organisation: Bal en Soir source: events/france/paris_balfolk.yaml - name: Tanzhaus details: Ballkanesen links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/922561146" start: "2025-03-15T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-15T23:30:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Tübingen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Ballkanesen organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Bal Wilde Wereld Wageningen details: "Naast onze huisgroepen Madlot en De Houtzagerij nodigen we altijd een groep die we bijzonder vinden, en die volgens ons een podium verdient.\n\nOp dit bal zijn Naradi en Momiro onze speciale gasten.\nNaradi is een jonge Wageningse balfolkgroep. Op gitaar, fluit, viool en slagwerk nodigen deze muzikanten ons uit tot dans.\nTrio Momori, met Wouter, Kris en Jasper, brengt deze avond hun verrassende balfolk-repertoire.\n\nDaarnaast maken we graag ruimte voor andere muzikanten op het open podium.\nEen heerlijke avond spelen en dansen." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/bal-wilde-wereld-wageningen/" start: "2025-03-15T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-15T23:55:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Wageningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - De Houtzagerij - Madlot - Momiro - Naradi price: €7.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk Practice links: - "https://tanzhaus-innsbruck.jimdofree.com/" start: "2025-03-15T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-15T22:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Innsbruck styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Tanzhaus Innsbruck source: events/austria/innsbruck.yaml - name: Balfolk in Lent details: "Bonjour mon ami! Kom dansen op de vrolijke noten van Gribouille en Duo l'hêtre Heureux!\n- RESERVEER HIERONDER VIA FORMULIER OF MAIL -\n\nNa het knusse en gezellige nieuwjaarsbal in Lent, gaan we door met meer live muziek en heerlijke dansen. Dus zet zaterdag 15 maart in je agenda voor de 2e editie van Balfolk in Lent. (EN blok ook vast 11 mei, voor editie 3 met Nubia).\n\nOlivier Valence en Léo Proulx zijn twee muzikanten die elkaar ontmoetten op het festival Grand Bal de l'Europe in de zomer van 2019. Hun muzikale universum combineert de geruststellende, ongebreidelde folkgitaar met de zoete, gekke klarinet, in instrumentale stukken en liederen met tekst. Met hun composities creëren ze een vrolijk en poëtisch universum dat zowel beginners als ervaren dansers op de dansvloer samenbrengt.\n\n\"L'Hêtre Heureux\" is een duo met een folk/neo-traditionele oriëntatie, met een bevoorrechte inspiratie voor de dansen van Poitou-oorsprong; uit Bretagne, en als koppel.\n\nTijd: 19:30 inloop\n20:00 Gribouille\n20:45 Duo l'hêtre Heureux\n\nEntree: €20 (€17, voor ieder met minder financiële draagkracht) alles gaat 100% naar muzikanten. De entree mag je betalen aan de deur, contant of via QR code.\n\nGraag reserveren, zodat we weten of het past! Klik hier om naar het reserveringsformulier te gaan. Of mail direct aantal personen en tarief naar balfolkinlent@gmail.com\n\nLocatie: De Kleine Wiel, Karl Marxstraat 101, Lent \n\nLet op, er is geen dansuitleg. Vraag andere dansers voor uitleg. Dat doen ze graag! Of doe gewoon mee.\nDe bar is open voor een drankje.\n\nVoor vragen, mail ons: balfolkinlent@gmail.com" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-in-lent-met-duo-lhetre-heureux-2/" start: "2025-03-15T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-15T23:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - "Duo l'Hêtre Heureux" - Gribouille price: €17-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: KA-Balfolk details: Wouter en de Draak + Erledans links: - "https://ka-balfolk.de/termine-elementor/" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/778148425" start: "2025-03-15T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-15T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Erledans - Wouter en de Draak organisation: KA-Balfolk source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: ruffCeilidh links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2025-03-15T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-15T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Melobo callers: - Jane Bird price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-15-3-25-queens-gate-house/" start: "2025-03-15T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-15T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1345057713571908/" start: "2025-03-15T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-15T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Vertical Expression callers: - Mark Elvins price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: Frame It! - Posture and Tips details: Course links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/frame-it!-posture-and-tips/1128/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2524" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/594504193281916" start: "2025-03-16T10:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-16T12:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €10-€30 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: The Groove! - Melody & Rhythm in Dances details: Course links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/the-groove!-melody-&-rhythm-in-dances/1129/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2525" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/594504193281916" start: "2025-03-16T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-16T15:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €10-€30 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk social details: "Balfolk op zondag\nDe Mezrab host iedere derde zondag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel hier alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van Duo Clercx en Nut & Genoegen.\n\nTicket\n- Voorverkoop: 16 euro\n- Aan de deur: 18 euro\nTickets >>>\n\nProgramma\n16:15 Deuren open16:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners\n17:30 Bal met Nut & Genoegen\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met Duo Clercx21:00 Sessie\n\nBands\n\n \tDuo Clercx\n\n\n\nDuo Clercx is opgericht in de zomer van 2022 door de broers Clercx, met als doel om op folkbals te spelen. Met een arsenaal aan instrumenten brengen Hendrik Clercx (diatonische accordeon en viool) en Gert-Jan Clercx (viool en tin whistles) een betoverend en zelfgeschreven repertoire ten dans.\n\nNaast muzikanten zijn ze zelf ook dansers, dus weten ze perfect wat dansers nodig hebben. Ze brengen folk met sensuele mazurka's, spicy tovercirkels en stevige set bourrées die zelfs de geesten tot leven wekken...\n\nMet hun enthousiasme en rijke achtergrond in diverse folkstijlen, doen ze je direct aanzetten tot dansen en laten ze je meevoeren in een mystieke en magische danssfeer!\n\n\n\n \tNut & Genoegen\n\nNut & Genoegen is een sprankelend balfolktrio dat zijn eigen muzikale pad bewandelt. Kersverse aanstekelijke balfolkmuziek, met zorg gezaaid, geduldig gekweekt. Eveline Juten (trekharmonica), Klaas van der Vliet (gitaar) en Maria Möckel (viool).\nLocatie\nMezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma.\n\nEr is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers.\n\nAdres:\nMezrab\nVeemkade 576\n1019 BL Amsterdam\n\nFotocredit\nBalfolk Amsterdam" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-op-zondag-maart-2025/" start: "2025-03-16T16:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-16T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Duo Clercx - Nut en Genoegen price: €16-€18 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bal @ La Tricoterie details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/bal-man-encantada-&-cardboard-cabin-la-tricoterie/1122/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2505" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1256584455698536" start: "2025-03-16T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-16T22:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Man Encantada - Cardboard Cabin price: €14-€26 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1110352440082832/" start: "2025-03-16T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-16T23:00:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Naples styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Remi Geoffroy organisation: Neapolis Balfolk source: events/italy/naples.yaml - name: Bristol French Session details: Balfolk Tunes and Dancing links: - "https://bathfrenchsession.wordpress.com/" start: "2025-03-16T18:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-16T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Bath & Bristol French Sessions source: events/uk/bristol_bath_french_session.yaml - name: Special Brattleboro Bal Folk links: - "https://www.rachelbellmusic.com/calendar" start: "2025-03-16T15:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-03-16T18:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: VT city: Guildford styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Eloise & Co. price: $12-$25 organisation: Brattleboro Bal Folk source: events/usa/guilford.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-03-17T19:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-03-17T20:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-03-17T19:15:00+11:00" end: "2025-03-17T21:30:00+11:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Balfolk Dance Course links: - "https://baselfolk.ch/" - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7789/balfolk-tanzkurs?jour=17-3-2025" start: "2025-03-17T17:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-17T18:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Basel Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Contra and Square Dance links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/contra-and-square-dance-2025/" start: "2025-03-17T16:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-21T10:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - English Contra Dance Band callers: - Geoff Cubitt price: £255-£460 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Folk Dance Course links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/327091070425645/327091187092300/" start: "2025-03-17T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-17T22:30:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Milan styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: La Scighera source: events/italy/milan.yaml - name: Lesson series start details: "Start Lessenreeks beginners + halfgevorderd 's Hertogenbosch, Let op! beginnerslessen zijn van 19:00 tot 20:30 en half gevorderd is van 20:30 tot 22:00!\n\nBeginners:\n\nBen jij net begonnen met balfolk? heb je op festivals introducties meegemaakt, en vond je dat toch erg leuk? Dan is de ''how to get started'' lessenreeks iets voor jou.\nSamen met een groep gaan wij de basis van de meest voorkomende dansen aanleren, uitdiepen en speelbaar maken. Wij gaan in op muzikaliteit (wat doet muziek nou?), spanning, dynamiek, techniek en maken zo stevige bouwblokken waar je mee verder kunt.\n\nDe lessen zijn voor jou wanneer...\n\n \tJe net bent begonnen of je  hebt alleen introducties en misschien enkele workshops meegemaakt.\n \tJe wil samen leren en groeien.\n \tJe zoekt verdieping in de basisdansen\n \tJe wil basistechnieken verbeteren\n\nHalf gevorderd:\n\nAl een beginnersreeks gedaan? Bekend met de basis 10 dansen? (Hanterdro, Andro, Scottish, Mazurka, Polka, Wals, Jigue, Tovercirkel, Bourree (2 en 3)) en klaar om meer technieken te leren of nieuwe dansen aan je repertoire toe te voegen.\n\nDan zou de half gevorderd lessenreeks wat voor jou kunnen zijn. De lessenreeks sluit naadloos aan op de beginnerslessenreeks en gaat meer de diepte in op technieken en dynamiek in koppeldansen.  Ook passeren bekende dansen met nieuwe variaties de revue (wat is nou een spinning tovercirkel? En hoe wissel je glooiend van positie in een Jigue?). Wij gaan kijken naar dansen die regelmatig voor komen, maar niet in de basis horen (rondeau en couple, Gavottes, Kost ar choat, Plinn, Wals in 5 en 8 etc.)\n\nMeer info? kijk eens op onze website www.balfolksync.nl" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/start-lessenreeks-beginners-halfgevorderd-s-hertogenbosch/" - "https://www.balfolksync.nl/lessen-en-workshops" start: "2025-03-17T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-17T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: "'s-Hertogenbosch" styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Miniball links: - "https://www.baladanse.ch/agenda" start: "2025-03-17T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-17T22:30:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Wouter en de Draak organisation: Bâladanse source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" details: "20:00 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-7/" start: "2025-03-17T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-17T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-4-2025-03-17/" start: "2025-03-17T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-17T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590239324488/" start: "2025-03-18T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-18T22:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 250 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Fandango" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-03-18T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-18T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/wellington" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2355346788144714/2355346794811380/" start: "2025-03-19T18:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-03-19T19:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Wellington styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $15 organisation: Balfolk Wellington source: events/new_zealand/wellington.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943240927449" start: "2025-03-19T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-19T20:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: Wednesday Balfolk details: "Zapraszamy na potańcówkę balfolkową w Chacie.\r\nO 20:00 warsztaty\r\nO 21:00 potańc.\r\nWstęp na imprezę: 10 zł\r\nWstęp na warsztaty: dowolna kwota wedle uznania" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-srodowy59" start: "2025-03-19T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-19T23:45:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Warsaw styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: 10 PLN organisation: Numinosum source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Rondes 2 details: Course links: - "https://stanistil.be/event/45" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2638" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1349455022879814" start: "2025-03-19T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-19T23:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: donation organisation: Stanistil source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: "Socialles 332 — Zweedse dansen: polska basis" details: "Deze donderdag 20 maart is het socialles nr 332. Het onderwerp van de workshop is een Zweedse dans: de polska. Hiervan wordt de eerste basis behandeld. Deze workshop wordt gegeven door Wim en Leora. De week erna, de 27e, is er een vervolg op deze workshop.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-332-rotterdam-zweedse-dansen-polska-basis/" start: "2025-03-20T18:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-20T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk - scandi workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-03-20T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-20T20:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balhalla details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2487" start: "2025-03-20T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-20T23:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Gent styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Balhalla source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823048244968/" start: "2025-03-20T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-20T23:30:00+02:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: The Round end of term party links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-03-20T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-20T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Carolina Meltdown details: "Come join us for an amazing contra dance weekend featuring the bands Topspin (Owen Morrison, Anna Patton, Emily Troll, & Stefan Amidon) and Hot Coffee Breakdown (Tom Cunningham, Kate Sanders, & Luis de Leon). Our wonderful callers will be Rick Mohr and Darlene Underwood. \nHosted by the Charlotte Contra Dancers and held at beautiful YMCA Camp Thunderbird in Lake Wylie, South Carolina. Visit our website for more details." links: - "https://www.charlottecontradance.org/carolina-meltdown" - "https://cdss.org/event/carolina-meltdown/" start_date: 2025-03-21 end_date: 2025-03-23 country: USA state: SC city: Lake Wylie styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Hot Coffee Breakdown - Topspin callers: - Darlene Underwood - Rick Mohr organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Concert and dance links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/598151542600598/" start: "2025-03-21T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-21T23:00:00+01:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Haltli/Vårdal/Amper - Kristians Kapell price: 95-180 SEK organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Drakenbal details: "DRAKENBAL DEN BOSCH \n\nOm het begin van de lente te vieren doet de draak van Den Bosch een vrolijk rondedansje op deze feestelijke avond vol muziek, dans en gezelligheid! En wat zijn we blij dat ze bij ons komen spelen: Bouton uit België!\n\nAVONDPROGRAMMA\n\n19:30 Deuren open: welkom!\n20:00-21:00 Dansworkshop\n21:00-21:15 Kwartier van Plezier: nog vrij\n21:15-23:00 Bal met Bouton\n23:00-1:00 Sessie met David en jullie!\n\nDANSWORKSHOP 20:00-21:00\n\nBo en Paul van Balfolksync verzorgen met veel passie, plezier en humor de dansworkshop deze avond. Ze zullen meerdere dansen uitleggen, dus heb je nog nooit eerder balfolk gedanst of ben je juist al ervaren? Iedereen is welkom en het is altijd leuk en leerzaam om mee te doen.\n\nKWARTIER VAN PLEZIER 21:00-21:15\n\nWil je een paar deuntjes spelen? Je bent van harte welkom! Stuur een berichtje naar drakenbaldenbosch@gmail.com.\n\nBAL met BOUTON 21:15-23:00\n\nBOUTON is een nieuw kwartet van electrofolkmuzikanten uit Luik (België) die moderne technieken en traditionele muziek combineren. De stem van Fanny Vandenbergh (Orbál) bundelt haar krachten met de diatonische accordeon van Joachim Loneux (Chapeaux Bas, Onirim), de basklarinet van Rudy Mathey (Taxidi) en het sounddesign van Gilles Doneux (Ensemble Laps). Bouton is een nieuw kwartet elektrofolkmuzikanten uit Luik dat moderniteit en traditie combineert.\n\nHun teksten zijn geworteld in onze samenleving en worden ondersteund door originele composities, traditionele Europese dansritmes en een groovy/atmosferische productie. Tot slot is het een bedwelmende muzikale ervaring die je meesleept door rijke, subtiele geluiden en betoverende, dynamische ritmes.\n\nHet geluid van Bouton biedt een meeslepende muzikale ervaring die de zintuigen prikkelt en de ziel raakt. De unieke combinatie van akoestische en elektronische instrumenten creëert een sfeer die tegelijkertijd onbekend en vertrouwd is, terwijl de teksten tot nadenken stemmen.\n\nLuisterend naar hun muziek kan het publiek ontsnappen in een stimulerend muzikaal universum en vervoerd worden door het ritme, de melodie en de passie die uit elke gespeelde noot spreekt.\n\n“Bouton: de muzikale fusie tussen verleden en toekomst.\"\n\nJAMSESSIE 23:00- uiterlijk 1:00\n\nNa het optreden is er gelegenheid voor muzikanten om samen te spelen in een sessie onder leiding van David Cornelissen. De dansers kunnen dan nog lekker door blijven dansen. We dragen de folkmuziek een warm hart toe en het is onze wens dat de muziekscene in Den Bosch steeds groter en actiever wordt. Schroom dus niet om je instrument te pakken en mee te spelen, iedereen is welkom! Ook als je niet bij het dansen bent geweest, ben je welkom voor de sessie!\n\nENTREE: Naar ondersteuningsmogelijkheid. Geef wat je kunt missen, alles gaat naar de muzikanten!* Regular €15* Fair €20* Support >€20\n\nVERSNAPERINGEN\n\nIn de bar kun je alles bestellen wat je wilt, probeer zeker eens een Boschgebrouwen Draken speciaalbiertje! Maar er staan ook gratis gezonde snacks klaar.\n\nLOCATIE\nCafé Station Zuid - kelder\nErasmusstraat 9 ‘s-Hertogenbosch\n\nROUTE\nOpenbaar vervoer:\n\nHet Bal is te bereiken met OV, hiervoor kun je naar ’s-Hertogenbosch Centraal of ‘s-Hertogenbosch Oost komen. Vanaf beide stations is het ongeveer 30 minuten lopen naar de locatie. Je kunt ook de bus nemen die vlak bij Café Station Zuid stopt. Dit is buslijn 1 (en 306).\n\nAuto:\n\nLet op het is betaald parkeren in de wijk. Met parkapp: De 1e 2 uur gratis parkeren!\nJe kan vrij parkeren op de parkeerplaats van de Lucaskerk na 18u (240m), aan de Hildebrandstraat voor de winkels (400m), op de gelijknamige parallelweg van de Gestelseweg (450m), inrit bij kruising Pieter Langendijksingel. Er kan ook vrij geparkeerd worden op de Jacob van Mearlantstraat vanaf nummer 191 en oplopend (de andere kant op niet!). Aan de overkant bij de bedrijven mag vanaf 19u ook geparkeerd worden, mits er ruimte is. Vanaf hier is het 2 minuten lopen.\n\nCarpoolen: check de Folkpool discord groep:\nhttps://discord.com/invite/WWRBahjhJm" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/drakenbal-met-bouton/" start: "2025-03-21T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-22T01:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: "'s-Hertogenbosch" styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Bouton - David Cornelissen price: €15-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolkcafe Groningen details: "Elke maand een bal in de kapel van het oude RKZ! (Emmastraat 15, Groningen)\n\n \n\nHet eerstvolgende bal is: \n\n \n\nBalfolk Groningen met Androneda op vrijdag 21 maart 2025\n\n \n\nAanvang: 19:30\n\nEntree: Vrijwillige bijdrage, geef gul voor de band! Bijvoorbeeld €15 per persoon\n\nLocatie: Theater De Kapel in het Oude Rooms Katholiek Ziekenhuis (ORKZ),\n\nEmmastraat 15, 9722 EW Groningen\n\nInstructies: Ja, om 19.30 uur\n\nBalfolk Groningen is dansen op live folkmuziek en natuurlijk sessie na afloop: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!\n\nEntree: vrijwillige donatie, zoals bijvoorbeeld € 15,- Geef ruim, want alles gaat 100% naar muzikanten.\n\n \n\nGlobaal tijdschema:\n\n19:30 dansworkshop\n\n20:30 Bal \n\n22:30 sessie\n\n23:00 einde programma\n\n(Tijden onder voorbehoud)\n\nDansuitleg\n\nIn deze dansuitleg komen de basisprincipes van balfolk aan bod zodat iedereen mee kan doen. In de tweede helft van de dansuitleg gaan ze dieper op één dans in.\n\n \n\nAndroneda\n\nAndroneda is een Nederlandse balfolkband. Ze spelen traditionele West-Europese dansmuziek, maar dan op een hedendaagse manier!\n\nOp doedelzak, trekzak en saxofoon brengen ze grotendeels eigen composities ten gehore. Onze arrangementen zijn speels en spannend; hun nummers energiek en swingend, maar ook regelmatig intiem, met melodieën die blijven hangen. Het centrale uitgangspunt in onze muziek is altijd de dansbaarheid ervan!\n\n \n\nAndroneda speelt balfolkmuziek op saxofoon, trekzak en doedelzak. Androneda is: - Wouter Kuyper (trekzak, doedelzak) - Patricia Swart (saxofoon) - Lenny de Rooy (doedelzak)\n\nWebsite: https://www.androneda.nl/\n\n \n\nWat is Balfolk?\n\nBalfolk is misschien een beetje te vergelijken met een tango- of salsa-avond, maar dan met de muziek en dansen van hier: de dansen en muziek die traditioneel in West-Europa voorkomen. En er is altijd live muziek! En we starten altijd met een dansuitleg. Iedereen kan meedoen.\n\n \n\nDe Kapel \n\nDe kapel is te vinden als je naar het Oude RKZ (ORKZ) komt in de Emmastraat 15 in Groningen. Wanneer je binnenkomt loop je naar de bar, en rechts van de bar bevindt zich de deur naar de kapel." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolkcafe-groningen-met-androneda/" start: "2025-03-21T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-21T23:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Groningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Androneda price: €15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Alcester Contra links: - "https://davidfolk7.wixsite.com/alcestercontras" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/8170335696400901/" start: "2025-03-21T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-21T22:45:00+00:00" country: UK city: Alcester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Folkus Pocus callers: - Colin Hume price: £4-£10 organisation: Alcester Contra source: events/uk/alcester_contra.yaml - name: Spring @ Sautee links: - "https://sauteenacoocheecenter.org/event/spring-at-sautee-contra-dance-weekend/" start: "2025-03-21T16:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-03-23T13:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: GA city: Sautee Nacoochee styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Toss the Possum - The Dog Walkers callers: - Warren Doyle - Claire Takemori price: $90-$130 organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Cambridge Contra Dance links: - "https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/" - "https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/programme.html" start: "2025-03-21T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-21T22:15:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: £2 organisation: Cambridge Contra Dance source: events/uk/cambridge_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-21-3-25-grand-junction-paddington/" start: "2025-03-21T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-21T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Knees Up Cecil Sharp links: - "http://www.kneesupcecilsharp.co.uk/programme.html" start: "2025-03-21T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-21T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Whapweasel callers: - Fee Lock price: £5-£15 organisation: Knees Up Cecil Sharp source: events/uk/kucs.yaml - name: PigTown Fling details: "Online registration is open! Early Bird ends January 22. \nTwo Top Liner Bands:\n​​The Engine Room, with Noah VanNorstrand, Kelsey Wells, and Alex Sturbaum, will lay down a driving, nonstop groove that is sure to get you moving.​ \nMean Lids, with Matt Turino, Miriam Larson, and Ben Smith, is an amazing band with a cult following that has the versatility to guarantee a great time.​ \n2 Top Liner Callers:\nGaye Fifer calls the best complicated yet satisfying contra dances. She is a true leader and one of the best callers in the contra dance community.​ \nSeth Tepfer is an experienced caller with a colorful personality and he brings joy to the dance with his wit and charm.​ \nSound by Ed Howe" links: - "https://www.pigtownfling.com/" - "https://cdss.org/event/pigtown-fling-2025/" start: "2025-03-21T18:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-03-23T16:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: OH city: Cincinnati styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Engine Room - The Mean Lids callers: - Gaye Fifer - Seth Tepfer organisation: Cincinnati Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Nashville Playford Ball details: "Please join us for the 42nd annual Nashville Playford Ball Weekend, featuring Joanna Reiner Wilkinson calling with music by Constellation: Rachel Bell (accordion), Susan Kevra (clarinet) & Dave Wiesler (piano). \nExpert calling, beautiful music and wonderful Southern hospitality. Visit Music City during the most glorious time of the year—cherry blossoms in full bloom and sunshine! \nThis dance is not suitable for complete beginners—a basic knowledge of English Country Dance moves is expected." links: - "https://cdss.org/event/nashville-playford-ball/" start: "2025-03-21T20:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-03-23T14:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: TN city: Nashville styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true bands: - Constellation callers: - Joanna Reiner Wilkinson organisation: Nashville Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Spring Bal Folk details: Ball und Kurs links: - "https://7schritt.de/fruehlingsbal-folk-2025/" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/869220314" start: "2025-03-22T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-23T14:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Shillelagh - Le Carillon price: €50-€65 organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: "Workshop: Tänze aus Frankreich" details: LAG Tanz Baden-Würrtemberg links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923208936" start: "2025-03-22T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-22T18:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Lenningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Groot Bal Antwerpen details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2422" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1091390432264781" start: "2025-03-22T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-22T22:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Antwerp styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Feather And Fox - Broes price: €20 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk details: Balfolk in Freising links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/843704607" start: "2025-03-22T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-22T23:59:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Marzling styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Clara source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Grosser Bal links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/948879660465296" - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7924/balfolk-in-basel-mit-la-bonne-soupe-und-bargainatt?jour=22-3-2025" start: "2025-03-22T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-23T01:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - La Bonne Soupe - Bargainatt price: 20-30 CHF organisation: Bâle Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Balfolk in New Location details: "Hoera!!! Er is een nieuw locatie in Zwolle die graag een keer Balfolk wil organiseren.\nOp 15 minuten lopen van station Zwolle Stadshagen ligt het Cultuurhuis die, in samenwerking met Wijz zorglocaties, iedereen in deze buurt wil laten dansen. Als wij ervoor kunnen zorgen dat dit een succes wordt kunnen we hier vaker terecht. Dus kom vooral naar deze ontzettend mooie grote(!) zaal van deze voormalige muziekschool.\n\nTijdschema:\n19.00u Dansuitleg\n20.00u Bal\n22.00u Sessie.\n\nLaatste trein van station Zwolle Stadshagen in alle richtingen: 23.39.\nEr is genoeg parkeerplaats." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/nieuwe-locatie-in-zwolle/" start: "2025-03-22T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-22T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Zwolle styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Androneda price: €15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Swedish concert and dance links: - "https://www.efdss.org/whats-on/26-gigs/14390-emma-reid-ellika-frisell-w-support-sawney-white-bird" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/3829089997347959/" start: "2025-03-22T18:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-22T22:15:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Emma & Ellika Frisell - Sawney White Bird price: £10-£22 organisation: EFDSS source: events/uk/efdss.yaml - name: Spring Bal links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1160970605756547/" - "https://wegottickets.com/event/642452" - "https://www.topette.co.uk/gigs.html" start: "2025-03-22T19:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-22T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Blagdon styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Topette price: £7.70-£16.50 organisation: Blagdon Village Club source: events/uk/blagdon.yaml - name: Sytchampton Saturday dance links: - "https://www.sytchamptondanceclub.org.uk/p/dance-diary-experiment.html" start: "2025-03-22T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-22T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Sytchampton styles: - ecd - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Nozzy callers: - Nicola Scott price: £8 organisation: Sytchampton Folk Dance Club source: events/uk/sytchampton.yaml - name: Exeter Contra links: - "https://barndancecaller.net/exetercontra.html" start: "2025-03-22T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-22T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - contra workshop: false social: true organisation: Exeter Ceilidhs source: events/uk/exeter_ceilidhs.yaml - name: Tanztag balfolk in Lautenbach details: "Bargainatt, Emma und Jonas, Luca Fiorini" links: - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7799/balfolk-am-bodensee?jour=23-03-2025" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/721226322" start_date: 2025-03-23 end_date: 2025-03-23 country: Germany city: Großschönach styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Bargainatt - Emma & Jonas - Luca Fiorini organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Folk & Dance at Schäfersee details: "Tanznachmittag mit Live-Musik\nSo 23.03.2025 15-17 Uhr\nMorceau de Breizh\n \n-weitere Infos folgen bald-\n \nOrt: M5 am Franz-Neumann-Platz, Markstraße 5, 13409 Berlin\nDer Eintritt ist frei\n Eine Veranstaltung der NaturFreunde Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit Spreefolk e.V." links: - "https://spreefolk.de/events/250323-tanz-m5" start: "2025-03-23T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-23T17:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Berlin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Morceau de Breizh price: free organisation: NaturFreunde Berlin source: events/germany/spreefolk.yaml - name: Sunday Afternoon Masterclass links: - "http://www.contrafusion.co.uk/Saturday.html#P" start: "2025-03-23T14:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-23T16:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Maidstone styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: false callers: - John Sweeney price: £7 organisation: Contrafusion source: events/uk/contrafusion.yaml - name: Bal De La Cabane Du Bout Du Monde details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2613" start: "2025-03-23T16:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-23T21:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Watermaal-Bosvoorde styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Bal Plume price: €7-€12 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-03-24T19:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-03-24T20:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Balfolk Dance Course links: - "https://baselfolk.ch/" - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7790/balfolk-tanzkurs?jour=24-3-2025" start: "2025-03-24T17:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-24T18:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Basel Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Walking and Dancing Holiday links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/walking-and-dancing-holiday-2/" start: "2025-03-24T16:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-28T10:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Vicki Swan & Jonny Dyer callers: - Rhodri Davies price: £255-£460 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Folk Dance Course links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/327091070425645/327091203758965/" start: "2025-03-24T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-24T22:30:00+01:00" country: Italy city: Milan styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: La Scighera source: events/italy/milan.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-anfaenger/" start: "2025-03-24T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-24T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-4-2025-03-24/" start: "2025-03-24T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-24T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590235991155/" start: "2025-03-25T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-25T22:00:00+01:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 150 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Freier Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: 5er und 8er Walzer für Einsteiger" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-03-25T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-25T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Practica at the Pianofabriek details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-at-de-pianofabriek/1143/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2539" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1488971458394126/1568421153782489/" start: "2025-03-25T20:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-25T22:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal Van Morgen details: Ball links: - "https://stanistil.be/event/43" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/592310770059312/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2637" start: "2025-03-26T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-26T22:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Len price: donation organisation: Stanistil source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2663" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2664" start: "2025-03-26T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-26T21:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Wednesday Balfolk details: "Zapraszamy na potańcówkę balfolkową w Chacie.\r\nO 20:00 warsztaty\r\nO 21:00 potańc.\r\nWstęp na imprezę: 10 zł\r\nWstęp na warsztaty: dowolna kwota wedle uznania" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-srodowy562" start: "2025-03-26T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-26T23:45:00+01:00" country: Poland city: Warsaw styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: 10 PLN organisation: Numinosum source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk café Nijmegen details: "Balfolk Cafe is livemuziek, tussendoor fijne balfolkhitjes en natuurlijk sessie: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!\n\n\nEntree: € 15,-  (of € 10,- voor mensen die kortingstarief nodig hebben)\nGeef ruim, alles gaat 100% naar de muzikanten.\n\n20:00 dans uitleg\n21:00 Livemuziek (2 sets)\n23:00 Sessie!\n(Tijden onder voorbehoud)" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-cafe-nijmegen-44/" start: "2025-03-26T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-26T23:59:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Drøn - Mook price: €10-€15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-03-26T19:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-26T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Bal Étoile at the Gipsy Queen links: - "https://londonbalfolk.org.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/556573303910551/" start: "2025-03-26T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-26T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: London Balfolk source: events/uk/london_balfolk.yaml - name: "Socialles 333 — Zweedse dansen: polska vervolg" details: "Deze donderdag 27 maart is het socialles nr 333. Het onderwerp van de workshop is een Zweedse dans: de polska. Dit is een vervolg op de workshop van vorige week waarin de basis behandeld werd. Deze workshop wordt gegeven door Wim en Leora.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-333-rotterdam-zweedse-dansen-polska-vervolg/" start: "2025-03-27T18:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-27T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk - scandi workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-03-27T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-27T20:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823061578300/" start: "2025-03-27T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-27T23:30:00+02:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: DownEast Country Dance Festival links: - "http://www.deffa.org/festival/" start_date: 2025-03-28 end_date: 2025-03-29 country: USA state: ME city: Topsham styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - River Road - Franklin County Fiddlers - Pineland Fiddlers callers: - Rick Mohr - Chrissy Fowler - Maggie Robinson organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: "Balfolk weekend Intensive 2025 - \"Veterans\"" details: "Multiple day intensive for experienced (balfolk) dancers, who joined a previous edition.\r\n\r\nWorkshops will be in Dutch, if you like to participate in the English version or organise this in your dance community, send a message to: dancingbodies.workshops@gmail.com" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-weekend-intensive-2025-veterans" start_date: 2025-03-28 end_date: 2025-03-31 country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €285-€350 organisation: Dancing Bodies source: events/netherlands/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Spel- och danskväll links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1604503610160078/" start: "2025-03-28T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-28T23:00:00+01:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - "Fredrik Persson, Höstrusk & Juuli Kõrre" price: donation organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Practica Met Initiatie & Gastmuzikanten Hombeek details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-with-initiation-&-guest-musicians-hombeek/1163/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2595" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1306640440462223/1306640450462222/" start: "2025-03-28T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-28T23:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Baleynbal details: Ball links: - "https://tey.be/programma/2025/03/28/les-kickeuses" start: "2025-03-28T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-29T00:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Belsele styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Les Kickeuses price: €12-€15 organisation: "Muziekclub 't Ey" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bristol Contra Dance details: "Bristol Contra Dance is a communal-style folk dance very similar to a Ceilidh. No partner or experience is necessary. A caller leads the dancers through a series of moves. All calling is gender free.\n\nRob Humphrey will be calling with music from Contrary Faeries.\n\nWe are in the Faith Space Chapel. It's nice and close to Temple Meads and comes with free parking. Check the new Bristol Clean Air Zone information carefully, as this may effect you.\n\nWe have cheese in the break, along with tea, coffee and cordial. You are welcome to bring your own things. Please don't bring alcohol, as this is the venue rule.\n\nBristol Contra is committed to not having the cost of a dance be a hindrance to anyone attending, and have a sliding pay scale.\n\nSuggested prices available on the door:\nUnwaged £6\nWaged £10\nSupporters Ticket £15.\nThe new supporters ticket is a fair representation of what the event costs to run, and supports fair fees for the Band and Caller. It is entirely voluntary.\n\nSo bring your smiles and your joy and come join us for amazing social dancing. Absolutely all welcome of any level of experience for great dancing to some amazing gender-free calling and brilliant music!" links: - "https://bristolcontra.wordpress.com/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1181780523103126/" start: "2025-03-28T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-28T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Contrary Faeries callers: - Rob Humphrey price: £6-£15 organisation: Bristol Contra source: events/uk/bristol_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh links: - "https://www.ceilidhsoc.org/ceilidhs/" start: "2025-03-28T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-28T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £3-£5 organisation: Sheffield CeilidhSoc source: events/uk/sheffield_ceilidh.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-28-3-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-03-28T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-28T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Melt Into Spring Ball Weekend details: "We’d love to see travelers at Ann Arbor’s Melt Into Spring Ball weekend March 28-29! The excellent Brad Foster will lead a Welcome English dance Friday night, ball practice/style workshop Saturday afternoon, and the Ball Saturday night, and Debbie Jackson, Josh Burdick, and Matt McCoy will play splendid music. All dance events are at Concourse Hall. Sunday morning there’s a potluck brunch at a private home, probably with some kind of discussion/activity with Brad. \nThis is likely to be a very nice weekend! Online registration is available at our website (small PayPal fee) or you can mail a check." links: - "https://cdss.org/event/melt-into-spring-ball-weekend/" start: "2025-03-28T19:30:00-04:00" end: "2025-03-29T23:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: MI city: Ann Arbor styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true callers: - Brad Foster organisation: AACTMAD source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Hash Dance Weekend details: "#Dance Weekend is an ultra-challenging urban dance weekend featuring mind-bending figures, non-gendered calling, and phenomenal music. Two days of amazing workshops, dancing, community, fun, and food in the fabulous open-air, covered Bumper Car Pavilion; workshops throughout Glen Echo Park, Glen Echo, MD.\n \nCallers: Lisa Greenleaf and River Rainbowface \nBands: Free Raisins (Audrey Jaber, Amy Engelsberg, Jeff Kaufman), and Bowrider (Kelsey Wells, Alex Sturbaum, Brian Lindsay)." links: - "https://fsgw.org/hashtag-dance-weekend" - "https://cdss.org/event/dance-weekend/" - "https://cdss.org/event/dance-weekend-2/" start_date: 2025-03-29 end_date: 2025-03-30 country: USA state: MD city: Glen Echo styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Bowrider - The Free Raisins callers: - Lisa Greenleaf - River Rainbowface price: $70-$105 organisation: Folklore Society of Greater Washington source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Scandinavian Spring Weekend details: "Our annual Spring Dance and Music Weekend with dancers and musicians from Sweden or Norway.  This year will be Norwegian, focusing on the dance Springleik and its music.  The Weekend is Friday-Sunday, but at least some of our guests will also be at our regular Monday night dance which starts at 7:30 ($7). \nThere is also open dancing on Saturday night from 8-11 ($10 if not enrolled in the Weekend)." links: - "https://boulderdance.org/event/scandinavian-spring-weekend/2025-03-28/" - "https://boulderdance.org/event/special-saturday-dance/" start: "2025-03-28T19:30:00-06:00" end: "2025-03-30T17:00:00-06:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true price: $155 organisation: Boulder Scandinavian Dancers source: events/usa/boulder.yaml - name: Jubileumbal 10 jaar Balfolk Zuid-Holland details: "Balfolk Zuid-Holland is dit jaar aan het tiende seizoen balfolk bezig en viert dat groots met een extra speciaal jubileumbal. De exacte programmering volgt later nog, maar noteer de datum vooral vast in je agenda: 29 maart 2025.\nHet jubileumbal vindt plaats in Rotterdam en zal behalve maar liefst drie bands in de avond, ook meerdere verschillende workshops overdag bieden. Uiteraard wordt er ook een dansuitleg vooraf gedaan, zodat je, ook als je nog niet eerder (balfolk) gedanst hebt, je meteen de dansvloer op kunt daarna. Aan de details wordt nog hard gewerkt.\nBands\nDe eerste band die komt optreden op ons jubileumfeest is Cardboard Cabin! Deze Belgische toppers brengen warme, dansbare folkmuziek. Zij wisselen intieme momenten af met stevige powerfolk. Cardboard Cabin bestaat uit Jeroen Werbrouck op accordeon, Flor Delombaerde op contrabas, Tim Orroi op drums en Thomas Clerbout op sopraansax.\nDeze band is de eerste van de drie, meer informatie volgt later nog.\nWorkshops\nIn de middag worden drie workshops aangeboden: twee gericht op dans, één op muziek maken. Een van de dansworkshops is voor beginners / begonners, de andere is bedoeld voor gevorderden. Bij het aanmelden voor de workshops vragen we je om je danservaring door te geven, zodat je bij de workshop aansluit waar jij het meeste plezier van zult hebben. Onderaan deze pagina vind je het reserveringsformulier.\nProgramma\nHet programma voor dit bal met workshop vooraf:\n13.00 - 16.30: Workshops\n17.00 - 18.00: Picnick\n18.00 - 18.30: Dansuitleg\n18.30 - 24.00: Bal met 3 live-bands!\nLocatie\nHet jubileumbal vindt plaats op twee locaties: het Maaspodium voor de picknick en het bal in de avond, theater Altstadt voor de workshops in de middag. De locaties zijn beiden op eigen gelegenheid te bereiken en liggen op ongeveer 15 minuten lopen van elkaar vandaan. Op beide locaties zijn mensen van Balfolk Zuid-Holland aanwezig om je verder te helpen.\nMaaspodium\nSint Jobsweg 3\nRotterdam\nTheater Altstadt\nAelbrechtskolk 3-9\nRotterdam\nKijk voor routes met de auto op je favoriete routeplanner. Voor parkeren raden we aan www.prettigparkeren.nl te raadplegen voor een optie die het best aansluit.\nMet het OV ligt theater Altstadt het dichts bij metrostation Delfshaven, vanaf daar is het nog geen 5 minuten lopen. Het Maaspodium ligt op een kleine 10 minuten vanaf metrostation Coolhaven. Check je favoriete OV-planner voor details qua aankomsttijden.\nReserveren\nReserveren voor dit bal wordt aangeraden. Voor de workshops moet gereserveerd worden, om zeker te zijn van een plekje. Bovendien is er een minimum aantal deelnemers: reserveren zorgt ervoor dat wij zeker weten dat er voldoende deelnemers zullen zijn.\nJe kunt via deze link reserveren als het formulier hieronder niet wordt weergegeven\nLaden…\n\nHeb je vragen, tips of aanvullingen? Neem contact op via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/jubileumbal-10-jaar-balfolk-zuid-holland/" start: "2025-03-29T13:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-29T23:59:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Cardboard Cabin price: €35-€50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Irregular Waltzes & Variations details: Course links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/irregular-waltzes-&-variations/1170/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2646" start: "2025-03-29T13:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-29T18:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €20-€55 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Scandinavian Dance Weekend details: Workshop für Fortgeschrittene Samstag und Sonntag links: - "https://7schritt.de/10-skandinavisches-tanzwochenende-in-freiburg-i-br/" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/890078666" start: "2025-03-29T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-30T14:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - scandi - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Kördeböf - Sture und Sigmar - Uppsala price: €40-€50 organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-03-29T13:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-29T17:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: Scandi & Balfolk Dance links: - "https://mailchi.mp/30d4629f3ed4/14-dec-scandi-balfolk-in-tinwell-ketton-18246640" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/585570047438559/" start: "2025-03-29T14:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-30T02:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Stamford styles: - balfolk - scandi workshop: true social: true organisation: East Midlands Scandinavian Dance source: events/uk/ketton.yaml - name: BalFolk Rechberghausen details: "Die Hayner, Workshop 16-18 Uhr" links: - "https://gmuendfolk.de/termine.html" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/841345511" start: "2025-03-29T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-30T00:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Göppingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Die Hayner organisation: Marilou und Johann source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Balfolk im Städtli links: - "https://balsoleil.ch/balfolk-in-lichtensteig/" start: "2025-03-29T17:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-29T22:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Lichtensteig styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Ursina & Gabriel - Sol Do price: 35 CHF organisation: BalSoleil source: events/switzerland/lichtensteig.yaml - name: English Dance Weekend links: - "https://nvs-dance.nl/alv-weekend-beekbergen-2025/" start: "2025-03-29T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-30T16:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Apeldoorn styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Simone Verheijen price: €117.50-€177.50 organisation: NVS source: events/netherlands/nvs.yaml - name: Queimada details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/queimada/1165/" - "https://muziekpublique.be/concerts/20250329_queimada_leskickeuses_nordestinoz/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2633" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/414476648354839" start: "2025-03-29T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-29T23:59:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Les Kickeuses - A Contrabanda - NordestiNoz price: €11-€19 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal de Printemps links: - "https://folkafon.com/nos-evenements/bal-de-printemps-avec-le-petit-bal-ratamouche-et-duo-sarzier-simonnin" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/497227593355369/" start: "2025-03-29T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-29T23:30:00+01:00" country: France city: Troyes styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Le Petit Bal Ratamouche - Duo Sarzier-Simonnin price: €13 organisation: Folkafon source: events/france/troyes.yaml - name: Fiddlehead Frolic links: - "https://www.hands4dancers.org/upcoming-dances/2025/3/29/fiddlehead-frolic" start: "2025-03-29T14:30:00-04:00" end: "2025-03-29T22:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: NY city: Ithaca styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - The Moving Violations callers: - Adina Gordon organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Gugelhupf details: "Parasol (Frankreich) mit mit Gérard Godon und Samuel Thézé\\r\n\\r\nbal folk" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-in-dresden/" start: "2025-03-29T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-29T23:59:59+01:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Parasol organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Contrabridge details: "Join us for our contra dance with Hoik! with calling from Sam Tetley Smith.\n\nEdward Wallace (fiddle), Alan Brunier (accordion) and Adam Beresford-Browne (guitar) - play dance music with drive and lift, from the borders of British Isles and American traditions. Edward has played fiddle for contra dances across the USA and UK, he plays great tunes to get dancers moving joyously. Alan's fine piano accordion playing is in demand for all kinds of folk dance, notably with Contrasaurus and their inflatable dinosaurs. Adam has been playing acoustic guitar in folk and ceilidh bands across the UK since 2009, and teaches folk tunes at festivals both with Tuneworks and his band midswégan.\n\nSam Tetley Smith is a contra caller, dancer and general dance nerd from Sheffield." links: - "https://contrabridge.org/events/2025-03/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/942033228071727/" start: "2025-03-29T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-29T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Hoik callers: - Sam Tetley Smith price: £7-£15 organisation: Contrabridge source: events/uk/contrabridge.yaml - name: Dansez Français links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-03-29T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-29T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Tonik price: £10 organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: Exeter Ceilidh links: - "https://exeterceilidhs.net/" start: "2025-03-29T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-29T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Amber Fire price: £4-£15 organisation: Exeter Ceilidhs source: events/uk/exeter_ceilidhs.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-29-3-25-queens-gate-house/" start: "2025-03-29T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-03-29T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Spring Bal links: - "https://www.folktanz-halle.de/tanzhal/termine.html" start_date: 2025-03-30 end_date: 2025-03-30 country: Germany city: Halle styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - TradTöchter - Thomas Augustin-Roth organisation: Folktanz Halle source: events/germany/halle.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-03-30T14:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-03-30T15:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Branle Bearnais & Variations details: Course links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/branle-bearnais-&-variations/1171/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2651" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2037819400029089" start: "2025-03-30T13:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-30T18:15:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €20-€55 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal & Session links: - "https://www.weedonbalfolk.co.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1102520408088651/" start: "2025-03-30T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-30T17:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Weedon Bec styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £5 organisation: Weedon Balfolk source: events/uk/badby_bals.yaml - name: Balfolk Dance Course links: - "https://baselfolk.ch/" - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7791/balfolk-tanzkurs?jour=31-3-2025" start: "2025-03-31T17:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-03-31T18:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Basel Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Folk Dance Course links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/327091070425645/327091143758971/" start: "2025-03-31T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-31T22:30:00+02:00" country: Italy city: Milan styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: La Scighera source: events/italy/milan.yaml - name: Minibal in Heiligenberg details: Mara und Torge links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/859394917" start: "2025-03-31T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-31T21:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Heiligenberg styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Duo Mara & Torge organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" details: "20:00 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-4/" start: "2025-03-31T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-31T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-3/" start: "2025-03-31T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-03-31T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590232657822/" start: "2025-04-01T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-01T22:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 250 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Fandango" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-04-01T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-01T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Bal links: - "https://www.folktanz-halle.de/tanzhal/termine.html" start_date: 2025-04-02 end_date: 2025-04-02 country: Germany city: Halle styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Parasol organisation: Folktanz Halle source: events/germany/halle.yaml - name: Contra Holiday in Medieval England details: Week long contra dance camp. links: - "https://contraholiday.net" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/280190711768402/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1696157717611200/" start: "2025-04-02T10:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-09T08:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ely styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Wild Asparagus - Contrasaurus callers: - George Marshall - Janet Shepherd - Terry Doyle - Charlie Turner price: $1450 organisation: Contra Holiday source: events/uk/ely.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943260927447" start: "2025-04-02T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-02T20:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: FolkCrash! links: - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7777/folkcrash-balfolk-entdecken?jour=02-04-2025" - "https://www.balefolk.ch/en/folkcrash" start: "2025-04-02T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-02T23:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Bâle Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2663" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2664" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2665" start: "2025-04-02T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-02T21:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk details: "Kom gezellig dansen op live muziek door de Limburgse folkband Musac.\n\nMusac organiseert maandelijks (meestal op de eerste woensdag van de maand) een eigen dansavond in Geleen in Zuid-Limburg.\n\nMusac bestaat ruim 30 jaar en speelt op accordeon, doedelzak, draailier, nickelharpa en fluiten.\nDansen zijn o.a. bourrée, scottish, jigue, andro, tovercirkel, wals, dubbele klappolka en nog veel meer.\nDe dansavonden zijn bedoeld voor zowel beginners als gevorderden. Er wordt tussen de dansen door korte dans-instructie verzorgd. De sfeer is ontspannen en samen plezier hebben staat voorop.\n't Volkshoes heeft een grote zaal met goede houten vloer. Drankjes verkrijgbaar (koelkast/penning). Schuin ertegenover ligt een ruime gratis parkeerplaats.\n\nVoorafgaand aan de maandelijkse dansavond is er vanaf 19 uur een klein uurtje samen musiceren voor de liefhebbers. Alle instrumenten zijn welkom.\nHieraan zijn geen kosten verbonden. Evt. bladmuziek vooraf opvragen.\n\nJe mag ook komen luisteren en van de muziek genieten.\n\nMeer info per mail of aanmelden voor de berichten via willvdbool@musac.eu\nTelefonische info via Hans 06 - 1265 1903\n\nAlvast kijken en luisteren naar Musac: Musac op Youtube" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-met-musac-19/" start: "2025-04-02T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-02T22:15:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Geleen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Musac price: €5 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-04-02T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-02T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Dave Shepherd organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: "Socialles 334 — Zweedse dansen: slängpolska" details: "Deze donderdag 3 april  is het socialles nr 334. Het onderwerp van de workshop is een Zweedse dans: de slängpolska. Deze workshop is onafhankelijk van de vorige 2 workshops en wordt gegeven door Wim en Leora.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-334-rotterdam-zweedse-dansen-slangpolska/" start: "2025-04-03T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-03T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk - scandi workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-04-03T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-03T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823068244966/" start: "2025-04-03T20:30:00+03:00" end: "2025-04-03T23:30:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Scandi Dance London links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/947107620631545/" start: "2025-04-03T19:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-04-03T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true price: £8-£10 organisation: East Midlands Scandinavian Dance source: events/uk/ketton.yaml - name: Set for Spring details: "Set for Spring is an ECD weekend that rotates between Austin, Houston, Dallas, and Oklahoma City! This year’s SFS features Joanna Reiner calling and Karen Axelrod, Eric Martin, and Anna Patton playing music. We look forward to a fabulous time!" links: - "https://taada.us/sfs/" - "https://cdss.org/event/set-for-spring-ecd-in-oklahoma-city/" start_date: 2025-04-04 end_date: 2025-04-06 country: USA state: OK city: Oklahoma City styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Joanna Reiner Wilkinson organisation: Scissortail Traditional Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: "Pitt's Maggot English Dance Weekend" details: "David Smukler with Hot Toddy \nDavid Smukler has been dancing since the 1960s, calling contras since the 1980s and calling English country dances since the 1990s. He is a gentle and engaging teacher who particularly enjoys a wide variety of dances including some of his own creations. David currently is President of the Country Dance and Song Society. He is also the co-author of Cracking Chestnuts. \nHot Toddy is Anna Rain (recorders), Edith Coakley (fiddle, viola) and Melissa Running (piano). They are passionate about making music for English country dancing. They love the canon of dance tunes stretching from the 14th century to 2025, and the improvisatory journeys on which they tend to find themselves. Based in Philadelphia, they’ve played up and down the coast from Virginia to the New England Folk Festival. \nFor hospitality, email arthur.mcnair@verizon.net. For Covid safety info, check CDSSP.org for updates. For registration information and financial aid requests, email ifinke@yahoo.com. \nThis event takes place in Homestead, PA, about 30 minutes from Pittsburgh." links: - "https://cdssp.org/?page_id=634" - "https://cdss.org/event/pitts-maggot-english-dance-weekend/" start_date: 2025-04-04 end_date: 2025-04-06 country: USA state: PA city: Homestead styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true bands: - Hot Toddy callers: - David Smukler price: $119 organisation: CDSSP source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: "Music, dance and song" links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/banter-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/533644946056981/" start: "2025-04-04T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-06T16:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: true bands: - Banter price: £200-£330 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Concert and dance links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1291224485338243/" start: "2025-04-04T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-04T23:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Västra Låtverkstan - MacRill price: 85-160 SEK organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-04-04T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-04T21:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: TANZhaus WABE details: "18:00 Uhr – Musik Workshop „Gemeinsam Session spielen“ mit Maciej (Englisch)\n19:00 Uhr – Tanzeinführungsworkshop\n20:00 Uhr – BalFolk mit Ciac Boum\nab ca. 22:00 Uhr – Session (bringt eure Instrumente mit)\nEintritt: 25 Euro regulär, 16 Euro ermäßigt *\nCiac Boum (FR)\nCiac Boum – Copyright: Ciac Boum\nDieses Trio bietet energiegeladene und einfallsreiche Musik, die tief im traditionellen Erbe des Poitou verwurzelt ist. Es hat sich als anerkannter Botschafter dieser Tradition etabliert, indem es sowohl traditionelle Melodien neu interpretiert als auch eigene Kompositionen schafft. Ciac Boum genießt einen hervorragenden Ruf bei Tänzern in Frankreich und Europa, da ihre unverwechselbare Musik pure Lebensfreude, Energie und Feierlust ausstrahlt.\nJulien Padovani : Chromatisches Akkordeon, kick, Gesang\nChristian Pacher : Violine, Gesang\nAlban Pacher: Violine, Gesang\nVideo\nMusik Workshop „Intro to playing in a Balfolk Session“\nMaciej playing flute in a Session – Foto: Ronald Rietmann\nWorkshop will be led in English: Workshop for musicians of any level, playing any instrument. 

This workshop will cover:
🎵 An introduction to balfolk sessions and what to expect.
🎵 Ways to create a good atmosphere for all the involved musicians and dancers
🎵 The language of musical communication and interaction during the session
🎵 Strategies for joining in and contributing, even without knowing the tune at hand.
🎵 Basics of musical arranging, useful for playing at the session. (Please note that the music workshop will take place in a neighboring building of the Wabe – directions will follow)\n—\n*Ermäßigung mit Nachweis: SchülerInnen, StudentInnen, Auszubildende, Bürgergeldempfänger:innen, Schwerbeschädigte ab 50 %\nIm Vorverkauf haben wir ein erweitertes Preiskonzept, bitte schaut Euch das gerne mal an. Einige Preisstufen sind nur im Vorverkauf verfügbar." links: - "https://spreefolk.de/events/wabe2025-04" start: "2025-04-04T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-04T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Berlin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Ciac Boum price: €16-€25 organisation: Spreefolk e.V. source: events/germany/spreefolk.yaml - name: Balfolk Bonn links: - "http://balfolk-bonn.de/balfolk/Tanzaktivitaten.html" start: "2025-04-04T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-04T23:59:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Bonn styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Kördeböf price: donation organisation: Balfolk Bonn e.V. source: events/germany/bonn.yaml - name: Alcester Contra links: - "https://davidfolk7.wixsite.com/alcestercontras" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2357222341277642/" start: "2025-04-04T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-04T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Alcester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - King Kontra String Band callers: - Nicola Scott price: £4-£10 organisation: Alcester Contra source: events/uk/alcester_contra.yaml - name: Cambridge Contra Dance links: - "https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/" - "https://www.cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/programme.html" start: "2025-04-04T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-04T22:15:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: £2 organisation: Cambridge Contra Dance source: events/uk/cambridge_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-4-4-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-04-04T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-04T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Epicenter Contra Dance Weekend details: "A fabulous weekend in Mill Valley, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, featuring Supertrad and Engine Room, with gender neutral calling by Lisa Greenleaf and Michael Karcher. Registration now open! \nFor more information, email rhonda@cayford.org." links: - "https://nbcds.org/special-events/epicenter-2025/" - "https://cdss.org/event/epicenter-contra-dance-weekend/" start: "2025-04-04T19:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-04-06T18:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: CA city: Mill Valley styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Engine Room - Supertrad callers: - Lisa Greenleaf - Michael Karcher organisation: North Bay Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Irish set dance details: Irischer Tanznachmittag links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/947756279" start: "2025-04-05T15:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-05T19:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Frickingen styles: - irish-set workshop: false social: true organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Tanzworkshop details: Balfolk-Tänze links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/942154939" start: "2025-04-05T17:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-05T18:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Roggenburg styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Herzallerliebst source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Tanzhaus Innsbruck links: - "https://tanzhaus-innsbruck.jimdofree.com/" start: "2025-04-05T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-05T23:00:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Innsbruck styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Sternreißer price: €10-€20 organisation: Tanzhaus Innsbruck source: events/austria/innsbruck.yaml - name: Balfolk Tanzabend details: Bal und Workshop links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/942152959" start: "2025-04-05T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-05T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Roggenburg styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Herzallerliebst source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Bal@herk details: Ball links: - "http://www.folkinlimburg.be/agenda/beschrijving.php?id=715" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2626" start: "2025-04-05T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-05T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Herk-de-Stad styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - TRADplus - Ultra Tagada price: €12-€18 organisation: Folk In Limburg source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Harrogate Contra links: - "http://harrogatecontra.org.uk/events.html" start: "2025-04-05T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-05T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Harrogate styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Heather & Philip callers: - Rachel Shapiro-Wallace price: £6-£10 organisation: Harrogate Contra source: events/uk/harrogate_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-25-4-5-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-04-05T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-05T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Edinburgh Contra Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/3235656853242570/" start: "2025-04-05T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-04-05T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Edinburgh styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Edward Wallace & Tom Oakes callers: - Andrew Swaine price: £10-£20 organisation: Edinburgh Contra Dance source: events/uk/edinburgh_contra_dance.yaml - name: English Dance Day links: - "https://nvs-dance.nl/dansdagen-engels/" start: "2025-04-06T10:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-06T16:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Amersfoort styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true callers: - Liesbeth Krijgsman - Agnès van Nieuwland price: €15-€20 organisation: NVS source: events/netherlands/nvs.yaml - name: Contra Dance links: - "https://contradance-ka.wixsite.com/home-eng/events" start: "2025-04-06T14:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-06T18:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: €5-€10 organisation: Karlsruhe Contra Dance source: events/germany/karlsruhe.yaml - name: Sloterbal details: "WAT KUN JE VERWACHTEN\nEen echte danslocatie, fijne houten vloeren, 130 dansers en heerlijke muziek van Wouter Kuyper en SnaarMaarWaar. Alle ingrediënten zijn er voor een fijn bal. Kom zondag 6 april genieten en dansen in de middelgrote zaal van CanDance Studios, dichtij Station Sloterdijk.\n \nWil je balfolk leren dansen? Vooraf is er een gratis dansinstructie voor beginners. Na deze workshop kan je de belangrijkste danjes al gelijk meedoen tijdens het bal.\n \nDATUM\nZondag 6 april 2025\nTICKETS\n- Voorverkoop vroege vogel € 19,50 (t/m 23-03-2025)\n- Voorverkoop regulier € 23,50\n- Aan de deur € 25,00\n\n<>\n \nPROGRAMMA\n14:30 Deuren open\n15:00 Dansinstructie\n16:00 Bal met Wouter Kuyper\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met SnaarMaarWaar\n21:00 Einde\n\n(Geluidstechniek door Lucas Kooijman)\nLOCATIE\nCanDance Studios: Isolatorweg 28, 1014 AS Amsterdam\n\nJe parkeert gratis in de straten rondom de locatie. Het is makkelijk bereikbaar met het OV. Je loopt er vanaf Station Amsterdam Sloterdijk naartoe in +/-15 minuten. Of pakt de bus die iedere 10 minuten vanaf het station vertrekt.\nNIEUW IN BALFOLK?\nBalfolk is een social dance. Vergelijkbaar met Salsa, Tango of Lindyhop, maar dan op West-Europese volksmuziek. Bij balfolk geen shows of competitie, gewoon lekker dansen zoals ze dat vroeger op dorpsfeesten en bruiloften deden. Met familie en vrienden. Van jong tot oud. Iedereen danst mee. Je hebt geen vaste partner nodig. Je kunt iedereen ten dans vragen. Én je kunt door iedereen ten dans worden gevraagd. Of je stapt zelf in bij een van de groepsdansen.\n\nIn Balfolk is iedereen welkom om te komen dansen. Je hoeft geen danservaring te hebben om mee te kunnen doen. Je mag zijn we je bent en je hoeft geen speciale kleding of schoenen te hebben.\n\nWe willen graag dat iedereen zich bij ons vrij voelt om zichzelf te zijn en zich veilig voelt om aan te geven wat ze nodig hebben. Daarom vinden we het belangrijk dat iedereen die naar een Balfolk evenement komt op de hoogte is van een aantal dansrichtlijnen.\nhttps://www.balfolk.nl/informatie/dansrichtlijnen/" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/sloterbal-met-wouter-kuyper-en-snaarmaarwaar/" start: "2025-04-06T15:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-06T21:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Snaarmaarwaar - Wouter Kuyper price: €19.50-€25 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: New Forest Eurobal details: "A dance organised by Eurobal Wessex. Dancers and musicians both welcome, with a mixed band led by musicians from Southampton Euro Session." links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1228116261826601/" start: "2025-04-06T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-06T17:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ringwood styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £8 organisation: EuroBal Wessex source: events/uk/eurobal_wessex.yaml - name: Dance Party details: "Potańcówka z zespołem Ciac Boum z regionu Poitou w ramach XXXV Dni Kultury Francuskiej i Frankofonii - Francja regionów\r\n\r\nProjekt współfinansowany ze środków budżetowych Miasta Poznania i Regionu Bretania" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/ciac-boum-poznan-potancowka" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1146251963751552/" - "https://www.bilety24.pl/koncert/790-ciac-boum-122842?id=710452" start: "2025-04-06T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-06T20:30:00+02:00" country: Poland city: Poznań styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Ciac Boum price: 50 PLN organisation: ~ source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: "https://www.ormuz.fr/" links: - "https://folkclub-marburg.de" start: "2025-04-06T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-06T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Marburg styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Ormuz organisation: Folkclub Marburg source: events/germany/marburg.yaml - name: Balfolk Dance Course links: - "https://baselfolk.ch/" - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7792/balfolk-tanzkurs?jour=7-4-2025" start: "2025-04-07T17:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-07T18:00:00+02:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Basel Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-anfaenger-8/" start: "2025-04-07T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-07T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590229324489/" start: "2025-04-08T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-08T22:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 150 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Fado - Choreographien Nanni Kloke" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-04-08T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-08T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Folkbal Wilhelmina details: "Een balavond met de man die de organisatie en dansuitleg van Folkbal Wilhelmina de eerste 20 (!!) jaar verzorgde: Folie du Nord, met Wilco, Thomas en Els. Niet op de dansvloer, maar op het podium!" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-la-jolie-folie-nl/" start: "2025-04-09T20:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-09T23:30:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Eindhoven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Folie du Nord price: €10 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Music & Dancing links: - "https://www.efdss.org/whats-on/26-gigs/14033-duo-niepold-cutting" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1277297283723690/" start: "2025-04-09T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-09T21:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Duo Niepold-Cutting price: £10-£18 organisation: EFDSS source: events/uk/efdss.yaml - name: Vragen Staat Vrij details: Course links: - "https://stanistil.be/event/46" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2639" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/925996403028371" start: "2025-04-09T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-09T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: donation organisation: Stanistil source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk Ratisbonne links: - "https://www.balfolk-ratisbonne.net/" start: "2025-04-10T16:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T16:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Regensburg styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Ormuz - GrandLoup - Dragon Flowers - Trio Wolski - Mathæus Bech price: €120-€160 organisation: Balfolk Ratisbonne source: events/germany/ratisbonne.yaml - name: Socialles 335 details: "Deze donderdag 10 april  is het socialles nr 335. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-335-rotterdam/" start: "2025-04-10T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-10T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Tobotorsdag links: - "https://esitobo.org/evenemang/tobotorsdag/" start: "2025-04-10T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-10T22:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Uppsala styles: - scandi workshop: false social: true bands: - Trollrike Spelmän price: 50 SEK organisation: Eric Sahlström Institutet source: events/sweden/uppsala.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-04-10T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-10T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823071578299/" start: "2025-04-10T20:30:00+03:00" end: "2025-04-10T23:30:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Releasekonsert links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1320257349406658/" start: "2025-04-11T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-11T23:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Vågspel - Kråkstråk price: 85-160 SEK organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Funambals links: - "https://funambals.lacampanule.fr/language/en/" start: "2025-04-11T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T23:59:00+02:00" country: France city: Lyon styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Platane - Talec Noguet Quartet - La Chimère - La Malène - Duo Cavez-Paulson - Hot Griselda - Trencadit - Poolidor - Femti Fem - Sorgues - Ma Petite - Tref price: €63-€69 organisation: Funambals source: events/france/funambals.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-25-4-11-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-04-11T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-11T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Springforth Ball & Dance Weekend details: "Featuring Playing with Fyre \nGeorge Paul (keyboard)\nRob Zisette (fiddle), and\nSteve Kemble (percussion) \nwith calling by Bob Isaacs" links: - "https://tadamsva.org/springforth-ball-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/430473763343161/" - "https://cdss.org/event/28th-annual-springforth-ball-dance-weekend/" start: "2025-04-11T18:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-04-13T15:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: VA city: Richmond styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Playing with Fyre callers: - Bob Isaacs organisation: TADAMS (Traditional American Dance and Music Society) source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Call of the Loon details: "Featuring Calling from Seth Tepfer and Steve Pike and Music from Dam Beavers and Contratopia! \n\n\n\n\n\n\n$135 Registration January 1 – February 28, 2025\n$145 Late registration after February 28, 2025 \nStudent/youth discounts and limited half-price work scholarships are available. Local dancers are happy to host out-of-town guests, but space is limited, so if you would like hospitality, please register early. Admission for individual sessions may be available if space allows. \n\n\nFriday, April 11\n6:45 pm Registration Opens\n7:30-11:30 pm Welcome Dance\n11:30 pm Campfire Gathering \nSaturday, April 12\n9:00 am Coffee and registration\n9:30–10:45 am Workshop\n11:00 am–12:30 pm Contra dance\n12:30–2:00 pm Lunch break & caller roundtable\n(order lunch on registration form)\n2:00–3:30 pm Workshop\n3:45–5:00 pm Contra dance\n5:00–7:30 pm Dinner break\n7:30–8:00 pm Concert\n8:00–11:30 pm Tie Dye Ball\n11:30 pm-1:00 am After Party TBA \nSunday, April 13\n9:30-11:00 am Brunch (included in registration)\n10:30-11:30 am Workshop\n11:00-11:45 am Singing around the campfire\n11:45 am-2:30 pm Farewell dance" links: - "https://www.tapestryfolkdance.org/call-of-the-loon" - "https://cdss.org/event/call-of-the-loon-12th-annual-contra-dance-weekend/" start: "2025-04-11T18:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-04-13T14:30:00-05:00" country: USA state: MN city: Minneapolis styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - The Dam Beavers - Contratopia callers: - Seth Tepfer - Steve Pike price: $135-$145 organisation: Tapestry Folkdance Center source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Queer Contra Dance Camp details: Queer Contra Dance Camp is a queer-normative contra dance weekend in the California redwoods with incredible talent and an enthusiastic and friendly community. links: - "https://www.queercontradance.org/queercamp.html" - "https://cdss.org/event/queer-contra-dance-camp/" start: "2025-04-11T18:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-04-13T15:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: CA city: Aptos styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - The Sage Thrashers - Starling callers: - Angela DeCarlis - Sue Rosen price: $125-$500 organisation: San Francisco Bay Queer Contra Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Elfia Haarzuilens details: "De allerlaatste keer Elfia bij kasteel Haarzuilens!\n\n \n\n11:00 workshop\n\n12:00 band 1\n\n14:00 band 2" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/elfia-haarzuilens-zaterdag-12-04/" - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/elfia-haarzuilens-zondag-13-04/" - "https://www.elfia.com/en/" start: "2025-04-12T10:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T20:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Haarzuilens styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Laouen - Marie Paulette organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Folk Dance for Beginners - Level 1 details: Course links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/folk-dance-for-beginners-level-1/1114/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2479" start: "2025-04-12T13:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-12T18:15:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Brussels styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: €20-€55 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Le Vendredi Danse links: - "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1035775671909454&set=pb.100064310937147.-2207520000" start: "2025-04-12T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-12T16:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Holmfirth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Le Vendredi Danse source: events/uk/le_vendredi_danse.yaml - name: Dans i Tobo links: - "https://esitobo.org/evenemang/dans-i-tobo-festival-12-april-2025/" start: "2025-04-12T16:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T10:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Uppsala styles: - scandi workshop: false social: true organisation: Eric Sahlström Institutet source: events/sweden/uppsala.yaml - name: Bal details: Ball links: - "https://www.ccsilly.be/events/bal-folk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1126802429066852/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2614" start: "2025-04-12T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-12T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Silly styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Balbelutte price: €10 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: "Le P'tit Bal du Harby" details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://pasdlayau.be/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2464" start: "2025-04-12T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-12T22:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Quevaucamps styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Duo Meunier-Buteau price: €10 organisation: "Pas d'La Yau" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: 17è Nuit du Trad details: Ball links: - "https://www.rzf.be/en_US/event/17e-nuit-du-trad-2025-04-12-2025-04-13-72/register" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2506" start: "2025-04-12T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T03:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Alleur styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Stoemp - Cam&Léo - Zlabya - No&Mi price: €25-€30 organisation: "Rif Zans L'Fiesse" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Nottingham Playford Ball links: - "https://nfdg.org.uk/club_dances.php" - "https://nfdg.org.uk/ball.php" start: "2025-04-12T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-12T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Nottingham styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true bands: - Tom & Julia Barnes callers: - Andrew Swaine organisation: Nottingham Folk Dance Group source: events/uk/nfdg.yaml - name: "d'Accord" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876/posts/1813811482356480/" start: "2025-04-12T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-12T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Poisson Groove price: £10 organisation: "d'Accord" source: events/uk/daccord.yaml - name: Bal / Concert links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/459698080133565/" - "https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/folk-inspiration/t-yavgyka" start: "2025-04-12T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-12T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Guildford styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Duo Niepold-Cutting price: £19.5-£23.85 organisation: Folk Inspirations source: events/uk/guildford.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/8872903499457522/" start: "2025-04-12T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-12T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Box of Frogs callers: - Rhodri Davies price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: Swedish Dance Party details: "Dansen is altijd een feestje. Dansen met live muziek is dubbel feest. En Zweeds dansen met live muziek is wat ons betreft een nog groter feest.\n\n\n\nOp deze zondagmiddagen kun je lekker zwieren en zweven op de dansvloer met dansen zoals hambo, schottis, diverse polskor en wals.\n\n\n\n\n\nOp 13 april a.s. komt Sparv weer voor ons spelen. \n\n\n\nEllen Kempers en Corné Hoogervorst spelen op hun divers gestemde trekharmonica's, viool en nyckelharpa een gevarieerd programma aan Zweedse en andere Scandinavische volksmuziek.\n\n\n\nVerspreid over de middag zullen er een aantal basispassen van verschillende Zweedse dansen worden uitgelegd. Na iedere uitleg kan deze dans dan door iedereen gedanst of verder geoefend worden. NB. er is géén aparte workshop. We verweven de uitleg in het bal, zodat iedereen vanaf het begin zoveel mogelijk mee kan doen" links: - "https://dansplezier.wordpress.com/zweeds-dansfeest/" - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/zweeds-dansfeest-met-sparv-3/" - "https://www.plug.events/event/zweeds-dansfeest-met-sparv19" start: "2025-04-13T13:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T17:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Wageningen styles: - scandi workshop: false social: true bands: - Sparv price: €12.50 organisation: Dansplezier met Elske & Leo source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolkcafe Groningen details: "Elke maand een bal in de kapel van het oude RKZ! (Emmastraat 15, Groningen)\n\nHet eerstvolgende bal is:\nBalfolk Groningen met Swartematerie op zondag 13 april 2025\nAanvang: 14:00\nEntree: Vrijwillige bijdrage, geef gul voor de band! Bijvoorbeeld €15 per persoonLocatie: Theater De Kapel in het Oude Rooms Katholiek Ziekenhuis (ORKZ),Emmastraat 15, 9722 EW GroningenInstructies: Ja, om 14.00 uur\n\nBalfolk Groningen is dansen op live folkmuziek en natuurlijk sessie na afloop: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee! Entree: vrijwillige donatie, zoals bijvoorbeeld € 15,- Geef ruim, want alles gaat 100% naar muzikanten.\n\nGlobaal tijdschema:14:00 dansworkshop15:00:Bal16:30 sessie17:30 einde programma(Tijden onder voorbehoud)\n\nDansuitlegIn deze dansuitleg komen de basisprincipes van balfolk aan bod zodat iedereen mee kan doen. In de tweede helft van de dansuitleg gaan ze dieper op één dans in.\n\nSwartematerieSwartematerie is het alter ego van Patricia Swart, die met saxen en klarinet en een loopstation allerlei laagjes over elkaar legt waar dan een jig of mazurka op gedanst kan worden. De toegift wordt op verzoek een wals waarmee ze haar set begon. Het is de eerste keer dat ze deze nummers (de eerste vijf die ze ooit geschreven heeft voor balfolk) solo voor publiek speelt, vertelt ze. Ze is nu al een paar jaar bezig met het spelen van balfolkmuziek en maakte deel uit van Dioptrie, dat echter niet vaak opgetreden heeft en inmiddels gestopt is. Verder speelt ze in Androneda. Muziek beschouwt ze als donkere materie, waarvan niemand echt weet wat het precies is, maar er is een trilling. Op den duur wil ze graag gaan werken met meer technieken om soundscapes te creëren. Balfolkmelodieën lenen zich daar goed voor omdat ze vaak een eenvoudige structuur hebben.Website: http://www.patriciaswart.nl/?page=agenda\n\nWat is Balfolk?Balfolk is misschien een beetje te vergelijken met een tango- of salsa-avond, maar dan met de muziek en dansen van hier: de dansen en muziek die traditioneel in West-Europa voorkomen. En er is altijd live muziek! En we starten altijd met een dansuitleg. Iedereen kan meedoen.\n\nDe KapelDe kapel is te vinden als je naar het Oude RKZ (ORKZ) komt in de Emmastraat 15 in Groningen. Wanneer je binnenkomt loop je naar de bar, en rechts van de bar bevindt zich de deur naar de kapel." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolkcafe-groningen-op-zondag-met-swartematerie/" start: "2025-04-13T14:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T17:30:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Groningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Swartematerie price: €15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Folk & Dance at Schäfersee details: "Tanznachmittag mit Live-Musik\nSo 13.04.2025 15-17 Uhr\n-weitere Infos folgen bald-\n \nOrt: M5 am Franz-Neumann-Platz, Markstraße 5, 13409 Berlin\nDer Eintritt ist frei\n Eine Veranstaltung der NaturFreunde Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit Spreefolk e.V." links: - "https://spreefolk.de/events/2504-tanz-m5" start: "2025-04-13T15:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T17:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Berlin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: NaturFreunde Berlin source: events/germany/spreefolk.yaml - name: Bal De La Cabane Du Bout Du Monde details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://www.facebook.com/noiranomis/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2615" start: "2025-04-13T16:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-13T21:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Watermaal-Bosvoorde styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Noiranomis price: €7-€12 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal Crewkerne details: French + Breton dance and live music links: - "https://balcrew.wixsite.com/balcrewkerne" start: "2025-04-13T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-13T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Crewkerne styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £4 organisation: Bal Crewkerne source: events/uk/crewkerne.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" details: "20:00 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-11/" start: "2025-04-14T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-14T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-4-2025-04-14/" start: "2025-04-14T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-14T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590225991156/" start: "2025-04-15T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-15T22:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 250 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Griechische Tänze" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-04-15T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-15T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943247594115" start: "2025-04-16T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-16T20:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: Bal Étoile at Jamboree links: - "https://londonbalfolk.org.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1636948583922621/" start: "2025-04-16T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-16T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: London Balfolk source: events/uk/london_balfolk.yaml - name: "Socialles 336 — Connectie + switch dansen, leiden en volgen" details: "Deze donderdag 17 april  is het socialles nr 336. Het onderwerp van de workshop is: Connectie + switch dansen, leiden en volgen. Deze workshop wordt gegeven door Isobel.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-336-rotterdam-connectie-switch-dansen-leiden-en-volgen/" start: "2025-04-17T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-17T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-04-17T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-17T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823081578298/" start: "2025-04-17T20:30:00+03:00" end: "2025-04-17T23:30:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Dandelion Romp links: - "https://advance.oberlin.edu/events/2024/04/19/dandelion-romp-2024" start_date: 2025-04-18 end_date: 2025-04-20 country: USA state: OH city: Oberlin styles: - contra workshop: true social: true organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: ComSiBal Festival links: - "https://comsibal.be/en/events/festival_2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/876460458035352/" start: "2025-04-18T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-21T02:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Boutersem styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Tref - Beat Bouet Trio - JAM PT - Feather and Fox - "Bal O'Gadjo" - Oraj - La Sylva - Tom & Aurélie - Zlabya - Dragon Flowers organisation: ComSiBal source: events/belgium/comsibal.yaml - name: Vrijdagavondbal details: "Op vrijdagavond 18 april kan er gratis balfolk gedanst worden in Rotterdam, in de studio van De Doelen. De band die komt spelen is Exqueezit.\n\nExqueezit is het duo Bert Leemans (chromatische knop-accordeon) en Erik de Jong (piano-accordeon). Bert (bekend van o.a. EmBRUN, Elanor en Airboxes) en Erik (bekend van o.a. The Assasenachs, Itchy Fingers en de Gonnagles). Met een wederzijds respect voor elkaars muziekachtergrond en speelstijl (Erik meer Iers/Schots en Bert meer Balfolk), brengen Bert en Erik heerlijke Balfolk met zowel Frans/Vlaamse als Keltische invloeden. Of je nu danst of luistert, het is sowieso genieten. De twee muzikanten leerden elkaar in 2006 kennen op de muziekstage Vliers op Texel, waar Bert aan Erik de fijne kneepjes van het Balfolk spelen liet zien. Toen in 2018 Bert vaker in Noord Nederland te vinden was, kwam hij Erik weer tegen in Irish Pub O'Ceallaigh in Groningen. Al gauw was duidelijk dat de mannen genoten van samenspelen. Hier ontstond dan ook het idee voor een optreden als duo op het 15-jarig jubileum van Balfolk in Café Wilhelmina in Eindhoven. Een half jaar later herhaalde dat zich nog een keer op Elfia Haarzuilens 2019 en zo is Exqueezit ontstaan.\n\nGratis\nHet bal in De Doelen is gratis toegankelijk en iedereen van binnen en buiten Rotterdam is van harte welkom om mee te komen dansen of te luisteren naar de fijne muziek.\nDansuitleg voor beginners Nog niet eerder (balfolk) gedanst? Geen zorgen, er wordt gestart met een dansuitleg van Balfolk Zuid-Holland, zodat degenen die nog niet eerder hebben gedanst, kunnen kennismaken met balfolk en daarna ook de hele avond mee kunnen doen.\n\nProgramma\nHet exacte programma met de tijden volgt nog. Je kunt naar wens binnen komen lopen in De Doelen (maar vanaf het begin meedoen is natuurlijk wel het leukste).\n\nVernieuwde locatie\nOnlangs is De Doelen Studio volledig vernieuwd en opgeknapt. De ruimte is fijner om te dansen, de bar is apart - en de studio is nu zelfs op een nieuwe plek te vinden in het gebouw!\nHet adres is: Kruisplein 44. Volg de tonen van de balfolkmuziek en het gaat helemaal goed komen!\n\nBereikbaarheid\nDe Doelen is het welbekende concertgebouw middenin hartje Rotterdam, op een kleine 3 minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Er zijn diverse parkeergarages in de omgeving. Kijk op prettigparkeren.nl voor mogelijkheden (zoek daarin wel even verder naar parkeergarages want standaard zie je een vrij dure optie). Je kunt voor De Doelen Studio naar binnen via een aparte ingang op de hoek van het Schouwburgplein en het Kruisplein, Kruisplein 44. \n\nInformatie\nMeer weten of vragen? Neem contact op met Balfolk Zuid-Holland via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/vrijdagavondbal-met-exqueezit-in-de-doelen-studio-in-rotterdam/" start: "2025-04-18T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-18T22:30:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Exqueezit price: free organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Avondbal bij de Muziekstage details: "Jaarlijks is er in Sint-Michielsgestel een interessant muziekweekend met workshops over balfolk en dansmuziek. Overdag zijn er cursussen, vanaf 19:30 begint het avondprogramma met concerten, bal en sessie.\nVoorverkoop\nLet op  - Wegens beperkte ruimte in de zaal & om te parkeren, vragen we om vooraf een ticket te bestellen.\nDeelnemers aan het workshopweekend hebben natuurlijk sowieso toegang tot alle concerten.\nVoorverkoop is gestart via de website van de muziekstage\n\nHet is alleen op vrijdagavond mogelijk om te blijven slapen via een “bal & bed” deelname. Op andere dagen is overnachten voor avondbezoekers helaas niet mogelijk. Dit “bal & bed” kan je opgeven in via het workshopformulier.\nProgramma\nWaarschijnlijk wordt het tijdschema als volgt, wijzigingen onder voorbehoud\n\nGlobaal bestaan de avonden uit:\n20:00 – 21:00 Luisterconcert\n21:20 – 00:00 Bal met 2 bands\n00:15 – Jam-bal sessie.\n\nVrijdag: Griff trio (concert), Naragonia Quartet (bal), nog een derde band & jamsessie\nZaterdag: Symbio (concert), Fior (bal), duo Wouter Kuyper & Lies Sommer (bal) & jamsessie\nZondag: LAND (concert), Threo (bal), La Machine (bal) & jamsessie\nFoto's van het workshopweekend:\n• Foto's van de Workshops 2023\n• Foto's van de Avonden 2022\n• video's van het weekend in 2018" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/avondbal-muziekstage2025-vrijdag/" start: "2025-04-18T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-18T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: St.Michielsgestel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Griff Trio - Naragonia Quartet price: donation organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Call Me Ceilidh links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/880638680640346/" - "https://www.headfirstbristol.co.uk/whats-on/losthorizon/fri-18-apr-call-me-ceilidh-easter-special-edition-115720#e115720" start: "2025-04-18T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-18T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £17.25-£20 organisation: Call Me Ceilidh source: events/uk/bristol.yaml - name: Boombal details: Ball links: - "https://boombal.be" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2225" start: "2025-04-18T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-18T22:45:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Gent styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - La Machine - Thalas organisation: Boombal source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Unicorn Ceilidh links: - "http://www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk/uc05prog.html" start: "2025-04-18T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-04-18T23:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Baldock styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Frog on a Bike callers: - Ollie Simons price: £7-£13 organisation: Unicorn Ceilidhs source: events/uk/unicorn_ceilidhs.yaml - name: Knees Up Cecil Sharp links: - "http://www.kneesupcecilsharp.co.uk/programme.html" start: "2025-04-18T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-04-18T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Bristol Ceilidh Quartet callers: - Martin Clarke price: £5-£15 organisation: Knees Up Cecil Sharp source: events/uk/kucs.yaml - name: Dancing Fish links: - "https://dancingfish.dance/event/wild-asparagus-weekend-2025/" start: "2025-04-18T19:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-04-20T15:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: FL city: Melrose styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Wild Asparagus callers: - George Marshall price: $30-$60 organisation: Dancing Fish source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Avondbal bij de Muziekstage details: "Jaarlijks is er in Sint-Michielsgestel een interessant muziekweekend met workshops over balfolk en dansmuziek. Overdag zijn er cursussen, vanaf 19:30 begint het avondprogramma met concerten, bal en sessie.\nVoorverkoop\nLet op  - Wegens beperkte ruimte in de zaal & om te parkeren, vragen we om vooraf een ticket te bestellen.\nDeelnemers aan het workshopweekend hebben natuurlijk sowieso toegang tot alle concerten.\nVoorverkoop is gestart via de website van de muziekstage\n\nHet is alleen op vrijdagavond mogelijk om te blijven slapen via een “bal & bed” deelname. Op andere dagen is overnachten voor avondbezoekers helaas niet mogelijk. Dit “bal & bed” kan je opgeven in via het workshopformulier.\nProgramma\nWaarschijnlijk wordt het tijdschema als volgt, wijzigingen onder voorbehoud\n\nGlobaal bestaan de avonden uit:\n20:00 – 21:00 Luisterconcert\n21:20 – 00:00 Bal met 2 bands\n00:15 – Jam-bal sessie.\n\nVrijdag: Griff trio (concert), Naragonia Quartet (bal), nog een derde band & jamsessie\nZaterdag: Symbio (concert), Fior (bal), duo Wouter Kuyper & Lies Sommer (bal) & jamsessie\nZondag: LAND (concert), Threo (bal), La Machine (bal) & jamsessie\nFoto's van het workshopweekend:\n• Foto's van de Workshops 2023\n• Foto's van de Avonden 2022\n• video's van het weekend in 2018" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/avondbal-muziekstage2025-zaterdag/" start: "2025-04-19T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-19T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: St.Michielsgestel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Fior - Wouter Kuyper & Lies Sommer price: donation organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk Stroud links: - "https://balfolkstroud.uk/cps/gigs/emilyandsimons-50a642.php" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/569503989137121/" start: "2025-04-19T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-19T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Stroud styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Emily & Simon price: £15 organisation: Balfolk dans les Cinq Vallées - Stroud source: events/uk/balfolk_stroud.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-19-4-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-04-19T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-19T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Les Batons links: - "https://www.lesbatons.org/#dates" start: "2025-04-20T13:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-20T17:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hollingbourne styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Les Marginaux price: £7 organisation: Les Batons source: events/uk/les_batons.yaml - name: Balfolk social details: "Balfolk op zondag\nDe Mezrab host iedere derde zondag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel hier alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van Fior en PFM!.\n\nTicket\n- Voorverkoop: 16 euro\n- Aan de deur: 18 euro\nTickets >>>\n\nProgramma\n16:15 Deuren open16:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners\n17:30 Bal met PFM!\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met Fior21:00 Sessie\n\nBands\n\n \tFior\n\n\n\nFior (in Oudhoogduits, \"Vier\") is een kwartet uit Zuid-Duitsland dat zich toelegt op moderne volksmuziek. Fior maakt muziek voor de dansvloer en concertzalen, ze laten mensen dansen en dromen.\n\nTot nu toe werkten de vier muzikanten van Fior intensief aan en speelden ze volksmuziek uit andere landen (vooral Zweden, Frankrijk en Ierland), maar nu ontwikkelden ze een dringende wens om meer te weten te komen over de melodieën en liederen van hun thuisland Duitsland en deze nieuw leven in te blazen. Ze zijn een ware schat aan muziek tegengekomen, die niet langer rustig mag slapen! Middeleeuwse ballades en volksliederen ontmoeten bewerkingen van gedichten van schrijvers als Fontane en Eichendorff, groovy jigs wisselen af ​​met zachte walsen en traditionele melodieën uit herontdekte Duitse muziekmanuscripten worden verweven met de eigen composities van de band.\n\nHun debuutalbum \"Manuskript\" (uitgebracht in mei 2022) heeft uitstekende persrecensies gekregen. Zo werd het genomineerd voor de prestigieuze \"Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik\" (Duitse platencriticiprijs), door het Belgische tijdschrift \"Le Canard Folk\" verkozen tot \"Album van de maand juni 2022\" en het toonaangevende Duitse folktijdschrift \"Folker\" geeft het album een ​​\"onvoorwaardelijke aanbeveling\".\n\nDe unieke instrumentatie garandeert een onnavolgbare en levendige concertervaring. De zachte zang, de Keltische kleuren van de DADGAD-gitaar en tin whistle, het Noordse geluid van de Zweedse nyckelharpa en säckpipa, evenals het intense dronegeluid van de draailier bieden een zelden gehoorde klankkosmos en nemen het publiek mee op een lyrische reis vol groove.\n\nFior zijn Regina Kunkel (nyckelharpa), Rick Krüger (zang, doedelzak, fluit, klarinet, concertina), Sebastian Elsner (draailier) en Björn Kaidel (gitaar, nyckelharpa). Nadat Regina, Rick en Björn al enkele jaren actief waren in de Duitse folkscene met hun instrumentale folkduo's Akleja en Airu, ontstond het idee om een ​​nieuwe band op te richten die zich richt op liedjes en teksten. Met de draailierspeler Sebastian Elsner vonden ze de perfecte match voor dit project. In het geheim ontwikkelden ze een nieuw concertprogramma dat ze nu ontketenen.\n\nAlle vier de muzikanten behoren tot de toonaangevende bespelers van hun instrument in Duitsland, hebben ruime podiumervaring (o.a. Interkeltisches Folkfestival, Festival Mediaval, Folklorum) en zijn naast hun werk als muzikant ook veelgevraagd als docent bij cursussen en workshops in Duitsland en daarbuiten.\n\n\n\n \tPFM!\n\nPFM! is een energieke balfolkband uit het westen van het land. De band is in 2020 ontstaan en bestaat uit Frans op klarinet, Maurits op viool en Pieter op gitaar (en een beetje trekzak). Er worden voornamelijk eigen composities gespeeld.\n\nHet trio speelt onder andere rechttoe-rechtaan cercle’s, swingende scottishes en hoekige hanterdro’s, maar ook zachte smeuïge mazurka’s en een verstilde gavotte de ‘l Aven. Er wordt geconcentreerd op de meest gangbare balfolkdansen zodat alle balfolkies het hele optreden op de dansvloer kunnen blijven.\n\nAlle drie de bandleden zijn enthousiaste dansers, maar staan ook graag op het podium, daarom zeggen zij: boek ons!\nLocatie\nMezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma.\n\nEr is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers.\n\nAdres:\nMezrab\nVeemkade 576\n1019 BL Amsterdam\n\nFotocredit\nBalfolk Amsterdam" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-social-met-duo-clercx-en-nut-en-genoegen/" start: "2025-04-20T16:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-20T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Fior - PFM! price: €16-€18 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bristol French Session details: Balfolk Tunes and Dancing links: - "https://bathfrenchsession.wordpress.com/" start: "2025-04-20T18:45:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-20T22:00:00+02:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Bath & Bristol French Sessions source: events/uk/bristol_bath_french_session.yaml - name: Avondbal bij de Muziekstage details: "Jaarlijks is er in Sint-Michielsgestel een interessant muziekweekend met workshops over balfolk en dansmuziek. Overdag zijn er cursussen, vanaf 19:30 begint het avondprogramma met concerten, bal en sessie.\nVoorverkoop\nLet op  - Wegens beperkte ruimte in de zaal & om te parkeren, vragen we om vooraf een ticket te bestellen.\nDeelnemers aan het workshopweekend hebben natuurlijk sowieso toegang tot alle concerten.\nVoorverkoop is gestart via de website van de muziekstage\n\nHet is alleen op vrijdagavond mogelijk om te blijven slapen via een “bal & bed” deelname. Op andere dagen is overnachten voor avondbezoekers helaas niet mogelijk. Dit “bal & bed” kan je opgeven in via het workshopformulier.\nProgramma\nWaarschijnlijk wordt het tijdschema als volgt, wijzigingen onder voorbehoud\n\nGlobaal bestaan de avonden uit:\n20:00 – 21:00 Luisterconcert\n21:20 – 00:00 Bal met 2 bands\n00:15 – Jam-bal sessie.\n\nVrijdag: Griff trio (concert), Naragonia Quartet (bal), nog een derde band & jamsessie\nZaterdag: Symbio (concert), Fior (bal), duo Wouter Kuyper & Lies Sommer (bal) & jamsessie\nZondag: LAND (concert), Threo (bal), La Machine (bal) & jamsessie\nFoto's van het workshopweekend:\n• Foto's van de Workshops 2023\n• Foto's van de Avonden 2022\n• video's van het weekend in 2018" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/avondbal-muziekstage2025-zondag/" start: "2025-04-20T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-20T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: St.Michielsgestel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - La Machine - Threo price: donation organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Brattleboro Bal Folk links: - "https://www.rachelbellmusic.com/calendar" start: "2025-04-20T18:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-04-20T21:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: VT city: Guildford styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Eloise & Co. - Nicholas Williams & family price: $12-$25 organisation: Brattleboro Bal Folk source: events/usa/guilford.yaml - name: Easter House Party links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/easter-house-party-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1331724651604453/" start: "2025-04-21T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-25T10:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Gareth Kiddier & Linda Game price: £255-£460 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-anfaenger-5/" start: "2025-04-21T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-21T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590222657823/" start: "2025-04-22T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-22T22:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 150 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Israelische Tänze" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-04-22T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-22T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2663" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2664" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2665" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2666" start: "2025-04-23T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-23T21:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk café Nijmegen details: "Balfolk Cafe is livemuziek, tussendoor fijne balfolkhitjes en natuurlijk sessie: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!\n\n\nEntree: € 15,-  (of € 10,- voor mensen die kortingstarief nodig hebben)\nGeef ruim, alles gaat 100% naar de muzikanten.\n\n20:00 dans uitleg\n21:00 Livemuziek (2 sets)\n23:00 Sessie!\n(Tijden onder voorbehoud)" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-cafe-nijmegen-45/" start: "2025-04-23T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-23T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €10-€15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-04-23T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-23T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Practica Mechelen details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-mechelen/1155/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2548" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1120858039382966/1120858056049631/" start: "2025-04-23T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-23T22:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-04-24T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-24T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balhalla details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2488" start: "2025-04-24T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-24T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Gent styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Balhalla source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823064911633/" start: "2025-04-24T20:30:00+03:00" end: "2025-04-24T23:30:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Hands Four Spring Dance Weekend links: - "https://www.hands4-berea.com/" start_date: 2025-04-25 end_date: 2025-04-27 country: USA state: KY city: Berea styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Hot Coffee Breakdown - Berea Castoffs callers: - Timothy Kline - Chris Bischoff organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Trillium Twirl links: - "https://michigandanceheritage.org/trilliumtwirl/" start_date: 2025-04-25 end_date: 2025-04-27 country: USA state: MI city: Dowling styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Toss the Possum callers: - Bob Isaacs price: $160-$275 organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Portland Raindance Weekend links: - "http://www.portlandraindance.org/" start_date: 2025-04-25 end_date: 2025-04-27 country: USA state: OR city: Portland styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Red Case Band - Riptide callers: - Will Mentor - Gaye Fifer organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Spring Dance Romance links: - "https://tcdancers.org/sdr" start_date: 2025-04-25 end_date: 2025-04-27 country: USA state: NC city: Carrboro styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Stomp Rocket - Countercurrent callers: - Adina Gordan - Jacqui Grennan - Melissa Running price: $120 organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: "When in Doubt, Swing!" details: "Caller: Jeremy Korr\nLive Music: STEAM! \n\nAlice Boyle (fiddle, viola)\nDavid Firestine (mandolin, bouzouki)\nRobert Rosenberg (guitar, banjo)\nClaire Zucker (bodhran, concertina, flatfooting, vocals)\n\n\n\nJeremy is a popular bicoastal caller, based in Southern California most of the year and in Eastern Massachusetts during the summer. A dancer since childhood, he has been calling contras and squares around the country since 2003 and children and family dances since 1993. Jeremy is acclaimed for his fun dances, efficient walkthroughs, precise calling, and community spirit. \nSTEAM! is a high-energy contra dance band that plays an eclectic, fun mix of Irish, modern, goopy waltzes, and hard-driving old time tunes. We intersperse fiddle tune classics with originals and the occasional song. We love to have fun, and we love for YOU to have fun, dancing and listening." links: - "https://www.nttds.org/wids/home.html" - "https://cdss.org/event/when-in-doubt-swing-contra-dance-weekend/" start_date: 2025-04-25 end_date: 2025-04-27 country: USA state: TX city: Dallas styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Steam! callers: - Jeremy Korr organisation: North Texas Traditional Dance Society (NTTDS) source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Hadleigh French Weekend links: - "https://hadleighfrenchweekend.co.uk/" start_date: 2025-04-25 end_date: 2025-04-27 country: UK city: Hadleigh styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Bargainatt - Tonik - BOF! - Tom & Emma Hardy price: £70 organisation: Hadleigh Folk source: events/uk/hadleigh.yaml - name: Falconers Dance Club links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/falconers-dance-club-2025/" start: "2025-04-25T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-27T16:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - The Falconers organisation: Falconers Folk Dance Club source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Spelmansstämma links: - "https://folkmusikkafeet.se/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/565760096366173/" start: "2025-04-25T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-25T23:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Gothenburg styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Folkmusikkaféets Spelmanslag - Lei-la - Tageltrång - Mams & Paps price: donation organisation: Folkmusikkaféet source: events/sweden/gothenburg.yaml - name: Folkarria Eco Festi-bal links: - "https://www.folkarria.es/2025/index_en.html" start: "2025-04-25T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-27T18:00:00+02:00" country: Spain city: Madrid styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Cosmos Chocolat - Zlabya - Delameseta - Duo Niepold-Cutting - "Bal O'Gadjo" - "L'air Inconnu" price: €90-€125 organisation: Folkarria source: events/spain/spain.yaml - name: Set Dance Weekend links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1142192227499248/" - "https://weekend.sonasol.com/" start: "2025-04-25T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-27T22:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - irish-set workshop: true social: true bands: - "Swallow's Tail" price: €100 organisation: Sona Sól source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: Contra Dance Ball links: - "https://contradance-ka.wixsite.com/home-eng/events" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/906584054962089/" start: "2025-04-25T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-25T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Tom Freudenreich callers: - Seth Tepfer price: €12-€15 organisation: Karlsruhe Contra Dance source: events/germany/karlsruhe.yaml - name: CaBal details: Ball links: - "https://www.cabalfolk.be/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2671" start: "2025-04-25T19:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-26T00:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Kortrijk styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Wouter Zonder Draak - Triple-X price: €18 organisation: CaBal source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bristol Contra Dance details: "Bristol Contra Dance is a communal-style folk dance very similar to a Ceilidh. No partner or experience is necessary. A caller leads the dancers through a series of moves. All calling is gender free.\n\nLisa Heywood will be calling with music from Dodging Pheasants.\n\nWe are in the Faith Space Chapel. It's nice and close to Temple Meads and comes with free parking. Check the new Bristol Clean Air Zone information carefully, as this may effect you.\n\nWe have cheese in the break, along with tea, coffee and cordial. You are welcome to bring your own things. Please don't bring alcohol, as this is the venue rule.\n\nBristol Contra is committed to not having the cost of a dance be a hindrance to anyone attending, and have a sliding pay scale.\n\nSuggested prices available on the door:\nUnwaged £6\nWaged £10\nSupporters Ticket £15.\nThe new supporters ticket is a fair representation of what the event costs to run, and supports fair fees for the Band and Caller. It is entirely voluntary.\n\nSo bring your smiles and your joy and come join us for amazing social dancing. Absolutely all welcome of any level of experience for great dancing to some amazing gender-free calling and brilliant music!" links: - "https://bristolcontra.wordpress.com/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1304064087665929/" start: "2025-04-25T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-25T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Dodging Pheasants callers: - Lisa Heywood price: £6-£15 organisation: Bristol Contra source: events/uk/bristol_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-25-4-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-04-25T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-25T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: New England Folk Festival (NEFFA) details: "NEFFA attracts over 2000 attendees and close to 1000 performers. The Festival is unique because of the participatory nature of the events. The Festival is known for its varied social dance program, which includes: Contra and traditional square dancing, international folk dancing, couple dancing, waltzing, English country, Scandinavian, and more. There are plenty of introductory workshops, as well as sessions geared towards intermediate and advanced dancers. A particular favorite is the no walk-through contra dance medley, which originated at the NEFFA Festival! \nNEFFA is a great place to bring your family. There are many family-oriented programs at the Festival, from dancing and singing to storytelling and a family activities area. \nThere is music everywhere! You will find jam sessions, instrument workshops, group singing, and traditional music throughout the Festival. \nCostumed ethnic performing groups have been a part of NEFFA since the beginning representing many different cultures: Middle Eastern, Serbian, Bulgarian, Filipino, Polish, and Scandinavian. \nThe Festival Marketplace offers hand-crafted materials and folk-related items for purchase." links: - "https://www.neffa.org/festival-home/" - "https://cdss.org/event/new-england-folk-festival-neffa/" start: "2025-04-25T18:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-04-27T17:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: MA city: Marlborough styles: - balfolk - contra - ecd - scandi - scd workshop: true social: true price: $85-$120 organisation: NEFFA source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-04-26T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-26T17:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: 81st Dance Party links: - "https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/81st-dance-party-with-bearded-dragons-3sticks-confluence-tickets-1026087012877" start: "2025-04-26T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-26T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ascott-under-Wychwood styles: - balfolk - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - 3Sticks - Confluence - Bearded Dragons callers: - Bob Morgan - Charlie Turner price: £17 organisation: "Nellie: ceilidhs for everyone" source: events/uk/witney.yaml - name: Paris Contra Dance links: - "https://sites.google.com/site/americancontradanceinparis/" - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/156727372682/posts/10160638354982683" start: "2025-04-26T17:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-26T22:00:00+02:00" country: France city: Paris styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Celtiqua callers: - Seth Tepfer organisation: Paris Contra Dance source: events/france/paris_contra.yaml - name: Jane Austen Ball details: "Join us for a special Jane Austen Ball, on the 250th anniversary of her birth.  \nThe Ball will be called by Beverly Francis, a longstanding leader from Country Dance New York. She has a particular fondness for country dance in the time of Jane Austen and has called many dances for the Jane Austen Society of North America, New York Metropolitan Region, as well as two balls for the national JASNA. \nMusic for the ball will be provided by Alchemy, who will add some contemporary innovation and improvisation to the traditional dance tunes. \nWe’re planning an afternoon Ball practice and evening experienced dance on Saturday, April 26 at First Baptist Church, 175 Allens Creek Rd. On Sunday, April 27, there is another practice in the morning, and the ball in the afternoon at the ballroom of the Memorial Art Gallery. We usually open Ball registration on Valentine’s Day." links: - "https://cdrochester.org/events/jane-austen-ball-2025/" - "https://cdss.org/event/jane-austen-ball/" start: "2025-04-26T13:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-04-27T17:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: NY city: Rochester styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true bands: - Alchemy callers: - Beverly Francis organisation: Country Dancers of Rochester source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk Practice links: - "https://tanzhaus-innsbruck.jimdofree.com/" start: "2025-04-26T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-26T22:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Innsbruck styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Tanzhaus Innsbruck source: events/austria/innsbruck.yaml - name: Gugelhupf links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-in-dresden/" start: "2025-04-26T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-26T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Ginkgo organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Bal de Printemps links: - "https://snarreschiff.fr/#Agenda" start: "2025-04-26T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-27T01:00:00+02:00" country: France city: Strasbourg styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Petit Piment - Duo Coach et son Orchestre price: €8-€12 organisation: "S'Narreschiff" source: events/france/strasbourg.yaml - name: Leeds Contra links: - "http://www.leedscontra.freeuk.com/specialevents.html" start: "2025-04-26T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-26T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Leeds styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Ali & Mollie callers: - Lynne Render price: £12 organisation: Leeds Contra source: events/uk/leeds_contra.yaml - name: Contrabridge details: "Join us for our contra dance with WillPower with calling from Sally Vernon.\n\n\n\nSally Vernon has been calling for a wide variety of folk styles since her time as a student at Cambridge (longer ago than she likes to admit!) She aims to bring her favourite parts of contra to the evening - the fun of connecting with many people on the dance floor, the joy of moving in time to music, and the surprise of discovering deep patterns from simple moves. Keen to share her love of contra with as many people as possible, she strives to make a welcoming friendly environment that is comfortable for new people - while also enjoying finding things that are new to challenge comfortable people!" links: - "https://contrabridge.org/events/2025-04/" start: "2025-04-26T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-26T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - WillPower callers: - Sally Vernon price: £7-£15 organisation: Contrabridge source: events/uk/contrabridge.yaml - name: Friday Folk Saturday Special links: - "https://fridayfolk.org.uk/" start: "2025-04-26T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-04-26T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: St Albans styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: £12 organisation: Friday Folk source: events/uk/st_albans_friday_folk.yaml - name: Exeter Ceilidh links: - "https://exeterceilidhs.net/" start: "2025-04-26T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-04-26T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Flash Company price: £4-£15 organisation: Exeter Ceilidhs source: events/uk/exeter_ceilidhs.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-04-27T14:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-04-27T15:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Waltz Of The Wizards details: Ball links: - "https://stanistil.be/event/34" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2514" start: "2025-04-27T13:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-27T18:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Guus Herremans - Hot Griselda price: €13-€25 organisation: Stanistil source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Sunday Afternoon Masterclass links: - "http://www.contrafusion.co.uk/Saturday.html#P" start: "2025-04-27T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-27T16:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Maidstone styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: false callers: - John Sweeney price: £7 organisation: Contrafusion source: events/uk/contrafusion.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-04-28T19:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-04-28T20:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" details: "20:00 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-8/" start: "2025-04-28T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-28T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Balfolk on Andělu links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1978590205991158/1978590219324490/" start: "2025-04-29T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-29T22:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Prague styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: 150 CZK organisation: Balfolk.cz source: events/czechia/prague.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Romatänze" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-04-29T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-29T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943244260782" start: "2025-04-30T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-30T20:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2663" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2664" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2665" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2666" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2667" start: "2025-04-30T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-04-30T21:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Tanz in den Mai details: mit Majoplus links: - "https://gmuendfolk.de/termine.html" - "https://www.balhaus.de/250430_BalFolk_Rechberghausen.pdf" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/841367023" start: "2025-04-30T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-01T00:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Göppingen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - MaJoPlus organisation: Marilou und Johann source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Bal Étoile at the Gipsy Queen links: - "https://londonbalfolk.org.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/612987827736277/" start: "2025-04-30T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-04-30T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: London Balfolk source: events/uk/london_balfolk.yaml - name: BalSoleil links: - "https://new.balsoleil.ch/programm/" start_date: 2025-05-01 end_date: 2025-05-04 country: Switzerland city: Mogelsberg styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Biskaya - Luca Fiorini - La Bonne Soupe - Livadari - Dîjga - Sol Do - Zéphyr Combo - "Duo l'Hêtre Heureux" - GrandLoup - Seelengesang price: 185 CHF organisation: BalSoleil source: events/switzerland/mogelsberg.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-05-01T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-01T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: May Heydays at Evesham links: - "http://mayheydays.org.uk/" start_date: 2025-05-02 end_date: 2025-05-05 country: UK city: Evesham styles: - contra - ecd - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Box of Frogs - "Dampier's Round" - Sarah Matthews & Doug Eunson - Folkus Pocus - Nicky McConkey - Old Time Contra Band - Knotted Chord - Mollie & Dave - Keeping Thyme - The Twangtown Paramours - Confluence - Ygra callers: - Andrew Swaine - Brian Stanton - Burt Hunter - Colin Hume - Ivan Aitken - Kathryn Wright - David Wright - Mark Elvins - Mike Courthold - Nicola Scott - Nigel Close - Rhodri Davies - Seth Tepfer - Ted Morse organisation: May Heydays source: events/uk/heydays.yaml - name: Scandimoot links: - "http://scandimoot.org.uk/" start_date: 2025-05-02 end_date: 2025-05-05 country: UK city: Clapham styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Sven Ahlbäck organisation: Scandimoot source: events/uk/scandimoot.yaml - name: Irish Set Dance Weekend links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/irish-set-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/469695886118259/" start: "2025-05-02T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-04T16:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - irish-set workshop: true social: true bands: - Rise the Dust callers: - Maggie Daniel - Lucy Slemmings price: £200-£330 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-05-02T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-02T21:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh links: - "https://www.ceilidhsoc.org/ceilidhs/" start: "2025-05-02T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-02T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £3-£5 organisation: Sheffield CeilidhSoc source: events/uk/sheffield_ceilidh.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-2-5-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-05-02T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-02T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Dancing Fish links: - "https://dancingfish.dance/event/lift-ticket/" start: "2025-05-02T19:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-05-03T21:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: FL city: Melrose styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Lift Ticket callers: - Angela DeCarlis price: $15-$30 organisation: Dancing Fish source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Whitewater Whirl details: "Join FOOTMAD for the 18th annual Whitewater Whirl Contra Dance Weekend in West Virginia’s scenic New River Gorge area. \nOur bands are Supertrad, a regular on the dance weekend circuit, featuring Sam Bartlett (banjo), Eric Schedler (piano and accordion), and Owen Morrison (guitar and foot percussion) and The Johns featuring Ruby John (fiddle), John Warstler (guitar), and Budd Greenman (mandolin, tenor banjo, fiddle, percussion). \nOur callers are the well-traveled Darlene Underwood from Cincinnati and Michael Karcher, now based in Allentown, PA. \nOur talented sound engineer, Hanno Meingast, will be making the music in the hall sound great. \nTwo evening contra dances, contra dance sessions during the day plus a late-night techno-contra, waltz, squares, English Country and Kerry Sets. We’ll be dancing in our wood and stone New Deal-era hall with suspended wooden floor and barn doors opened or closed to suite the weather. The calling terms will be larks and robins. \nCabin accommodation or camping is included in the weekend price. The camp will open Thursday night for early arrivals and stay open Sunday night for late departures. Online registration starts December 1 on our website." links: - "https://www.footmad.org/whirl" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1053543309886331/" - "https://cdss.org/event/whitewater-whirl-contra-dance-weekend/" start: "2025-05-02T19:30:00-04:00" end: "2025-05-04T15:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: WV city: Fayetteville styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Supertrad - The Johns callers: - Darlene Underwood - Michael Karcher price: $75-$130 organisation: Friends of Old Time Music and Dance of Kanawha Valley (FOOTMAD) source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Irish set dance details: "3 Ceili Bands spielen, es wird ein Fest" links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/721226611" start_date: 2025-05-03 end_date: 2025-05-04 country: Germany city: Heiligenberg styles: - irish-set workshop: false social: true organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: ComSiBal links: - "https://comsibal.be/en/" start_date: 2025-05-03 end_date: 2025-05-03 country: Belgium city: Boutersem styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Naragonia - Ciac Boum organisation: ComSiBal source: events/belgium/comsibal.yaml - name: Balfolk Bonn links: - "http://balfolk-bonn.de/balfolk/Tanzaktivitaten.html" start: "2025-05-03T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-03T22:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Bonn styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Airboxes price: €15-20 organisation: Balfolk Bonn e.V. source: events/germany/bonn.yaml - name: Boutersem Buitengewoon Klassiek details: Ball links: - "https://www.anoctetemporis.org/en/agenda" - "https://www.tickettailor.com/events/anoctetemporis/1308867" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2608" start: "2025-05-03T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-03T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Boutersem styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Naragonia - Ciac Boum organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: BalFolk Nacht & Late Night Session details: "Zur BalFolk Nacht in Torgau spielen vier internationale Bands bzw. Musiker:innen, die im Rahmen des Spielkurs in Torgau sind.\r\nAnschließend geht es mit einer Late-Night Session weiter, bei der man gemeinsam mit den Profis musizieren kann. Natürlich kann auch dabei weiter getanzt werden.\r\n\r\nPreise an der Abendkasse:\r\nNormal – 28 EUR\r\nErmäßigt – 18 EUR (für Schüler:innen und Student:innen bis 25)\r\nKinder unter 10 Jahre freier Eintritt." links: - "https://www.spielkurs.de/balfolk/" - "https://www.kulturhaus-torgau.de/index.php/Veranstaltung.html?va=bal-folk-nacht" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/652732933853211" start: "2025-05-03T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-04T04:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Torgau styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Princesse Miska - Filippo Gambetta - Hotel Palindrone - Roger Moure price: €18-€28 organisation: Spielkurs Torgau source: events/germany/torgau.yaml - name: Dansez Français links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-05-03T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-03T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Quatre Quarts price: £10 organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: Edinburgh Contra Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/658730426579016/" start: "2025-05-03T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-05-03T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Edinburgh styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Abi Sandy & Sasha Stolasz callers: - Abigail Hobart price: £10-£20 organisation: Edinburgh Contra Dance source: events/uk/edinburgh_contra_dance.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: "Zwei Akkordeons – Doppel-Power! Airboxes hauchen der Szene auf ihren Akkordeons buchstäblich neues Leben ein. Der eine mit verspielten Verzierungen auf seinem chromatischen Modell, der andere mit den warmen Bordunklängen seines diatonischen Akkordeons. Bekannt für ihre einzigartige hypnotisierende Mischung aus traditionellen und modernen Stilen weben sie komplizierte Melodien und Harmonien, die einen in das Herz des Bal-Folk-Genres entführen. Ihre Auftritte sind energiegeladen und schaffen eine lebendige Atmosphäre, die perfekt zum Tanzen ist. Egal, ob ihr langjährige Fans seid oder neu in diesem Genre: Airboxes werden mit ihren dynamischen Auftritten und ihrem zeitlosen und zugleich modernen Sound einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen! Verpasst nicht die Gelegenheit, den fesselnden Klang von Airboxes zu erleben – taucht noch heute in die energetische und atmosphärische Welt der Bal Folk Musik ein! Bert Leemans: Chromatisches Akkordeon Guus Herremans: Diatonisches Akkordeon https://www.airboxes.be/ Tanzworkshop 19:00 Uhr: Wir zeigen kurz die wichtigsten Tänze und Überlebenstricks für die Tanzfläche. Mit Live-Musik. Es geht auch gut ohne – aber mit Workshop macht es noch mehr Spaß! Abendkasse: 17,-; ermäßigt 11,- (incl. Tanzworkshop)" links: - "https://folkclub-marburg.de" start: "2025-05-04T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-04T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Marburg styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Airboxes price: €11-€17 organisation: Folkclub Marburg source: events/germany/marburg.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-05-05T19:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-05-05T20:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-05-05T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-05-05T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-2/" start: "2025-05-05T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-05T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Freier Tanzabend" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-05-06T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-06T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: FolkCrash! links: - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7778/folkcrash-balfolk-entdecken?jour=07-05-2025" - "https://www.balefolk.ch/en/folkcrash" start: "2025-05-07T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-07T23:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Bâle Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2663" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2664" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2665" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2666" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2667" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2668" start: "2025-05-07T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-07T21:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk details: "Kom gezellig dansen op live muziek door de Limburgse folkband Musac.\n\nMusac organiseert maandelijks (meestal op de eerste woensdag van de maand) een eigen dansavond in Geleen in Zuid-Limburg.\n\nMusac bestaat ruim 30 jaar en speelt op accordeon, doedelzak, draailier, nickelharpa en fluiten.\nDansen zijn o.a. bourrée, scottish, jigue, andro, tovercirkel, wals, dubbele klappolka en nog veel meer.\nDe dansavonden zijn bedoeld voor zowel beginners als gevorderden. Er wordt tussen de dansen door korte dans-instructie verzorgd. De sfeer is ontspannen en samen plezier hebben staat voorop.\n't Volkshoes heeft een grote zaal met goede houten vloer. Drankjes verkrijgbaar (koelkast/penning). Schuin ertegenover ligt een ruime gratis parkeerplaats.\n\nVoorafgaand aan de maandelijkse dansavond is er vanaf 19 uur een klein uurtje samen musiceren voor de liefhebbers. Alle instrumenten zijn welkom.\nHieraan zijn geen kosten verbonden. Evt. bladmuziek vooraf opvragen.\n\nJe mag ook komen luisteren en van de muziek genieten.\n\nMeer info per mail of aanmelden voor de berichten via willvdbool@musac.eu\nTelefonische info via Hans 06 - 1265 1903\n\nAlvast kijken en luisteren naar Musac: Musac op Youtube" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-met-musac-20/" start: "2025-05-07T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-07T22:15:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Geleen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Musac price: €5 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Pied à Terre Club Night links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-05-07T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-07T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: Lake Eden Arts Festival - Spring links: - "https://theleaf.org/" start_date: 2025-05-08 end_date: 2025-05-11 country: USA state: NC city: Black Mountain styles: - contra workshop: true social: true organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Socialles 337 details: "Deze donderdag 8 mei  is het socialles nr 337. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-337-rotterdam/" start: "2025-05-08T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-08T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Tobotorsdag links: - "https://esitobo.org/evenemang/tobotorsdag/" start: "2025-05-08T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-08T22:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Uppsala styles: - scandi workshop: false social: true price: 50 SEK organisation: Eric Sahlström Institutet source: events/sweden/uppsala.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-05-08T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-08T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823074911632/" start: "2025-05-08T20:30:00+03:00" end: "2025-05-08T23:30:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-05-08T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-08T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: BalMostFolk details: "Serdecznie zapraszamy na trzecią edycję BalMostFolk w Krakowie!\r\n📅 𝟵-𝟭𝟭.𝟬𝟱.𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟱 📅\r\n✅GŁÓWNY FORMULARZ REJESTRACYJNY:✅\r\nhttps://forms.gle/BJBvoNUxNtsca7UD8" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/601025612353788/" - "https://www.plug.events/event/balmostfolk" start: "2025-05-09T10:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-11T23:59:00+02:00" country: Poland city: Kraków styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - "Le P'tit bal de Camille" - Valentin Barray - Stefano Baldan - Augustas Černiauskas - Lucas Thébaut - Le Driadi - Kapela Odloty - Oraj - La Grosse Réveilleuse price: 450 PLN organisation: Balfolks source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: "Kurs: Balfolk" details: VHS Tübingen links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923210615" start: "2025-05-09T14:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-09T18:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Tübingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Contra Camp links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/contra-camp-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1093639598821854/" start: "2025-05-09T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-11T16:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: true bands: - WillPower callers: - Louise Siddons - Heather McAslan price: £225-£390 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Bal Mechelen details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/bal-duo-clercx-&-duo-decombel-van-mierlo-mechelen/1166/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/601374199516377/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2526" start: "2025-05-09T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-10T00:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Duo Clercx - Maarten Decombel & Toon Van Mierlo price: €15-€24 organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw-asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Holmfirth Festival of Folk links: - "https://www.holmfirthfestivaloffolk.co.uk/dance" start: "2025-05-09T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-11T15:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Holmfirth styles: - balfolk - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: true bands: - Wanton String Band callers: - John Brown price: £6-£10 organisation: Le Vendredi Danse source: events/uk/le_vendredi_danse.yaml - name: Mazurka Magic details: Course links: - "https://stanistil.be/event/47" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1166629048367528/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2653" start: "2025-05-09T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-09T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: donation organisation: Stanistil source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-9-5-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-05-09T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-09T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Unicorn Ceilidh links: - "http://www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk/uc05prog.html" start: "2025-05-09T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-05-09T23:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Baldock styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - The Pigeon Swing callers: - Jane Bird price: £7-£13 organisation: Unicorn Ceilidhs source: events/uk/unicorn_ceilidhs.yaml - name: Apple Blossom Bliss details: "Join us in Ann Arbor for a new contra dance weekend! Branded last year as the NexGen Contra Dance Weekend, we are back with a new name and great talent. \nBands:\nRiver Road (Sarah-Hadley Yakir, Kristen Planeaux, & Jesse Ball)\nThe Jig Lords (Brad Battey & Kendall Rogers) \nGender-Free Callers:\nLisa Greenleaf\nMaeve Devlin \nFor more information, visit our website." links: - "https://aactmad.org/appleblossombliss" - "https://cdss.org/event/apple-blossom-bliss/" start: "2025-05-09T19:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-05-11T13:30:00-04:00" country: USA state: MI city: Ann Arbor styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - River Road - The Jig Lords callers: - Lisa Greenleaf - Maeve Devlin price: $100-$120 organisation: AACTMAD source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Festibal — een balfolk happening details: "WAT KUN JE VERWACHTEN\nDe sfeer van een meerdaags festival, maar dan in één dag. Dat is festibal. Het is een echte balfolk happening. CanDance Studios heeft een prachtige Grand Ballroom voor 400 dansers en een fijne houten dansvloer, een bar en aparte workshopruimtes.\n\nKom dansen en geniet van heerlijke muziek, toffe workshops en leuke extra’s.\n\n★ Geen vaste danspartner nodig\n★ Je hoeft geen danservaring of speciale kleding te hebben om mee te doen\n★ Makkelijk te bereiken en fijne danslocatie\n★ Live muziek van de beste Balfolk muzikanten\n★ Een muzikale reis met rustige, soms romantische muziek afgewisseld met energieke nummers\n★ Overwegend de acht eenvoudig te leren basisdansen: Jig (mixer), Scottish (partnerdans), Mazurka (partnerdans), Tovercirkel (mixer), Andro (groepsdans), Hanterdro (groepsdans), Wals (partnerdans) en Bourrée (rij van paren)\nDATUM\nZaterdag 10 mei 2025\nTICKETS\nInfo volgt\nPROGRAMMA\nInfo volgt\n\n(Geluidstechniek door Lucas Kooijman)\nWORKSHOPS\n★ Beginners workshop \n\nInfo volgt\n\n★ Betaalde workshop\n\nInfo volgt\nLOCATIE\nCanDance Studios: Isolatorweg 28, 1014 AS Amsterdam\n\nJe parkeert gratis in de straten rondom de locatie. Het is makkelijk bereikbaar met het OV. Je loopt er vanaf Station Amsterdam Sloterdijk naartoe in +/-15 minuten. Of pakt de bus die iedere 10 minuten vanaf het station vertrekt.\nNIEUW IN BALFOLK?\nBalfolk is een social dance. Vergelijkbaar met Salsa, Tango of Lindyhop, maar dan op West-Europese volksmuziek. Bij balfolk geen shows of competitie, gewoon lekker dansen zoals ze dat vroeger op dorpsfeesten en bruiloften deden. Met familie en vrienden. Van jong tot oud. Iedereen danst mee. Je hebt geen vaste partner nodig. Je kunt iedereen ten dans vragen. Én je kunt door iedereen ten dans worden gevraagd. Of je stapt zelf in bij een van de groepsdansen.\n\nIn Balfolk is iedereen welkom om te komen dansen. Je hoeft geen danservaring te hebben om mee te kunnen doen. Je mag zijn we je bent en je hoeft geen speciale kleding of schoenen te hebben.\n\nWe willen graag dat iedereen zich bij ons vrij voelt om zichzelf te zijn en zich veilig voelt om aan te geven wat ze nodig hebben. Daarom vinden we het belangrijk dat iedereen die naar een Balfolk evenement komt op de hoogte is van een aantal dansrichtlijnen.\nhttps://www.balfolk.nl/informatie/dansrichtlijnen/" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/festibal-een-balfolk-happening-2/" start: "2025-05-10T13:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-10T22:30:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Tanzhaus details: Ballkanesen links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/922561132" start: "2025-05-10T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-10T23:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Tübingen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Ballkanesen organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Tanzhaus Innsbruck links: - "https://tanzhaus-innsbruck.jimdofree.com/" start: "2025-05-10T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-10T23:00:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Innsbruck styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Bowidl extended price: €10-€20 organisation: Tanzhaus Innsbruck source: events/austria/innsbruck.yaml - name: Bal Folk in der TanzEtage details: Filippo Gambetta links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/912322674" start: "2025-05-10T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-10T23:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Gomaringen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Filippo Gambetta organisation: Silvia Fuchs source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: "d'Accord" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876/posts/1813811482356480/" start: "2025-05-10T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-10T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Shivelight price: £10 organisation: "d'Accord" source: events/uk/daccord.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" start: "2025-05-10T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-10T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Bruce Rosen & Audrey Jaber callers: - Sue Rosen price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: Live and Local links: - "https://www.liveandlocal.org.uk/event/?id=9001" start: "2025-05-10T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-10T21:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Lincoln styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Cri du Canard price: £12.50 organisation: Cri du Canard source: events/uk/lincoln.yaml - name: Dover Monthly English Country Dance details: "Monthly English country dance with live music.  Newcomers are always welcome, and each dance is taught with a walk-through before it is danced. \nDress is casual (“regular” clothes) except for special events (Spring and Holiday dances), when attendees may dress in formal/cocktail or 18th century attire. \nAnnual membership for the January – December season is $10. Membership admission for regular monthly dances is $7. \nRegular monthly dance admission for non-members is $10. \nAdmission price may change for special dances. \nTimes and locations may be subject to change. \nLocation: Ehinger Hall, Dover DE\nEhinger Hall (#14 Kings Highway) is located directly at the intersection of Kent Avenue and Division Street / Route 8 For those using GPS, the intersection of Kent Avenue and Division Street works best. Best parking will likely be found on Kent Avenue." links: - "http://www.doverdancers.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/dover-english-country-dancers-monthly-dance/2025-05-10/" start: "2025-05-10T18:30:00-04:00" end: "2025-05-10T21:30:00-04:00" country: USA state: DE city: Dover styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true price: $7-$10 organisation: Dover Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Balfolk in Lent details: "Hej, var med på dansen! Hoi, dans mee!\n\nZondag 11 mei gaan de deuren van De Kleine Wiel weer open voor dansers van alle niveaus voor Workshop en Live bal…met Nubia! \n\n- RESERVEER HIERONDER VIA FORMULIER OF MAIL -\n\nDansen, plezier, muziek, gezelligheid, dromen, wolken, dat is waar Nubia voor staat. Met roots in Nederland en met Scandinavische invloeden maakt dit duo muziek om op te dansen, of om bij weg te dromen terwijl je luistert. Nubia bestaat uit Kris van 't Klooster op mandoline en Tim Hofmeester op DADGAD gitaar.\n\nMaar we gaan niet alleen dansen, er is ook ruimte om nieuwe dansen te leren! In de workshop ‘Lol op z’n Zweeds’ gaan we met Nubia aan de slag met de Polska, Slangpolska en Schottis. De workshop heeft een aparte entreeprijs, meld je aan via: balfolkinlent@gmail.com.\n\nTijden: 13:00-15:00 Workshop 'Lol op z'n Zweeds'\n16:00-18:30 Band incl pauze\n\nEntree: Workshop €15 (€10, voor ieder met minder financiële draagkracht) alles gaat 100% naar muzikanten.\nBal €20 (€17, voor ieder met minder financiële draagkracht) alles gaat 100% naar muzikanten. De entree mag je betalen aan de deur, contant of via QR code\n\nGraag reserveren, zodat we weten of het past! Klik hier om naar het reserveringsformulier te gaan. Of mail direct aantal personen en tarief naar balfolkinlent@gmail.com\n\nLocatie: De Kleine Wiel, Karl Marxstraat 101, Lent\nDe bar is open voor een drankje.\n\nVoor verdere vragen; balfolkinlent@gmail.com" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-in-lent-met-nubia-workshop-bal/" start: "2025-05-11T13:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-11T18:30:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk - scandi workshop: true social: true bands: - Nubia price: €17-€35 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bal Miniscule links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1284715109211246/" start: "2025-05-11T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-11T18:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Oxford styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Oxford source: events/uk/oxford.yaml - name: Bal De La Cabane Du Bout Du Monde details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://balbuzar.be/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2616" start: "2025-05-11T16:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-11T21:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Watermaal-Bosvoorde styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Balbuzar price: €7-€12 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Live and Local links: - "https://www.liveandlocal.org.uk/event/?id=9005" start: "2025-05-11T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-11T20:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Grantham styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Cri du Canard price: £10-£16 organisation: Cri du Canard source: events/uk/grantham.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-05-12T19:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-05-12T20:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: American Spring Contra links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/american-spring-contra-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2506928416163040/" start: "2025-05-12T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-16T10:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Bruce Rosen & Audrey Jaber callers: - Sue Rosen price: £255-£460 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" details: "20:00 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-3/" start: "2025-05-12T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-12T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-4-2025-05-12/" start: "2025-05-12T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-12T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Balkantänze" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-05-13T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-13T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943254260781" start: "2025-05-14T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-14T20:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2663" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2664" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2665" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2666" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2667" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2668" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2669" start: "2025-05-14T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-14T21:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Folkbal Wilhelmina details: "Tim is in het land, dus zijn we heel blij dat hij en Kris komen spelen in Eindhoven: Nubia op het podium! Wat kunnen we verwachten? Veel Zweeds :-)\n\nDansen, plezier, muziek, gezelligheid, dromen, wolken, dat is waar Nubia voor staat. Met roots in Nederland en met Scandinavische invloeden maakt dit duo muziek om op te dansen, of om bij weg te dromen terwijl je luistert. Nubia bestaat uit Kris van 't Klooster op mandoline en Tim Hofmeester op gitaar." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-nubia-nl-se/" start: "2025-05-14T20:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-14T23:30:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Eindhoven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Nubia price: €10 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Folkjam Mechelen details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/folk-jam-mechelen/1149/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2544" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1460800437852073/1528559137742869/" start: "2025-05-14T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-14T22:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Socialles 338 details: "Deze donderdag 15 mei  is het socialles nr 338. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-338-rotterdam/" start: "2025-05-15T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-15T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-05-15T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-15T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-05-15T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-15T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Trad i Malung links: - "http://www.tradimalung.se/" start_date: 2025-05-16 end_date: 2025-05-17 country: Sweden city: Malung styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true organisation: Malung Folkhögskola source: events/sweden/malung.yaml - name: "Kurs: Balfolk" details: VHS Tübingen links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923210616" start: "2025-05-16T14:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-16T18:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Tübingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Balfolkcafe Groningen details: "Elke maand een bal in de kapel van het oude RKZ! (Emmastraat 15, Groningen)\nHet eerstvolgende bal is:\n\nExqueezit bij Balfolk Groningen op vrijdag 16 mei 2025\nAanvang: 19:30Entree: Vrijwillige bijdrage, geef gul voor de band! Bijvoorbeeld €15 per persoonLocatie: Theater De Kapel in het Oude Rooms Katholiek Ziekenhuis (ORKZ),Emmastraat 15, 9722 EW GroningenInstructies: Ja, om 19.30 uur\nBalfolk Groningen is dansen op live folkmuziek en natuurlijk sessie na afloop: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!Entree: vrijwillige donatie, zoals bijvoorbeeld € 15,- Geef ruim, want alles gaat 100% naar muzikanten.\n\nGlobaal tijdschema:19:30 dansworkshop20:30 Bal22:30 sessie23:00 einde programma(Tijden onder voorbehoud)DansuitlegIn deze dansuitleg komen de basisprincipes van balfolk aan bod zodat iedereen mee kan doen. In de tweede helft van de dansuitleg gaan ze dieper op één dans in.\n\nExqueezitExqueezit is het duo Bert Leemans (chromatische knop-accordeon) en Erik de Jong (piano-accordeon).Bert (bekend van o.a. EmBRUN, Elanor en Airboxes) en Erik (bekend van o.a. The Assasenachs, Itchy Fingers en de Gonnagles) leerden elkaar in 2006 kennen op de muziekstage Vliers op Texel, waar Bert aan Erik de fijne kneepjes van het Balfolk spelen liet zien.Toen in 2018, Bert vaker in Noord Nederland te vinden was, kwam hij Erik weer tegen in Irish Pub O'Ceallaigh in Groningen. Al gauw was duidelijk dat de mannen genoten van samenspelen. Hier ontstond dan ook het idee voor een optreden als duo op het 15-jarig jubileum van Balfolk in Café Wilhelmina in Eindhoven. Een half jaar later herhaalde dat zich nog een keer op de Elf Fantasy Fair Haarzuilens 2019 en zo is Exqueezit ontstaan.Met een wederzijds respect voor elkaars muziekachtergrond en speelstijl (Erik meer Iers/Schots en Bert meer Balfolk), brengen Bert en Erik heerlijke Balfolk met zowel Frans/Vlaamse als Keltische invloeden. Of je nu danst of luistert, het is sowieso genieten.\n\nWat is Balfolk?Balfolk is misschien een beetje te vergelijken met een tango- of salsa-avond, maar dan met de muziek en dansen van hier: de dansen en muziek die traditioneel in West-Europa voorkomen. En er is altijd live muziek! En we starten altijd met een dansuitleg. Iedereen kan meedoen.\n\nDe KapelDe kapel is te vinden als je naar het Oude RKZ (ORKZ) komt in de Emmastraat 15 in Groningen. Wanneer je binnenkomt loop je naar de bar, en rechts van de bar bevindt zich de deur naar de kapel." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolkcafe-groningen-met-exqueezit/" start: "2025-05-16T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-16T23:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Groningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Exqueezit price: €15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: TANZhaus WABE details: Infos folgen bald links: - "https://spreefolk.de/events/wabe2025-05" start: "2025-05-16T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-16T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Berlin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Javallon organisation: Spreefolk e.V. source: events/germany/spreefolk.yaml - name: Call Me Ceilidh links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1045907033611435/" - "https://www.headfirstbristol.co.uk/whats-on/lost-horizon/fri-16-may-call-me-ceilidh-may-day-special-edition-115721#e115721" start: "2025-05-16T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-16T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £17.25-£20 organisation: Call Me Ceilidh source: events/uk/bristol.yaml - name: Bristol Contra Dance details: "Bristol Contra Dance is a communal-style folk dance very similar to a Ceilidh. No partner or experience is necessary. A caller leads the dancers through a series of moves. All calling is gender free.\n\nCharlie Turner will be calling with music from Box of Frogs.\n\nWe are in the Faith Space Chapel. It's nice and close to Temple Meads and comes with free parking. Check the new Bristol Clean Air Zone information carefully, as this may effect you.\n\nWe have cheese in the break, along with tea, coffee and cordial. You are welcome to bring your own things. Please don't bring alcohol, as this is the venue rule.\n\nBristol Contra is committed to not having the cost of a dance be a hindrance to anyone attending, and have a sliding pay scale.\n\nSuggested prices available on the door:\nUnwaged £6\nWaged £10\nSupporters Ticket £15.\nThe new supporters ticket is a fair representation of what the event costs to run, and supports fair fees for the Band and Caller. It is entirely voluntary.\n\nSo bring your smiles and your joy and come join us for amazing social dancing. Absolutely all welcome of any level of experience for great dancing to some amazing gender-free calling and brilliant music!" links: - "https://bristolcontra.wordpress.com/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/865675028962690/" start: "2025-05-16T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-16T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Box of Frogs callers: - Charlie Turner price: £6-£15 organisation: Bristol Contra source: events/uk/bristol_contra.yaml - name: Alcester Contra links: - "https://davidfolk7.wixsite.com/alcestercontras" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/578687945115957/" start: "2025-05-16T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-16T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Alcester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Audrey Jaber & Bruce Rosen callers: - Sue Rosen price: £4-£10 organisation: Alcester Contra source: events/uk/alcester_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh links: - "https://www.ceilidhsoc.org/ceilidhs/" start: "2025-05-16T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-16T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £3-£5 organisation: Sheffield CeilidhSoc source: events/uk/sheffield_ceilidh.yaml - name: Knees Up Cecil Sharp links: - "http://www.kneesupcecilsharp.co.uk/programme.html" start: "2025-05-16T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-05-16T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Narthen callers: - Fi Fraser - Jo Fraya price: £5-£15 organisation: Knees Up Cecil Sharp source: events/uk/kucs.yaml - name: Mad Robin Ball details: "Save the date for the 2025 Mad Robin Ball and full dance weekend, May 16th, 17th, and 18th. \nThis year’s dance leader is Joanna Reiner Wilkinson, with music provided by Charlie Hancock, Shira Kammen, and Jim Oakden for the Ball. \nThe weekend will begin on Friday, May 16th, with an evening dance led by Kalia Kliban. There will be a Saturday afternoon workshop and a Sunday brunch, followed by an afternoon dance. \nAll events are held at Hermann Sons Hall in Petaluma, California. Registration will begin in early February. The link will be here." links: - "https://nbcds.org/mrb2025/" - "https://cdss.org/event/mad-robin-ball/" start: "2025-05-16T19:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-05-18T17:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: CA city: Petaluma styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true callers: - Joanna Reiner Wilkinson - Kalia Kliban price: $125 organisation: North Bay Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Ashford ceilidh links: - "http://www.contrafusion.co.uk/Saturday.html" start: "2025-05-17T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-17T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ashford styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: true bands: - Climax Ceilidh Band callers: - John Sweeney price: £10-£12 organisation: Contrafusion source: events/uk/contrafusion.yaml - name: ruffCeilidh links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2025-05-17T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-17T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - KettleHawk callers: - Alison Rowley price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-17-5-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-05-17T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-17T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Les Batons links: - "https://www.lesbatons.org/#dates" start: "2025-05-18T13:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-18T17:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hollingbourne styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £7 organisation: Les Batons source: events/uk/les_batons.yaml - name: Balfolk Social details: "Balfolk op zondag\nDe Mezrab host iedere derde zondag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel hier alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van ... en ....\n\nTicket\n- Voorverkoop: 16 euro\n- Aan de deur: 18 euro\nTickets >>>\n\nProgramma\n16:15 Deuren open16:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners\n17:30 Bal met ...\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met ...21:00 Sessie\n\nBands\n\n \t...\n\n\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\n\n\n \t...\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\nLocatie\nMezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma.\n\nEr is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers.\n\nAdres:\nMezrab\nVeemkade 576\n1019 BL Amsterdam\n\nFotocredit\nBalfolk Amsterdam" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-op-zondag-mei-2025/" start: "2025-05-18T16:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-18T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €16-€18 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bristol French Session details: Balfolk Tunes and Dancing links: - "https://bathfrenchsession.wordpress.com/" start: "2025-05-18T18:45:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-18T22:00:00+02:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Bath & Bristol French Sessions source: events/uk/bristol_bath_french_session.yaml - name: Balhalla details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2489" start: "2025-05-18T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-18T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Gent styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Balhalla source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Special Surprise Brattleboro Bal Folk links: - "https://www.rachelbellmusic.com/calendar" start: "2025-05-18T18:30:00-05:00" end: "2025-05-18T21:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: VT city: Guildford styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Eloise & Co. price: $12-$25 organisation: Brattleboro Bal Folk source: events/usa/guilford.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-05-19T19:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-05-19T20:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-05-19T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-05-19T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-anfaenger-6/" start: "2025-05-19T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-19T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-4-2025-05-19/" start: "2025-05-19T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-19T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Balkantänze" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-05-20T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-20T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Balfolk @ KU Leuven details: Course links: - "https://www.kuleuven.be/sport/eng/offer/sessions/dance/balfolk" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2659" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2661" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2662" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2663" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2664" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2665" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2666" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2667" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2668" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2669" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2670" start: "2025-05-21T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-21T21:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Heart To Feet source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Socialles 339 details: "Deze donderdag 22 mei  is het socialles nr 339. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-339-rotterdam/" start: "2025-05-22T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-22T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-05-22T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-22T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823051578301/" start: "2025-05-22T20:30:00+03:00" end: "2025-05-22T23:30:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-05-22T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-22T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Sommerfolkball details: "Lys, Aerokorda, In der Waldorfschule Kirchheim unter Teck" links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/988687079" start_date: 2025-05-23 end_date: 2025-05-23 country: Germany city: Kirchheim styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: "Lys, Felix Denzinger und Sonja Günther" source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: FolkMADness Music & Dance Camp links: - "http://folkmads.org/events/camps/folkmadness/" start_date: 2025-05-23 end_date: 2025-05-26 country: USA state: NM city: Soccoro styles: - contra workshop: true social: true callers: - Alex Deis-Lauby - Gaye Fifer price: $90-$185 organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Dancing Bear Dance Camp links: - "https://www.thedancingbears.org/dance-camp-1" start_date: 2025-05-23 end_date: 2025-05-26 country: USA state: AK city: Wasilla styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - River Road - Rhys Jones and the Imaginary Beings callers: - Will Mentor - Lindsey Dono organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Butterfly Whirl links: - "http://www.dancerhapsody.com/special-events/" start_date: 2025-05-23 end_date: 2025-05-25 country: USA state: GA city: Decatur styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Stomp Rocket - Thunderwing callers: - Jacqui Grennan - Seth Tepfer organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Chippenham Folk Festival links: - "https://www.chippfolk.co.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/437908798839317/" start: "2025-05-23T12:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-26T23:55:00+01:00" country: UK city: Chippenham styles: - balfolk - contra - e-ceilidh - ecd workshop: true social: true organisation: Chippenham Folk Festival source: events/uk/chippenham.yaml - name: "Kurs: Balfolk" details: VHS Tübingen links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923210617" start: "2025-05-23T14:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-23T18:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Tübingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-23-5-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-05-23T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-23T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Balfolk in der Neuen Schmiede links: - "https://www.neue-schmiede.de/unsere-angebote/kultur/kultur-am-abend" start_date: 2025-05-24 end_date: 2025-05-24 country: Germany city: Bielefeld styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: "Freizeit- und Kulturzentrum Neue Schmiede, Bielefeld" source: events/germany/bielefeld.yaml - name: Meet Me In St Louis details: "Join us for 4 days of music, dance, and more, with music from Supertrad & The Mound City Slickers and calling by Emily Rush and you! \nRegister online at MMISL_Registration@childgrove.org" links: - "https://childgrove.org/stl-dance-weekends/meetmeinstlouis" - "https://cdss.org/event/meet-me-in-st-louis-2025/" start: "2025-05-23T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-05-26T15:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: MO city: Webster Groves styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Mound City Slickers - Supertrad callers: - Emily Rush price: $55-$110 organisation: Childgrove Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Gmünd Folk tanzt details: "BalFolk im Neuen Augustinus, Schwäbisch Gmünd mit Havok (Ulli Alles & Thomas Raisch) und als Host: Katrin Sabath-Härlin & Richard Buchner" links: - "https://gmuendfolk.de/termine.html" - "https://gmuendfolk.de/250524_BalFolk_2025_Plakat.pdf" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/988623261" start: "2025-05-24T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-24T22:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Schwäbisch Gmünd styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Havok organisation: Gmünd Folk e.V. source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Balfolk Practice links: - "https://tanzhaus-innsbruck.jimdofree.com/" start: "2025-05-24T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-24T22:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Innsbruck styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Tanzhaus Innsbruck source: events/austria/innsbruck.yaml - name: Boombal details: Ball links: - "https://boombal.be" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2226" start: "2025-05-24T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-24T22:45:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Gent styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Bamako Express - Marasc organisation: Boombal source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal de Clôture links: - "https://snarreschiff.fr/#Agenda" start: "2025-05-24T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-25T01:00:00+02:00" country: France city: Strasbourg styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Remi Geoffroy - Entre Chien et Loup price: €8-€12 organisation: "S'Narreschiff" source: events/france/strasbourg.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-05-25T14:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-05-25T15:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Folk & Dance at Schäfersee details: "Tanznachmittag mit Live-Musik\nSo 25.05.2025  15-17 Uhr\nDURRbanda\nFolkmusik aus ungarischen u. rumänischen Dörfern\neine Art ungarischer Rock ‘n Roll  \nDURRbanda – Foto: privat\nIn ungarischen und rumänischen Dörfern trifft man sich traditionell zum Tanzen im tanchaz (Tanzhaus). Gespielt wird eine Art ungarischer Rock‘n Roll auf Geige, dreiseitigem Bass und Kontramusik mit eigentümlichem Rhythmus.\nWer sich auskennt, hört schon bei den ersten Takten den Herkunftsort heraus und ob nun Rund-, „Männer -“ oder Paartanz angesagt ist.\nAlle anderen lernen beim Machen, also Tanzen, und für alle ist es ein Riesenspaß…\nOrt: M5 am Franz-Neumann-Platz, Markstraße 5, 13409 Berlin\nDer Eintritt ist frei\n\n Eine Veranstaltung der NaturFreunde Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit Spreefolk e.V." links: - "https://spreefolk.de/events/2505-tanz-m5" start: "2025-05-25T15:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-25T17:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Berlin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - DURRbanda price: free organisation: NaturFreunde Berlin source: events/germany/spreefolk.yaml - name: Wageningen Junushoff details: "Het is al een tijdje sinds het vorige Junushoff bal, maar we zijn er weer! Kom gezellig dansen!\nBen je een nieuwe danser? Om 15:00 beginnen wij met een uurtje dansuitleg! Entree: Regulier €20, korting €15. Betalen kan contant of via een QR-code. Reserveren is niet nodig, er zijn altijd genoeg kaartjes beschikbaar.\n\n\n\n\n\nTijdens het bal is er een gezellige picknick. Neem hiervoor vooral wat lekkers mee, dan delen we dat met z'n allen. Vergeet je bordje, bestek en opscheplepels niet. Een waterflesje om de dorst te lessen tijdens het bal is ook aangeraden. Neem zelf geen andere dingen mee, de bar verkoopt genoeg lekkere drankjes!\nVoorlopige planning:\n15:00 Dansinitiatie\n16:00 TBA\n18:00 Potluck diner\n19:00 TBA\n21:00 Einde" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/wageningen-junushoff-18/" start: "2025-05-25T15:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-25T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Wageningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €15-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk class links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-05-26T19:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-05-26T20:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: $10 organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Minibal details: "LA BONNE SOUPE !\nDuo Fiorini – Brunel\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEintritt: Wir stellen einen großen Hut für die beiden auf." links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/minibal-mit-la-bonne-soupe/" start: "2025-05-26T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-26T22:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - La Bonne Soupe price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Dansavond details: "Vooral gezellig samen dansen!\n\nKaartje kopen" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dansavond-4-2025-05-26/" start: "2025-05-26T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-26T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Leeuwarden styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €2.50 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Russische Tänze" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-05-27T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-27T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Tanz und Verbindung links: - "https://dckn.de/co-kreative-projekte/tanz-und-verbindung/" start_date: 2025-05-28 end_date: 2025-06-01 country: Germany city: Waldheim styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €90-€130 organisation: Das co-kreative Netzwerk source: events/germany/chemnitz.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943257594114" start: "2025-05-28T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-28T20:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: Balfolk café Nijmegen details: "Balfolk Cafe is livemuziek, tussendoor fijne balfolkhitjes en natuurlijk sessie: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!\n\n\nEntree: € 15,-  (of € 10,- voor mensen die kortingstarief nodig hebben)\nGeef ruim, alles gaat 100% naar de muzikanten.\n\n20:00 dans uitleg\n21:00 Livemuziek (2 sets)\n23:00 Sessie!\n(Tijden onder voorbehoud)" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-cafe-nijmegen-46/" start: "2025-05-28T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-28T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Cardboard Cabin price: €10-€15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-05-28T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-28T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Practica Mechelen details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-mechelen/1156/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2549" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1120858039382966/1120858059382964/" start: "2025-05-28T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-28T22:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Hovrastämman links: - "https://www.hovrastamman.com/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1093650378608798/" start: "2025-05-29T12:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-31T12:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Korskrogen styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true organisation: Hovrastämman source: events/sweden/korskrogen.yaml - name: Festival Balilas links: - "https://balilas.lesviesdansent.bzh/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/927348069048018/" start: "2025-05-29T14:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-01T04:00:00+02:00" country: France city: Janzé styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Accordzéâm - Cocanha - La Bachule - Zef - Clica Drona - "L'Équipe" - Le Grand Barouf - Eris - Ducasse - Skavidra - Masca Son - Arquèthi - Mamouette - "L'air Inconnu" - Escarteen Sisters organisation: Les Vies Dansent source: events/france/france.yaml - name: Balfolk links: - "https://www.efdss.org/whats-on/26-gigs/14384-topette-2025" start: "2025-05-29T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-29T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Topette price: £10-£18 organisation: EFDSS source: events/uk/efdss.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-05-29T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-29T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Musik- und Tanzfest details: "Drei Tage Tanz, Musik und Workshops unter Buchen und in der alten Scheune, auf der Wiese und auf dem Tanzboden, unter der Sonne und unter den Sternen im wunderschönen Krebsow in Vorpommern." links: - "https://boddenfolk.de/das-musik-und-tanzfest-findet-vom-30-5-bis-1-6-25-in-krebsow-statt/" start: "2025-05-30T12:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-01T15:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Krebsow styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: BoddenFolk e.V. source: events/germany/krebsow.yaml - name: Dafodil links: - "https://dafodil.be/" start: "2025-05-30T13:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-01T16:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Diest styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Fyndus - Aïe Mon Pied! - Tralala Lovers - Duo De Schepper-Sanczuk - Zéphyr Combo - Feather and Fox - Thalas - Maarten Decombel & Toon Van Mierlo - Akleja - Rudemà - Naragonia organisation: Folk in Limburg source: events/belgium/dafodil.yaml - name: Halsway Playford Assembly links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/halsway-playford-assembly-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1623540088260088/" start: "2025-05-30T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-01T16:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - "Purcell's Polyphonic Party" callers: - Andrew Swaine price: £200-£330 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Weedon Balfolk links: - "https://www.weedonbalfolk.co.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/427145560330533/" start: "2025-05-30T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-30T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Weedon Bec styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Topette price: £8-£20 organisation: Weedon Balfolk source: events/uk/badby_bals.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-30-5-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-05-30T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-30T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Chain Reaction links: - "https://www.tickettailor.com/events/chainreactiondance/1462651" start: "2025-05-30T18:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-06-01T15:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: ME city: Surry styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Drive Train - Engine Room callers: - Alyssa Adkins - Will Mentor price: $80-$120 organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Hands Across Contra details: "Lesson at 7; Dance at 7:30. Sliding admission $5 to $15." links: - "https://boulderdance.org/event/hands-across-contra-9/" start: "2025-05-30T19:00:00-06:00" end: "2025-05-30T22:30:00-06:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$15 organisation: Colorado Friends of Old Time Music and Dance source: events/usa/boulder.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-05-31T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-31T17:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: Drakenbal details: "DRAKENBAL DEN BOSCH \nMidden in de lente komt de draak van Den Bosch uit zijn hol voor een feestelijke avond boordevol muziek, dans en gezelligheid. Voor dit bal zijn we heel blij om de geweldig opzwepende gypsy balfolkband Zéphyr Combo (CH, B) te mogen verwelkomen. Zoiets heb je nog nooit gehoord; het wordt een geweldig feest! Ze spelen voor deze editie op de bovenste verdieping van het café dus ruimte genoeg!\n\nAVONDPROGRAMMA\n\n \t19:00 Welkom\n \t19:30-20:30 Dansworkshop\n \t20:30-21:00 Happy Half Hour met Geert Dedapper\n \t21:00-23:00 Bal met Zéphyr Combo\n \t23:00-1:00 Sessie o.l.v. David Cornelissen\n\nDANSWORKSHOP 19:30-20:30\n\nBo en Paul van Balfolksync verzorgen met veel passie, plezier en humor de dansworkshop deze avond. Ze zullen meerdere dansen uitleggen, dus heb je nog nooit eerder balfolk gedanst of ben je juist al ervaren? Iedereen is welkom en het is altijd leuk en leerzaam om mee te doen.\n\nHAPPY HALF HOUR 20:30-21:00\n\nGeert Dedapper speelt een half uur zijn eigen repertoire: dansbare muziek op de piano!\n\nBAL MET ZÉPHYR COMBO 21:00-23:00\n\nZéphyr Combo komt uit Zwitserland en België en mengt chanson met zigeunerklanken, handorgelrock, bijtende satire, gekke drinkliederen en mijmeringen. Ze begeleiden zichzelf op accordeon, viool, draailier, piano, gitaar, helicon, trompet en drums. \"Het klinkt een beetje als Brel, een beetje als Bregovic, maar vooral als - Zéphyr Combo.\"\n\nWebsite & video's: https://zephyrcombo.ch/?page_id=1961\n\nJAMSESSIE 23:00- uiterlijk 1:00\n\nNa het optreden is er gelegenheid voor muzikanten om samen te spelen in een sessie onder leiding van David Cornelissen. De dansers kunnen dan nog lekker door blijven dansen. We dragen de folkmuziek een warm hart toe en het is onze wens dat de muziekscene in Den Bosch steeds groter en actiever wordt. Schroom dus niet om je instrument te pakken en mee te spelen, iedereen is welkom! Ook als je niet bij het dansen bent geweest, ben je gratis welkom voor de sessie!\n\nVERSNAPERINGEN\n\nIn de bar kun je alles bestellen wat je wilt, probeer zeker eens een Boschgebrouwen Draken speciaalbiertje! Maar er staan ook gratis gezonde snacks.\n\nENTREE: 15 / 20 : naar ondersteuningsmogelijkheid. Geef gul want alles gaat naar de muzikanten!\nRegular €15\nFair €20\nSupport >€20\n\nLOCATIE\nCafé Station Zuid - boven in café\nErasmusstraat 9 ‘s-Hertogenbosch\n\nROUTE\n\nOpenbaar vervoer:\n\nHet Bal is te bereiken met OV, hiervoor kun je naar ’s-Hertogenbosch Centraal of ‘s-Hertogenbosch Oost komen. Vanaf beide stations is het ongeveer 30 minuten lopen naar de locatie. Je kunt ook de bus nemen die vlak bij Café Station Zuid stopt. Dit is buslijn 1 (en 306).\n\nAuto:\n\nLet op het is betaald parkeren in de wijk. De 1e twee uur parkeer je gratis!\nJe kan vrij parkeren op de parkeerplaats van de Lucaskerk na 18u (240m), aan de Hildebrandstraat voor de winkels (400m), op de gelijknamige parallelweg van de Gestelseweg (450m), inrit bij kruising Pieter Langendijksingel. Er kan ook vrij geparkeerd worden op de Jacob van Mearlantstraat vanaf nummer 191 en oplopend (de andere kant op niet!). Aan de overkant bij de bedrijven mag vanaf 19u ook geparkeerd worden, mits er ruimte is. Vanaf hier is het 2 minuten lopen.\n\nCarpoolen:  zie de Folkpool discordgroep: https://discord.com/invite/WWRBahjhJm" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/drakenbal-6/" start: "2025-05-31T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-01T01:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: "'s-Hertogenbosch" styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - David Cornelissen - Zéphyr Combo price: €15-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Tanzhaus Innsbruck links: - "https://tanzhaus-innsbruck.jimdofree.com/" start: "2025-05-31T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-05-31T23:00:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Innsbruck styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Galna Humlor price: €10-€20 organisation: Tanzhaus Innsbruck source: events/austria/innsbruck.yaml - name: Contrabridge details: "Join us for our contra dance with Contrasaurus with calling from Rob Humphrey.\n\nContrasaurus (Benjamin Rowe — fiddle, Alan Brunier — accordion, Adam Rich-Griffin — guitar, David Ledsam — double bass) play an exciting range of energetic and dino-soaring tunes for American contra dancing. They enjoy playing fresh and exciting tunes for contra dances, workshops, folk clubs and festivals throughout England. Not technically dinosaurs.\n\nRob Humphrey has been attending folk dance events his whole life, but only discovered Contra dances in 2015 when one happened to follow a handstand class he was attending. He was hooked pretty much immediately, and started calling shortly afterwards. Based in Cambridge, Rob enjoys contra dances with pleasing patterns and unusual geometry that flow and provide opportunities for embellishments." links: - "https://contrabridge.org/events/2025-05/" start: "2025-05-31T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-31T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Contrasaurus callers: - Rob Humphrey price: £7-£15 organisation: Contrabridge source: events/uk/contrabridge.yaml - name: Balfolk Stroud links: - "https://balfolkstroud.uk/cps/gigs/daveshepherdannapack-0c1219.php" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1129412272136772/" start: "2025-05-31T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-31T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Stroud styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Dave Shepherd & Anna Pack price: £15 organisation: Balfolk dans les Cinq Vallées - Stroud source: events/uk/balfolk_stroud.yaml - name: Dansez Français links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-05-31T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-31T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Pirlouette price: £10 organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-31-5-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-05-31T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-05-31T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Exeter Ceilidh links: - "https://exeterceilidhs.net/" start: "2025-05-31T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-05-31T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Skermish price: £4-£15 organisation: Exeter Ceilidhs source: events/uk/exeter_ceilidhs.yaml - name: Blowout Bal details: "Part of the Blowout - The Bagpipe Society's annual festival" links: - "https://www.bagpipesociety.org.uk/blowout/" start: "2025-05-31T21:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-01T00:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Tamworth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: The Bagpipe Society source: events/uk/tamworth.yaml - name: Sunday Afternoon Masterclass links: - "http://www.contrafusion.co.uk/Saturday.html#P" start: "2025-06-01T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-01T16:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Maidstone styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: false callers: - John Sweeney price: £7 organisation: Contrafusion source: events/uk/contrafusion.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-06-02T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-06-02T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-anfaenger-3/" start: "2025-06-02T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-02T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Balfolk links: - "https://wegottickets.com/event/642442" start: "2025-06-02T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-02T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Lancaster styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Topette price: £9.90-£19.80 organisation: Topette source: events/uk/topette.yaml - name: "Gugelhupf: Tanzabend" details: "Einführungsstunde: Walzer- und andere -mixer" links: - "https://www.gugelhupf-dresden.de/tanz-am-dienstag/" start: "2025-06-03T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-03T23:59:59+02:00" country: Germany city: Dresden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Folktanz Dresden e.V. source: events/germany/dresden.yaml - name: Balfolk links: - "https://wegottickets.com/event/642445" start: "2025-06-03T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-03T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Newcastle styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Topette price: £9.90-£19.80 organisation: Topette source: events/uk/topette.yaml - name: FolkCrash! links: - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7779/folkcrash-balfolk-entdecken?jour=04-06-2025" - "https://www.balefolk.ch/en/folkcrash" start: "2025-06-04T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-04T23:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Basel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Bâle Folk source: events/switzerland/basel.yaml - name: Balfolk links: - "https://wegottickets.com/event/642447" start: "2025-06-04T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-04T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Topette price: £9.90-£19.80 organisation: Topette source: events/uk/topette.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-06-04T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-04T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: Ransätersstämman links: - "https://ransatersstamman.se/" start: "2025-06-05T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-08T15:00:00+02:00" country: Sweden city: Karlstad styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true organisation: Ransätersstämman source: events/sweden/karlstad.yaml - name: Socialles 340 details: "Deze donderdag 5 juni  is het socialles nr 340. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-340-rotterdam/" start: "2025-06-05T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-05T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-06-05T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-05T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823078244965/" start: "2025-06-05T20:30:00+03:00" end: "2025-06-05T23:30:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Bal links: - "https://www.tickettailor.com/events/oxfolkceilidhs/1404289?" start: "2025-06-05T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-05T21:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Oxford styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Topette price: £9-£20 organisation: Oxfolk source: events/uk/oxfolk.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-06-05T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-05T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Dance Trance Weekend links: - "https://www.dancetrance.ltda.us/" start_date: 2025-06-06 end_date: 2025-06-08 country: USA state: KY city: Lexington styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Toss the Possum callers: - Darlene Underwood - Terry Doyle organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Gender-Free Dance Camp links: - "https://www.lcfd.org/spring-camp-2025.html" start_date: 2025-06-06 end_date: 2025-06-08 country: USA state: MA city: Plymouth styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Calico - Northwoods callers: - Mary Wesley - Chris Ricciotti price: $150-$400 organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Taste of Haven links: - "https://www.contracorners.net/events/taste-of-haven-2024/" start_date: 2025-06-06 end_date: 2025-06-08 country: USA state: IN city: Syracuse styles: - contra workshop: true social: true organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: "Les Trad'Yvresses" links: - "https://balayvre.wixsite.com/balayvre" start: "2025-06-06T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-08T22:00:00+02:00" country: France city: Le Mans styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Adamada source: events/france/france.yaml - name: Bal-Curious links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1124753052647663/" start: "2025-06-06T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-08T18:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Burneside styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Bal-Curious Folk source: events/uk/burneside.yaml - name: RenoFolk Festival links: - "https://www.renofolkfestival.it/en/rff-home-english/" start: "2025-06-06T21:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-09T21:00:00+02:00" country: Italy city: Bologna styles: - balfolk - italian workshop: true social: true bands: - Karamaus - Ududu - Le Mange Bal - Jam.PT - Matrioske - Terroir Collapse - Nasyikat - "Musicanti d'la Bása" - Tref - Duo Vargoz - Baìa Trio - Ormuz organisation: RenoFolk source: events/italy/renofolk.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-6-6-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-06-06T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-06T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: "Moulin d'Andé Weekend" details: "A contra dance weekend in Normandy with Kappy Laning & Janine Smith (callers) and Nozzy (musicians, from UK). Lodging and all meals provided in a beautiful and historic venue, the 13th century restored Moulin d’Andé. \nPrices in euros for those who haven’t yet attended a Paris Contra Dance: 520 in a single room, 420 euros in a double or triple room, 320 in a dormitory (6-8 in a room). 100 euros discount for previous attendees. \nTransportation via train (1:30) from Gare St Lazare in Paris and then (20 minutes) by bus or taxi from Gare Val de Reuil. \nIf you are interested or if you have questions, send me a message." links: - "https://sites.google.com/site/americancontradanceinparis/" start_date: 2025-06-07 end_date: 2025-06-09 country: France city: Val-de-Reuil styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Larry Unger & Karina Wilson callers: - Charlie Turner - Jeremy Kuhn organisation: Paris Contra Dance source: events/france/paris_contra.yaml - name: "Folk In 't Kasteel" details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2301" start: "2025-06-07T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-07T23:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Antwerp styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/bal-topette-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/442762102150303/" start: "2025-06-07T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-07T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Topette price: £7.50-£15 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Edinburgh Contra Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1275784600319353/" start: "2025-06-07T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-06-07T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Edinburgh styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Hoik callers: - Heather McAslan price: £10-£20 organisation: Edinburgh Contra Dance source: events/uk/edinburgh_contra_dance.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: "Martin Coudroys feine klare zurückhaltende und gleichzeitig originelle, perfekte, abwechslungsreiche und unglaublich tänzerische Art Akkordeon zu spielen, ist unübertroffen. Und Coline Genet ist ein Supertalent an der Bratsche – von klassisch bis bretonisch – von knackig rhythmisch bis zartschmelzend ist in ihrem einfühlsamen Spiel alles drin. Dass das Duo noch ganz frisch ist, merkt man an der Konzentration, dem Zuhören, der Spielfreude der beiden. Nicht nur die Tanzenden haben Freude  an dem, was da gerade passiert!" links: - "https://folkclub-marburg.de" start: "2025-06-08T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-08T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Marburg styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Duo Coudroy Genet organisation: Folkclub Marburg source: events/germany/marburg.yaml - name: Bal Crewkerne details: French + Breton dance and live music links: - "https://balcrew.wixsite.com/balcrewkerne" start: "2025-06-08T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-08T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Crewkerne styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £4 organisation: Bal Crewkerne source: events/uk/crewkerne.yaml - name: Balfolk links: - "https://www.headfirstbristol.co.uk/whats-on/jam-jar/sun-8-jun-topette-2025-tour-bristol-120092#e120092" start: "2025-06-08T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-08T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Topette price: £9.90-£19.80 organisation: Topette source: events/uk/topette.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" details: "20:00 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-6/" start: "2025-06-09T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-09T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943264260780" start: "2025-06-11T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-11T20:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: Bal links: - "https://www.folktanz-halle.de/tanzhal/termine.html" start: "2025-06-11T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-11T22:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Halle styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - JB organisation: Folktanz Halle source: events/germany/halle.yaml - name: Folkbal Wilhelmina details: "Italiaanse balfolk in Eindhoven: Le Dríadi komt spelen!" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/folkbal-wilhelmina-le-driadi-it/" start: "2025-06-11T20:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-11T23:30:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Eindhoven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Le Driadi price: €10 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Folkjam Mechelen details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/folk-jam-mechelen/1150/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2545" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1460800437852073/1528559131076203/" start: "2025-06-11T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-11T22:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Socialles 341 details: "Deze donderdag 12 juni  is het socialles nr 341. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-341-rotterdam/" start: "2025-06-12T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-12T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-06-12T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-12T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balhalla details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2490" start: "2025-06-12T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-12T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Gent styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Trio Baftig organisation: Balhalla source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Balfolk and Trad Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/970823008244972/970823011578305/" start: "2025-06-12T20:30:00+03:00" end: "2025-06-12T23:30:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €12 organisation: Rhythmic Connections source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-06-12T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-12T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Summer Soiree links: - "https://www.ashevillecontra.com/" start_date: 2025-06-13 end_date: 2025-06-15 country: USA state: NC city: Asheville styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - The Mean Lids - Kingfisher callers: - Steve Zakon-Anderson - Adina Gordon organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Flamingo Fling details: Flamingo Fling is Oklahoma City’s annual Contra Dance weekend! This year will feature Alex Deis-Lauby calling and music from River Road! links: - "https://scissortail.org/special-events/flamingo-fling/" - "https://cdss.org/event/flamingo-fling-contra-weekend-in-oklahoma-city/" start_date: 2025-06-13 end_date: 2025-06-15 country: USA state: OK city: Oklahoma City styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - River Road callers: - Alex Deis-Lauby price: $150 organisation: Scissortail Traditional Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-06-13T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-13T21:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: Bal Folk RZF details: Ball links: - "https://www.rzf.be/en_US/event/bal-folk-2025-06-13-73/register" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2507" start: "2025-06-13T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-13T22:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Alleur styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Bargainatt price: €7-€15 organisation: "Rif Zans L'Fiesse" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: TANZhaus WABE details: Infos folgen bald links: - "https://spreefolk.de/events/wabe2025-06" start: "2025-06-13T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-13T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Berlin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Spreefolk e.V. source: events/germany/spreefolk.yaml - name: "Bourrée In 2: Flow" details: Course links: - "https://stanistil.be/event/48" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1145004843750459/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2654" start: "2025-06-13T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-13T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Leuven styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: donation organisation: Stanistil source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Alcester Contra links: - "https://davidfolk7.wixsite.com/alcestercontras" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/441843112110419/" start: "2025-06-13T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-13T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Alcester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Larry Unger & Elke Baker callers: - Mark Elvins price: £4-£10 organisation: Alcester Contra source: events/uk/alcester_contra.yaml - name: Ceilidh links: - "https://www.ceilidhsoc.org/ceilidhs/" start: "2025-06-13T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-13T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Sheffield styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £3-£5 organisation: Sheffield CeilidhSoc source: events/uk/sheffield_ceilidh.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/llondon-ceilidh-club-13-6-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-06-13T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-13T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Across the Lake details: "Joseph Pimentel calls to music by Bare Necessities (Kate Barnes, Earl Gaddis, Mary Lea, Jacqueline Schwab). Friday night welcome dance, Saturday afternoon workshops (likely to include a challenging/advanced session for experienced dancers plus a review session for all for the evening gala), and Saturday night dress-up gala. Pre-registration required; registration opens mid-February 2025. You can register to pay for the entire weekend or for individual sessions." links: - "http://burlingtoncountrydancers.org/across-the-lake/" - "https://cdss.org/event/across-the-lake-english-country-dance-weekend/" start: "2025-06-13T20:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-06-14T23:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: VT city: Colchester styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Bare Necessities callers: - Joseph Pimentel organisation: Burlington Country Dancers source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Irish set dance details: Irischer Tanznachmittag links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/947756618" start: "2025-06-14T15:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-14T19:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Frickingen styles: - irish-set workshop: false social: true organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Le Vendredi Danse links: - "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1035775671909454&set=pb.100064310937147.-2207520000" start: "2025-06-14T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-14T16:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Holmfirth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Le Vendredi Danse source: events/uk/le_vendredi_danse.yaml - name: Drakenbal details: "DRAKENBAL DEN BOSCH \n\nDe draak van Den Bosch laaft zich tijdens dit bijna-zomerbal aan de zalige betoverende klanken van de Italiaanse band Le Driadi! Hoewel het bal in de kelder van Station Zuid zal zijn, brengen zij de zuidelijke zomerzon met zich mee. Er wacht je een avondvullend programma vol muziek, dans en gezelligheid!\n\nAVONDPROGRAMMA\n\n \t19:00 Welkom\n \t19:30-20:30 Dansworkshop\n \t20:30-20:45 Kwartier van Plezier: nog vrij!\n \t20:45-22:45 Bal met Le Driadi\n \t22:45-1:00 Sessie o.l.v. David Cornelissen\n\nENTREE: 15/20/+ naar ondersteuningsmogelijkheid. Geef gul want alles gaat naar de muzikanten!\nRegular €15\nFair €20\nSupport >€20\n\nDANSWORKSHOP 19:30-20:30\n\nBo en Paul van Balfolksync verzorgen met veel passie, plezier en humor de dansworkshop deze avond. Ze zullen meerdere dansen uitleggen, dus heb je nog nooit eerder balfolk gedanst of ben je juist al ervaren? Iedereen is welkom en het is altijd leuk en leerzaam om mee te doen.\n\nKWARTIER VAN PLEZIER 20:30-20:45\n\nWil je een paar deuntjes spelen? Je bent van harte welkom! Stuur een berichtje naar drakenbaldenbosch@gmail.com.\n\nBAL MET LE DRIADI 21:00-23:00\n\n‘Le Driadi’ is een Italiaanse band die eind 2023 werd opgericht en die, net als bosnimfen, ongekende volksmuziek verweeft met Italiaanse songwriting-invloeden. Balfolk in neo-trad-stijl vormt de kern van het project, met Franse dansen van romantische mazurka’s tot energieke Bretonse ketens. Samen creëren ze een klankbos waarin elke noot een betovering is, waardoor luisteraars worden uitgenodigd om zich te verliezen in een wereld waar muziek, dans en magie met elkaar verweven zijn.\n\nWebsite: https://ledriadi.bandcamp.com/album/dentro-lo-specchio\n\nJAMSESSIE 23:00- uiterlijk 1:00\n\nNa het optreden is er gelegenheid voor muzikanten om samen te spelen in een sessie onder leiding van David Cornelissen. De dansers kunnen dan nog lekker door blijven dansen. We dragen de folkmuziek een warm hart toe en het is onze wens dat de muziekscene in Den Bosch steeds groter en actiever wordt. Schroom dus niet om je instrument te pakken en mee te spelen, iedereen is welkom! Ook als je niet bij het dansen bent geweest, ben je gratis welkom voor de sessie!\n\nVERSNAPERINGEN\n\nIn de bar kun je alles bestellen wat je wilt, probeer zeker eens een Boschgebrouwen Draken speciaalbiertje! Maar er staan ook gratis gezonde snacks.\n\nLOCATIE\nCafé Station Zuid - in kelder\nErasmusstraat 9 ‘s-Hertogenbosch\n\nROUTE\n\nOpenbaar vervoer:\n\nHet Bal is te bereiken met OV, hiervoor kun je naar ’s-Hertogenbosch Centraal of ‘s-Hertogenbosch Oost komen. Vanaf beide stations is het ongeveer 30 minuten lopen naar de locatie. Je kunt ook de bus nemen die vlak bij Café Station Zuid stopt. Dit is buslijn 1 (en 306).\n\nAuto:\n\nLet op het is betaald parkeren in de wijk. De 1e twee uur parkeer je gratis!\nJe kan vrij parkeren op de parkeerplaats van de Lucaskerk na 18u (240m), aan de Hildebrandstraat voor de winkels (400m), op de gelijknamige parallelweg van de Gestelseweg (450m), inrit bij kruising Pieter Langendijksingel. Er kan ook vrij geparkeerd worden op de Jacob van Mearlantstraat vanaf nummer 191 en oplopend (de andere kant op niet!). Aan de overkant bij de bedrijven mag vanaf 19u ook geparkeerd worden, mits er ruimte is. Vanaf hier is het 2 minuten lopen.\n\nCarpoolen:  zie de Folkpool discordgroep: https://discord.com/invite/WWRBahjhJm" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/drakenbal-13/" start: "2025-06-14T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-15T01:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: "'s-Hertogenbosch" styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - David Cornelissen - Le Driadi price: €15-€20 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: "d'Accord" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876/posts/1813811482356480/" start: "2025-06-14T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-14T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Eelgrinders price: £10 organisation: "d'Accord" source: events/uk/daccord.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" start: "2025-06-14T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-14T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Larry Unger and Elke Baker callers: - Charlie Turner price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: Les Batons links: - "https://www.lesbatons.org/#dates" start: "2025-06-15T13:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-15T17:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hollingbourne styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Oscina price: £7 organisation: Les Batons source: events/uk/les_batons.yaml - name: Balfolk Social details: "Balfolk op zondag\nDe Mezrab host iedere derde zondag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel hier alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van ... en ....\n\nTicket\n- Voorverkoop: 16 euro\n- Aan de deur: 18 euro\nTickets >>>\n\nProgramma\n16:15 Deuren open16:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners\n17:30 Bal met ...\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met ...21:00 Sessie\n\nBands\n\n \t...\n\n\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\n\n\n \t...\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\nLocatie\nMezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma.\n\nEr is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers.\n\nAdres:\nMezrab\nVeemkade 576\n1019 BL Amsterdam\n\nFotocredit\nBalfolk Amsterdam" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-op-zondag-juni-2025/" start: "2025-06-15T16:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-15T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €16-€18 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Pavilion Bal Folk links: - "https://www.rachelbellmusic.com/calendar" start: "2025-06-15T17:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-06-15T20:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: VT city: Guildford styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Eloise & Co. price: $12-$25 organisation: Brattleboro Bal Folk source: events/usa/guilford.yaml - name: BACDS Hey Days details: "Hey Days is the annual BACDS English Country Dance and Music Week. \nWe offer classes in English country dance, ritual/display dance, song, and a music track. We promise a program that will challenge and delight both new and experienced participants, complete with campers’ night, parties, and a daily gathering for campers and staff to share hidden talents. \nStaff includes Joanna Reiner Wilkinson, Andrew Swaine, Rachel Pusey, Jan Elliot, Daisy Black, and Chris Bracken. Music by Shira Kammen, Lisa Scott, Chip Prince, McKinley James, Michelle Masek, Jim Oakden, and Rebecca King." links: - "https://www.bacds.org/camps/eweek2025/" - "https://cdss.org/event/bacds-hey-days-english-dance-and-music-week/" start: "2025-06-15T15:30:00-07:00" end: "2025-06-22T10:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: CA city: Los Garos styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true callers: - Andrew Swaine - Joanna Reiner Wilkinson - Rachel Pusey price: $475-$1380 organisation: Bay Area Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/montagstanz-anfaenger/" start: "2025-06-16T08:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-16T17:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-06-16T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-06-16T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Folk Weekend Mattstedt details: "Festival outside, small village and mill, camping, dormitory, swimming" links: - "https://www.muehlenhofmattstedt.de/folk" start: "2025-06-18T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-22T16:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Apolda styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Mühlenhof Mattstedt source: events/germany/mattstedt.yaml - name: "Numinosum Festival: Midsummer Night" details: "Marzysz o Nocy Świętojańskiej na średniowiecznym zamku? O tańcu w rzece w ciepłą czerwcową noc? Chcesz zatańczyć na trawie do muzyki na żywo w blasku pochodni, skoczyć przez ogień, a potem na zamkowej baszcie doświadczyć tańca w całkowitej ciemności? Posłuchać opowieści o magii, która ogarnia świat w najkrótszą noc w roku, poszukać kwiatu paproci? Pragniesz spędzić 4 dni wakacji pełnych najlepszej tanecznej muzyki balfolkowej? To wszystko znajdziesz na Numinosum Festival 2025" links: - "https://festival.numinosum.pl/en" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1559522284765327/" - "https://www.plug.events/event/numinosum-festival-2025-midsummer-night" start: "2025-06-19T12:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-22T23:45:00+02:00" country: Poland city: Liw styles: - balfolk - polish workshop: true social: true organisation: Numinosum source: events/poland/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Socialles 342 details: "Deze donderdag 19 juni  is het socialles nr 342. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-342-rotterdam/" start: "2025-06-19T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-19T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: The Round club night links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/events" - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start: "2025-06-19T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-19T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £2-£4 organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Balfolkcafe Groningen details: "Elke maand een bal in de kapel van het oude RKZ! (Emmastraat 15, Groningen)\nHet eerstvolgende bal is:\nWouter en de draak bij Balfolk Groningen op vrijdag 20 juni 2025\nAanvang: 19:30Entree: Vrijwillige bijdrage, geef gul voor de band! Bijvoorbeeld €15 per persoonLocatie: Theater De Kapel in het Oude Rooms Katholiek Ziekenhuis (ORKZ),Emmastraat 15, 9722 EW GroningenInstructies: Ja, om 19.30 uur\n\nBalfolk Groningen is dansen op live folkmuziek en natuurlijk sessie na afloop: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!Entree: vrijwillige donatie, zoals bijvoorbeeld € 15,- Geef ruim, want alles gaat 100% naar muzikanten.\n\nGlobaal tijdschema:19:30 dansworkshop20:30 Bal22:30 sessie23:00 einde programma(Tijden onder voorbehoud)\n\nDansuitlegIn deze dansuitleg komen de basisprincipes van balfolk aan bod zodat iedereen mee kan doen. In de tweede helft van de dansuitleg gaan ze dieper op één dans in.\nWouter en de draakEen nieuw duo van Wouter Kuyper en Joris Alblas. Balfolk, met een grotere rol voor de gitaar, een tintje Iers en een voorliefde voor Bretons. Luister naar ze op soundcloud: https://www.facebook.com/.../a.14933.../1493372584242823/...\nWebsite: https://www.facebook.com/WouterendeDraak\n\nWat is Balfolk?Balfolk is misschien een beetje te vergelijken met een tango- of salsa-avond, maar dan met de muziek en dansen van hier: de dansen en muziek die traditioneel in West-Europa voorkomen. En er is altijd live muziek! En we starten altijd met een dansuitleg. Iedereen kan meedoen.\nDe KapelDe kapel is te vinden als je naar het Oude RKZ (ORKZ) komt in de Emmastraat 15 in Groningen. Wanneer je binnenkomt loop je naar de bar, en rechts van de bar bevindt zich de deur naar de kapel." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolkcafe-groningen-met-wouter-en-de-draak/" start: "2025-06-20T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-20T23:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Groningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Wouter en de Draak price: €15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Practica Met Initiatie & Gastmuzikanten Hombeek details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-with-initiation-&-guest-musicians-hombeek/1164/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2596" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1306640440462223/1306640447128889/" start: "2025-06-20T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-20T23:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Lichfield Folk Festival links: - "https://www.lichfieldfolkfestival.co.uk/" start: "2025-06-20T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-22T17:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Lichfield styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - 3D - Jovial Crew - Larry Unger & Elke Baker - Warleggan Village Band - WillPower callers: - Amy Burton - Gene Murrow - Geoff Cubitt - Georgia Delve - Hilary Herbert - Lynne Render - Mark Burton - Maureen Knight price: £100 organisation: Lichfield Folk Festival source: events/uk/lichfield.yaml - name: Bristol Contra Dance details: "Bristol Contra Dance is a communal-style folk dance very similar to a Ceilidh. No partner or experience is necessary. A caller leads the dancers through a series of moves. All calling is gender free.\n\nLouise Siddons will be calling with music from Fiddlechicks.\n\nWe are in the Faith Space Chapel. It's nice and close to Temple Meads and comes with free parking. Check the new Bristol Clean Air Zone information carefully, as this may effect you.\n\nWe have cheese in the break, along with tea, coffee and cordial. You are welcome to bring your own things. Please don't bring alcohol, as this is the venue rule.\n\nBristol Contra is committed to not having the cost of a dance be a hindrance to anyone attending, and have a sliding pay scale.\n\nSuggested prices available on the door:\nUnwaged £6\nWaged £10\nSupporters Ticket £15.\nThe new supporters ticket is a fair representation of what the event costs to run, and supports fair fees for the Band and Caller. It is entirely voluntary.\n\nSo bring your smiles and your joy and come join us for amazing social dancing. Absolutely all welcome of any level of experience for great dancing to some amazing gender-free calling and brilliant music!" links: - "https://bristolcontra.wordpress.com/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/865675028962690/" start: "2025-06-20T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-20T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Bristol styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Fiddlechicks callers: - Louise Siddons price: £6-£15 organisation: Bristol Contra source: events/uk/bristol_contra.yaml - name: Knees Up Cecil Sharp links: - "http://www.kneesupcecilsharp.co.uk/programme.html" start: "2025-06-20T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-06-20T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Dirty Big Canal Dance Band callers: - Jane Bird price: £5-£15 organisation: Knees Up Cecil Sharp source: events/uk/kucs.yaml - name: Midzomer Fair details: "Zoals we ieder jaar de Midwinter Fair organiseren met meerdere bands, waaronder ook altijd meerdere Balfolk bands en workshops, zullen we dit jaar ook een Midzomer Fair organiseren. Dit zal plaatsvinden op 21 en 22 juni. Meer informatie over bands zal nog volgen!" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/midzomer-fair/" start_date: 2025-06-21 end_date: 2025-06-22 country: Netherlands city: Alphen aan den Rijn styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: The Round Playford ball links: - "https://round.soc.srcf.net/diary" start_date: 2025-06-21 end_date: 2025-06-21 country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true organisation: The Round source: events/uk/the_round.yaml - name: Midzomerbal details: "Met midzomer, op 21 juni, kunnen we weer de dansvloer op in Leiden, in de Q-Bus, onze vaste stek voor fijne balfolkavonden. De bands die voor ons komen spelen en de exacte\ntijden worden later nog bekend gemaakt.\n\nDansuitleg\nTevoren zal er uiteraard weer een dansuitleg zijn voor degenen die nog niet eerder balfolk hebben gedanst of toch graag nog even een opfrisser willen. Deze zal een uurtje duren, waarbij de meest voorkomende balfolk dansen aan bod komen.\n\nToegang\nToegang tot het bal kost 25 euro per persoon. Dit kan alleen cash aan de deur worden betaald.\n\nLocatie\nQ-Bus is gevestigd in Leiden. Vlakbij kan geparkeerd worden in een parkeergarage. Check voor de routes met OV en met auto je favoriete routeplanner." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/midzomerbal-2025-in-leiden/" start: "2025-06-21T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-21T23:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Leiden styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €25 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk Practice links: - "https://tanzhaus-innsbruck.jimdofree.com/" start: "2025-06-21T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-21T22:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Innsbruck styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Tanzhaus Innsbruck source: events/austria/innsbruck.yaml - name: Folk & Dance at Schäfersee details: "Tanznachmittag mit Live-Musik\nSo 22.06.2025 15-17 Uhr\nBourrée Party Crackers\nBourrée Party Crackers – Foto: Christina Glanz\n \nOrt: M5 am Franz-Neumann-Platz, Markstraße 5, 13409 Berlin\nDer Eintritt ist frei\n Eine Veranstaltung der NaturFreunde Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit Spreefolk e.V." links: - "https://spreefolk.de/events/2506-tanz-m5" start: "2025-06-22T15:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-22T17:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Berlin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Bourrée Party Crackers price: free organisation: NaturFreunde Berlin source: events/germany/spreefolk.yaml - name: Cam-French final celebration links: - "https://www.camfrench.co.uk/" start: "2025-06-22T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-22T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Portmanteau organisation: Cam-French source: events/uk/camfrench.yaml - name: Bal De La Cabane Du Bout Du Monde details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://ultratagada.com/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2617" start: "2025-06-22T16:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-22T21:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Watermaal-Bosvoorde styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Ultra Tagada price: €7-€12 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Acadia Festival of Traditional Music & Dance details: "A week-long summer festival of classes, workshops and concerts in Bar Harbor, ME, celebrating Celtic-influenced traditional music and dance." links: - "https://acadiatradfestival.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/acadia-festival-of-traditional-music-dance/" start: "2025-06-22T14:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-06-28T09:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: ME city: Bar Harbor styles: - contra workshop: true social: true organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Lady of the Lake June Week details: "On the shores of Coeur d’Alene Lake, fifty miles from Spokane, WA, is a week long adventure full of dance, music, and song shared with a welcoming community from all over the West and beyond.  There’s time to hike, canoe and just hang out on the beach or porches. \nA unique blend of contras and English country featuring three daily contra dance workshops, two daily English country dance workshops, two callers workshops (contras and English), three different band workshops (including English) and two different singing workshops.  Plus evening dances that include contra and English dances run concurrently. \nStaff include three callers: Gaye Fifer, Lindsey Dono, and Luke Donforth and three bands: Dam Beavers (Ben Schreiber & Scotty Leach), Fiddle Hellions (Betsy Branch, George Penk, & Sue Songer) and Root System (Audrey Jaber, Anna Patton & Amy Englesberg). Wonderful food with four different choices (gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, dairy free).  Cedar cabins and nearby meadows for camping.  And a sliding scale of fees starting at $750 with breakeven at $850.  Transportation to and from the Spokane Airport to camp is available." links: - "http://www.ladyofthelake.org/june-week/" - "https://cdss.org/event/lady-of-the-lake-music-and-dance-week/" start: "2025-06-22T15:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-06-28T11:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: ID city: Harrison styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - The Dam Beavers - Fiddle Hellions - Root System callers: - Gaye Fifer - Lindsey Dono - Luke Donforth price: $750-$1050 organisation: CDSS source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Advanced" details: "20:00 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-5/" start: "2025-06-23T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-23T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Balfolk at YMCA links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1335943224260784/1335943267594113" start: "2025-06-25T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-25T20:00:00+02:00" country: Czechia city: Brno styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Ton Simple source: events/czechia/brno.yaml - name: Balfolk café Nijmegen details: "Balfolk Cafe is livemuziek, tussendoor fijne balfolkhitjes en natuurlijk sessie: dus neem ook je instrumenten mee!\n\n\nEntree: € 15,-  (of € 10,- voor mensen die kortingstarief nodig hebben)\nGeef ruim, alles gaat 100% naar de muzikanten.\n\n20:00 dans uitleg\n21:00 Livemuziek (2 sets)\n23:00 Sessie!\n(Tijden onder voorbehoud)" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-cafe-nijmegen-47/" start: "2025-06-25T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-25T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - EmBRUN price: €10-€15 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-06-25T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-25T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Practica Mechelen details: Ball links: - "https://frissefolk.be/en/event-en/practica-mechelen/1157/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2550" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1120858039382966/1120858062716297/" start: "2025-06-25T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-25T22:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Mechelen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: donation organisation: Frisse Folk Vzw/asbl source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Socialles 343 details: "Deze donderdag 26 juni  is het socialles nr 343. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-343-rotterdam/" start: "2025-06-26T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-26T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk-Abendkurs Sommersemester details: "Wann? — März bis Juni, donnerstags, 19:00 bis 20:30\r\nWo? — 8., Lange Gasse 8/2\r\n\r\nTeilnahmebeitrag: 120€ / reduziert: 80€\r\nSchnuppertag und Anmeldeschluss: 6.3.\r\nAnmeldungen bitte per E-Mail an roman@folktanz.at.\r\n\r\nFoto: Ivan Pomé (https://ivanpome.com/) am Prague Balfolk Weekend 2025" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-abendkurs" start: "2025-06-26T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-26T20:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Vienna styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Roman Zimmermann source: events/austria/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Stämmoveckan links: - "https://stammoveckan.se/" start_date: 2025-06-27 end_date: 2025-07-06 country: Sweden city: Rättvik styles: - scandi workshop: true social: true organisation: Stämmoveckan source: events/sweden/rattvik.yaml - name: Dañserlà links: - "https://eveeno.com/danserla2025?lang=en" start: "2025-06-27T16:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-30T16:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Erlangen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Kulturverein Erlangen source: events/germany/erlangen.yaml - name: Balfolk details: "Datum en plek zijn zeker, maar de precieze tijden en zo komen later. \nReserveer deze avond alvast in je agenda!\n\nGrove inschatting:\n\n19u30 Dansinitiatie door Sietske van der Sluis\n20u15 Bal met Wouter en de Draak\n21u15 pauze\n21u30 tweede set\n22u15 einde bal" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-met-wouter-en-de-draak-in-sneek/" start: "2025-06-27T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-27T22:15:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Sneek styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Wouter en de Draak organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bals et Roses links: - "https://www.festivalbalsetroses.be/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1351353665707748/" start: "2025-06-27T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-29T20:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Florenville styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Hartwin Dhoore Trio - The Crew - Oraj - Solia - Stoemp - La Voivrelle - La Vielha - Topette - Boulas Rio Quartet - Emily & The Simons - Noiranomis - Threo - Duo Niepold-Cutting price: €50-€70 organisation: Bals et Roses source: events/belgium/bals_et_roses.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-27-6-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-06-27T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-27T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: Summer Barn Dance links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1160047731753958/" - "https://www.tickettailor.com/events/weedonbarndance/1392955/r/fbe" start: "2025-06-27T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-27T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Weedon Bec styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true callers: - Lisa Heywood price: £12 organisation: Northampton Ceilidhs source: events/uk/weedon_bec.yaml - name: DenneFeest details: "Een super tof balfolk feestje in het bos!\n\nWorkshop programma volgt nog." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/dennefeest-6/" - "https://www.plug.events/event/dennefeest95" start: "2025-06-28T11:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-28T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Berghem styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-06-28T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-28T17:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: Balfolk im Städtli links: - "https://balsoleil.ch/balfolk-in-lichtensteig/" start: "2025-06-28T17:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-28T22:00:00+02:00" country: Switzerland city: Lichtensteig styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Edentia - Matthieu price: 35 CHF organisation: BalSoleil source: events/switzerland/lichtensteig.yaml - name: Balfolk Stuttgart details: Balfolk Stuttgart im Alten Feuerwehrhaus Süd links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/585162471" start: "2025-06-28T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-28T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Stuttgart styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Le Driadi - Rokkende Vrouwen organisation: Holger & Moritz & Vera source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Contrabridge details: "Join us for our contra dance with Box of Frogs with calling from Louise Siddons.\n\nTwo of the most exciting players on the Contra dance scene. With creative, colourful accordion player Ali Messer (Blue Mountain, Alterations, Fat Harry, Fiddle Chicks) and high energy fiddling from Linda Game (ECDB, Token Women) expect an evening of fabulous dance music. Box the gnat and swat the flea, but can you spot the frog?\n\nLouise Siddons was born in the UK but moved to the United States as a child, where she grew up surrounded by folk music and song. Now back in the UK permanently, she is known on both sides of the Atlantic as a contra, English country dance, and ceilidh caller. Louise believes that we should invest in the evolution and sustainability of folk traditions and their ongoing relevance to contemporary culture. As a caller and dance teacher, she strives to create a fun and welcoming atmosphere with her low-key and light-hearted stage presence. She received the 2016 Mary Judson/Brad Foster Award for English Dance Teachers from the Country Dance and Song Society (CDSS), and has been a committee member for the Friends of English Dance (UK) since 2018. In 2021, she received a diversity grant from the English Folk Dance and Song Society (EFDSS) in support of her gender-free teaching and calling. In 2022, CDSS published her booklet on gender-free, positional calling, “Dancing the Whole Dance: Positional Calling for Contra.” This winter, she is starting Winchester's first-ever queer ceilidh series, WinQeilidh." links: - "https://contrabridge.org/events/2025-06/" start: "2025-06-28T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-28T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Box of Frogs callers: - Louise Siddons price: £7-£15 organisation: Contrabridge source: events/uk/contrabridge.yaml - name: Exeter Ceilidh links: - "https://exeterceilidhs.net/" start: "2025-06-28T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-06-28T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Crowdy-Kit price: £4-£15 organisation: Exeter Ceilidhs source: events/uk/exeter_ceilidhs.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-06-29T14:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-06-29T15:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Sunday Afternoon Masterclass links: - "http://www.contrafusion.co.uk/Saturday.html#P" start: "2025-06-29T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-06-29T16:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Maidstone styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: false callers: - John Sweeney price: £7 organisation: Contrafusion source: events/uk/contrafusion.yaml - name: "Monday Dancing: Beginners" details: "20:00 Workshop für Anfänger\n21:00 Tanz für Alle" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/montagstanz-anfaenger-2/" start: "2025-06-30T08:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-06-30T17:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-07-02T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-02T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Ben Hooke organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: Roanoke Railroader links: - "http://www.roanokerailroader.com/" start_date: 2025-07-03 end_date: 2025-07-06 country: USA state: VA city: Salem styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Toss the Possum - The Latter Day Lizards - Rushfest callers: - Will Mentor - Gaye Fifer price: $95-$160 organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Socialles 344 details: "Deze donderdag 3 juli  is het socialles nr 344. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-344-rotterdam/" start: "2025-07-03T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-03T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Gooikoorts details: Ball links: - "http://www.gooikoorts.be" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2572" start_date: 2025-07-04 end_date: 2025-07-06 country: Belgium city: Gooik styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Gooikoorts Folkfestival source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck + 4th of July celebration links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-07-04T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-04T21:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: Stegastomp links: - "https://www.stegastomp.co.uk/" start: "2025-07-04T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-06T16:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Harbury styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Contrasaurus organisation: Contrasaurus source: events/uk/harbury.yaml - name: Dancing Fish links: - "https://dancingfish.dance/event/july-4th-weekend-kingfisher/" start: "2025-07-04T18:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-07-06T15:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: FL city: Melrose styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Kingfisher - Crossover callers: - Luke Donforth - Bob Isaacs price: $15-$30 organisation: Dancing Fish source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Lancaster Contra details: "Behind the mic: TBC\nMusicians: TBC" links: - "http://lancastercontra.org.uk/events/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/323906443504326/" start: "2025-07-05T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-05T16:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Lancaster styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: £10-£15 organisation: Lancaster Contra source: events/uk/lancaster.yaml - name: "Tanztag: ungerade Tänze" details: Salzstadel Tübingen links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923210987" start: "2025-07-06T14:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-06T18:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Tübingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-07-07T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-07-07T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Social Country Dance Week links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/social-country-dancing/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/619816870700560/" start: "2025-07-07T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-11T10:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - "Ali, Jane & Meg" callers: - Mark Elvins price: £255-£460 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Dance on the Kanonenplatz details: "am Montag dem 1.7. wollen wir auf dem Kanonenplatz tanzen!Beginn ist idealerweise 19:30 Uhr, auf jeden Fall aber ab dem Eintreffen (und Loslegen) der ersten Musikis.Es ist offene Bühne: Wer spielen will, arrangiert sich und spielt.\n\n\n\nDie passende Straßenbahnhaltestelle ist Oberlinden.Bringt unbedingt eine gut gefüllte Trinkflasche mit!Und Schuhe, die kleine, spitze Steinchen und Staub vertragen.Und Instrumente, wenn ihr spielen wollt!" links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/kanonenplatz/" start: "2025-07-07T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-08T00:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Socialles 345 details: "Deze donderdag 10 juli  is het socialles nr 345. Het onderwerp van de workshop wordt later bekend gemaakt.\n\nProgramma\n18.30 Gezamenlijk koken en eten\n19.30: Start socialles\n20.30: Einde socialles, begin vrij dansen\n21.30: Einde\n\nSocialles\nHet concept van een socialles is dat er het eerste uur een les of workshop wordt gegeven door een enthousiaste danser of docent over een specifieke dans of thema en dat in de 1,5 uur daarna de tijd is om vrij te dansen op cdmuziek. Uiteraard is er ook volop gelegenheid om te socialisen tijdens het deel vrij dansen.\n\nGezamenlijk eten\nVooraf mee-eten is ook mogelijk. Vanaf 18.30 uur ben je welkom in de keuken van De Banier, waarop er een warme maaltijd gekookt en gegeten wordt tot om 19.30 uur de socialles begint. Meehelpen met koken mag en kan natuurlijk. Mee-eten kost 3 euro per persoon, per keer, cash te betalen. Vooraf doorgeven dat je mee-eet is wel handig, dat kan het beste via balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com, tot uiterlijk woensdag 17.00 uur. Geef dan ook direct allergieën of intoleranties door, dan houden we daar rekening mee.\n\nLocatie\nJe kunt ons vinden bij De Banier, gevestigd op Banierstraat 1, in Rotterdam. Deze locatie is op ongeveer tien minuten lopen vanaf Centraal Station Rotterdam. Als de deur gesloten is, bel dan gewoon aan.\n\nParkeren in de directe omgeving is betaald tot 23.00 uur ‘s avonds. Verderop in de wijk is ook betaald, wel iets goedkoper maar je moet dan meestal een flink stuk lopen. Check prettigparkeren.nl voor de mogelijkheden.\n\nPrijs\nDe sociallessen kosten 6 euro per persoon. Dit kan cash betaald worden aan de deur. Er is eveneens de mogelijkheid om een strippenkaart aan te schaffen: dat zijn 5 strippen voor 30 euro, op elke socialles te besteden. Dat scheelt je wekelijks geld meenemen. Pinnen is niet mogelijk." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/socialles-345-rotterdam/" start: "2025-07-10T18:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-10T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €6 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Irish set dance details: Irischer Tanznachmittag links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/947756650" start: "2025-07-12T15:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-12T19:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Frickingen styles: - irish-set workshop: false social: true organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Season Closing with Open Stage details: "We sluiten het seizoen in Rotterdam af met de seizoenssluiting, mét open podium en sessie\nvoor muzikanten.\n\nDe band en het exacte programma wordt later nog bekend gemaakt.\n\n15 minutes of fame\nDeze editie is er ook het open podium, dus pak jouw eigen 15 minutes of fame! Voor en na\nhet optreden van de band deze avond is het podium voor andere muzikanten. Speel jouw\n(balfolk)muziek voor de dansers en andere muzikanten op de dansvloer.\nDus, ben jij muzikant? Wil je graag jouw muziek aan anderen laten horen, wil je oefenen met\nspelen voor (dansend) publiek of wil je misschien wel eens samenspelen met een andere\nmuzikant? Het kan allemaal! Aanmelden is handig, dan kan er een planning worden\ngemaakt. Dat kan door een mailtje te sturen naar balfolkzuidholland@gmail.com met jouw\nnaam en welk muziekinstrument jij en je eventuele mede-muzikant(en)spelen.\n\nSessie\nLiever niet op het open podium, maar wil je wel graag spelen? Dat kan ook gewoon tijdens\nde sessie achteraf, dus neem je (muzikanten)vrienden en muziekinstrumenten mee.\n\nToegangsprijs\nToegang tot de seizoenssluiting is 10 euro. Dat is alleen cash te betalen, aan de deur. Reserveren\nwordt gewaardeerd, dan weten wij hoe gezellig het wordt." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/seizoenssluiting-2025-rotterdam/" start: "2025-07-12T17:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-12T23:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Rotterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: €10 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bastille Bal links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-07-12T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-12T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" start: "2025-07-12T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-12T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - WillPower callers: - Louise Siddons price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: "Kurs: Balfolk" details: VHS Metzingen links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923211522" start: "2025-07-13T14:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-13T17:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Metzingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Bal Miniscule links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1718619838973025/" start: "2025-07-13T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-13T18:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Oxford styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Oxford source: events/uk/oxford.yaml - name: Monstagstanzen im Stadtgarten details: Bis einschließlich 18. August tanzen wir jeden Montag ab 20 Uhr im Stadtgarten. links: - "https://7schritt.de/kalender/monstagstanzen-fortgeschrittene-10/" start: "2025-07-14T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-07-14T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Freiburg i. Br styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Siebenschritt e.V. source: events/germany/freiburg_i_br.yaml - name: Ceilidh Club links: - "https://ceilidhclub.com/event/london-ceilidh-club-19-7-25-cecil-sharp-house/" start: "2025-07-19T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-19T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - s-ceilidh workshop: false social: true price: £18-£24 organisation: London Ceilidh Club source: events/uk/ceilidh_club.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-07-21T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-07-21T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-07-23T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-23T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Korröfestivalen links: - "https://www.korrofestivalen.se/" start_date: 2025-07-24 end_date: 2025-07-27 country: Sweden city: Korrö styles: - scandi workshop: false social: true organisation: Föreningen Korröfestivalen source: events/sweden/korro.yaml - name: Warwick Folk Festival links: - "https://www.warwickfolkfestival.co.uk/" start: "2025-07-24T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-27T23:55:00+01:00" country: UK city: Warwick styles: - e-ceilidh - contra workshop: false social: true price: £147-£155 organisation: Warwick Folk Festival source: events/uk/warwick.yaml - name: Southern Aire links: - "https://joyboundliving.com/dawn-dance" start_date: 2025-07-25 end_date: 2025-07-27 country: USA state: TN city: Mountain City styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Playing with Fyre - Howe and Company organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Bal details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2618" start_date: 2025-07-26 end_date: 2025-07-26 country: Belgium city: Nivelles styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Balbelutte organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-07-26T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-07-26T17:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-07-27T14:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-07-27T15:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Lark Camp details: "Music, Song & Dance Workshops in the beautiful Mendocino Woodlands of California \nFamily Friendly • Dances, Jams & Sessions • Great Food • Camping \nFull Camp for 8 Days, or Half Camp for 4 Days; Learn music, song, and dance traditions from Ireland, British Isles, Greece, Eastern Europe, Sweden, Latin America, North America, Spain, France, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa" links: - "https://www.larkcamp.org/" - "https://cdss.org/event/lark-camp/" start_date: 2025-08-01 end_date: 2025-08-09 country: USA state: CA city: Fort Bragg styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true organisation: Lark Traditional Arts source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Sidmouth Folk Festival links: - "https://sidmouthfolkfestival.co.uk/" start_date: 2025-08-01 end_date: 2025-08-08 country: UK city: Sidmouth styles: - e-ceilidh - contra - ecd - scd - balfolk - scandi - irish-set - ceili workshop: true social: true bands: - Alex Cumming & Audrey Jaber - Box of Frogs - Confluence - Contrasaurus - Paul Hutchinson & Matt Norman - Oscina - WillPower callers: - Brian Stanton - Carol Monaghan - Kevin Monaghan - Louise Siddons - Rachel Shapiro-Wallace - Rhodri Davies price: £320-£495 organisation: Sidmouth Folk Festival source: events/uk/sidmouth.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-08-01T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-08-01T21:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-08-04T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-08-04T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-08-06T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-06T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Michael Cade-Stewart organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: Broadstairs Folk Week links: - "https://broadstairsfolkweek.org.uk/" start_date: 2025-08-08 end_date: 2025-08-15 country: UK city: Broadstairs styles: - e-ceilidh - contra workshop: true social: true price: £176-£357 organisation: Broadstairs Folk Week source: events/uk/broadstairs.yaml - name: Benenwerk details: Ball links: - "http://www.benenwerk.be/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2672" start_date: 2025-08-09 end_date: 2025-08-09 country: Belgium city: Bruges styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Triple-X price: free organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: "FESTI'FOLK" links: - "https://openagenda.com/en/cofals/events/festifolk-6251195" start: "2025-08-14T16:35:00+02:00" end: "2025-08-16T23:59:00+02:00" country: France city: Lambesc styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Coriandre - La Talvera - Castanha e Vinovel - Tchachao - Folk You - Bodegam bal - "Sors le mains d'tes poches" price: free organisation: COFALS source: events/france/lambesc_13410_france.yaml - name: Balance the Bay details: "Hot dancing in the cool summer ocean breeze! Featuring The Latter Day Lizards and River Road, with gender-neutral calling by Will Mentor and Alex Deis-Lauby. Registration opens May 11. \nFor more information, email balancethebay@gmail.com." links: - "https://bacds.org/camps/btb2025/" - "https://cdss.org/event/balance-the-bay-san-francisco/" start: "2025-08-15T19:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-08-17T18:30:00-07:00" country: USA state: CA city: San Francisco styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - River Road - The Latter Day Lizards callers: - Alex Deis-Lauby - Will Mentor organisation: Bay Area Country Dance Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Whitby Folk Week links: - "https://www.whitbyfolk.co.uk/" start: "2025-08-16T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-22T23:59:00+01:00" country: UK city: Whitby styles: - e-ceilidh - contra - ecd - irish-set workshop: true social: true price: £280-£360 organisation: Whitby Folk Week source: events/uk/whitby.yaml - name: Bal Crewkerne details: French + Breton dance and live music links: - "https://balcrew.wixsite.com/balcrewkerne" start: "2025-08-17T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-17T21:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Crewkerne styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £4 organisation: Bal Crewkerne source: events/uk/crewkerne.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-08-18T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-08-18T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Halsway Folk Dance Holiday links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/halsway-folk-dance-holiday-2025/" start: "2025-08-18T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-25T10:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Richard Jones & Chris Jewell callers: - Ivan Aitken price: £400-£640 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Boombalfestival links: - "https://www.boombalfestival.be/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1201113417822360/" start: "2025-08-20T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-08-25T00:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Lovendegem styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Topette organisation: Boombal source: events/belgium/boombal.yaml - name: Shrewsbury Folk Festival links: - "https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/line-up/dance/" start: "2025-08-22T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-25T18:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Shrewsbury styles: - balfolk - contra - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: true bands: - Demon Barbers - Emily & The Simons - Frog on a Bike - GloryStrokes - Hoik - Lasair - Naragonia Quartet - National Youth Folk Ensemble - Oysterband - PolkaWorks - Queer Folk - Ross Grant & Hartwin Dhoore price: £199.24-£246.85 organisation: Shrewsbury Folk Festival source: events/uk/shrewsbury.yaml - name: Found Festival links: - "https://www.foundfestival.uk/line-up/dance" start: "2025-08-22T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-24T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Middle Claydon styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: true social: true bands: - Out of Hand - Tautas Roks - Banter - Kettlehawk price: £195-£215 organisation: Towersey Festival source: events/uk/towersey.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-08-23T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-23T17:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-08-27T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-27T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Halsway Regency Assembley links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/the-halsway-regency-assembly-2025/" start: "2025-08-29T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-08-31T16:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - Warleggan Village Band callers: - Georgia Delve price: £200-£330 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Dancing Fish links: - "https://dancingfish.dance/event/labor-day-weekend-with-howe-company/" start: "2025-08-29T18:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-08-31T15:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: FL city: Melrose styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Howe And Company price: $15-$30 organisation: Dancing Fish source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Rocky Mountain Rendezvous links: - "https://cfootmad.org/rendezvous" start: "2025-08-29T18:00:00-06:00" end: "2025-09-01T13:30:00-06:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Stove Dragon - Spintuition callers: - Will Mentor - Alex Deis-Lauby organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-08-31T14:00:00+12:00" end: "2025-08-31T15:30:00+12:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-09-01T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-09-01T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-09-03T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-03T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: South Folk Festival details: Balfolk Freitag und Samstagabend links: - "https://bordun.de/kurse/south-folk-festival/" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/924464593" start_date: 2025-09-05 end_date: 2025-09-07 country: Germany city: Balingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Bordun e.V. source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Bear Hug Contra Dance Weekend details: "Come dance on the shores of beautiful Flathead Lake in Montana! Bear Hug is an all-inclusive camp, including food, cabins/camping, and use of boats and swimming. Dance to Countercurrent with Michael Karcher; more coming soon! \nPay-what-you-can." links: - "https://cdss.org/event/bear-hug-contra-dance-weekend/" start_date: 2025-09-05 end_date: 2025-09-07 country: USA state: MT city: Rollins styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Countercurrent callers: - Michael Karcher organisation: Missoula Folklore Society source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-09-05T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-05T21:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: 32e Folk Festival Marsinne links: - "https://www.folkfestivalmarsinne.be/en_GB" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/459129973798620/" start: "2025-09-12T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-14T23:45:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Marsinne styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Musiques et Traditions source: events/belgium/marsinne.yaml - name: Alcester Contra links: - "https://davidfolk7.wixsite.com/alcestercontras" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1950151225396356/" start: "2025-09-12T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-12T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Alcester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - "Dave, Fran & Phil" callers: - Liam Binley price: £4-£10 organisation: Alcester Contra source: events/uk/alcester_contra.yaml - name: Le Vendredi Danse links: - "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1035775671909454&set=pb.100064310937147.-2207520000" start: "2025-09-13T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-13T16:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Holmfirth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Le Vendredi Danse source: events/uk/le_vendredi_danse.yaml - name: Balfolk im Städtli links: - "https://balsoleil.ch/balfolk-in-lichtensteig/" start: "2025-09-13T17:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-13T22:00:00+02:00" country: Switzerland city: Lichtensteig styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Verspielt price: 35 CHF organisation: BalSoleil source: events/switzerland/lichtensteig.yaml - name: "d'Accord" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876/posts/1813811482356480/" start: "2025-09-13T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-13T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £10 organisation: "d'Accord" source: events/uk/daccord.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" start: "2025-09-13T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-13T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - King Kontra String Band callers: - Geoff Cubitt price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: Bal Miniscule links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/955050696437091/" start: "2025-09-14T14:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-14T18:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Oxford styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Oxford source: events/uk/oxford.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-09-15T19:15:00+10:00" end: "2025-09-15T21:30:00+10:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Simmelfolk links: - "https://dckn.de/simmelfolk-festival/" start: "2025-09-18T16:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-21T02:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Simmelsdorf styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Das co-kreative Netzwerk source: events/germany/simmelfolk.yaml - name: Feet Retreat links: - "https://www.feetretreat.com/" start_date: 2025-09-19 end_date: 2025-09-21 country: USA state: NC city: Ellerbe styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Supertrad - River Road callers: - Will Mentor - Cis Hinkle - Emily Rush - Gaye Fifer organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: 5ème Festival des Bals Combiers links: - "https://www.lesbalscombiers.ch" start: "2025-09-19T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-21T18:00:00+02:00" country: Switzerland city: Lausanne styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: Les Bals Combiers source: events/switzerland/lesbalscombiers.yaml - name: BAL Des 40 Ans De RZF details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2508" start: "2025-09-20T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-21T00:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Alleur styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Balbuzar - Tref organisation: "Rif Zans L'Fiesse" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: "Le P'tit Bal du Harby" details: Ball links: - "https://pasdlayau.be/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2465" - "https://lolfolk.e-monsite.com/agenda/assemblees-generales/bal-folk-a-quevaucamps-belg.html" start: "2025-09-20T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-20T23:59:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Quevaucamps styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Lol Folk price: €10 organisation: "Pas d'La Yau" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: ruffCeilidh links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2025-09-20T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-20T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - 3Sticks callers: - Chris Jewell price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: Balfolk Social details: "Balfolk op zondag\nDe Mezrab host iedere derde zondag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel hier alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van ... en ....\n\nTicket\n- Voorverkoop: 16 euro\n- Aan de deur: 18 euro\nTickets >>>\n\nProgramma\n16:15 Deuren open16:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners\n17:30 Bal met ...\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met ...21:00 Sessie\n\nBands\n\n \t...\n\n\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\n\n\n \t...\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\nLocatie\nMezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma.\n\nEr is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers.\n\nAdres:\nMezrab\nVeemkade 576\n1019 BL Amsterdam\n\nFotocredit\nBalfolk Amsterdam" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-op-zondag-september-2025/" start: "2025-09-21T16:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-21T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €16-€18 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: "Emily and the Simons Ausdrucksstark und improvisatorisch, voller Leidenschaft, Zärtlichkeit und Verspieltheit. Das anglo-belgisches Balfolk-Trio spielt mit Konzertgitarre, Akkordeon und Geige nicht nur in einer für Bal Folk einmaligen Besetzung. Es ist vielmehr so, als hätten die Instrumente ein Eigenleben: Die verschiedenen Stimmen und Klangfarben umwerben und nähern sich vorsichtig, immer darauf achtend sich zu unterstützen und Raum zu geben. Und manchmal treffen sie sich zu einer großen Party. Ihr Stil ist ausdrucksstark und improvisatorisch, voller Leidenschaft, Zartheit und Verspieltheit. Oft geben Emilys Kompositionen die Themen vor, inspiriert von Begegnungen des Lebens und der Energie des Tanzbodens. Daraus ergibt sich ein weitreichendes Repertoire – von exquisiten, sinnlichen Mazurkas bis hin zu fröhlichen, treibenden Bourrées. Emily Bowden: Geige Simon Dumpleton: chromatisches Akkordeon Simon Laffineur: Konzertgitarre Zum Nachhören: https://emilyandthesimons.bandcamp.com/album/firelight Webseite: http://emilyandthesimons.com" links: - "https://folkclub-marburg.de" start: "2025-09-21T20:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-21T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Marburg styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Emily & The Simons organisation: Folkclub Marburg source: events/germany/marburg.yaml - name: Bal links: - "https://www.folktanz-halle.de/tanzhal/termine.html" start: "2025-09-24T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-24T22:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Halle styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Emily & The Simons organisation: Folktanz Halle source: events/germany/halle.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-09-24T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-24T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Adirondack Dance Weekend details: "A weekend of Contra, English Country and Balfolk dancing, tucked into the Adirondack Mountains on the shores of Lake George. Featuring Will Mentor, River Road, Gaye Fifer and more to be announced. Dance, sing, jam, hike, swim, kayak and more." links: - "https://www.danceflurry.org/adirondack-dance-weekend/" - "https://cdss.org/event/adirondack-dance-weekend/" start_date: 2025-09-26 end_date: 2025-09-28 country: USA state: NY city: Silver Bay styles: - balfolk - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - River Road - Lighthouse - Eloise & Co. callers: - Gaye Fifer - Will Mentor organisation: DanceFlurry source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Infinitumbal links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2357412704635133/" start: "2025-09-26T12:00:00+03:00" end: "2025-09-28T00:00:00+03:00" country: Lithuania city: Vilnius styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: "Šok, mėgaukis ir dalinkis" source: events/lithuania/vilnius.yaml - name: Halsway Harvest Weekend links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/halsway-harvest-weekend-2/" start: "2025-09-26T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-28T16:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - e-ceilidh - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - "Dampier's Round" callers: - Frances Oates - Barrie Bullimore - Laura Hodges organisation: Halsway Harvest source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: "Kurs: Tänze aus Frankreich" details: Deula Kirchheim links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923211545" start_date: 2025-09-27 end_date: 2025-09-28 country: Germany city: Kirchheim styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-09-27T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-27T17:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: Balfolk details: LAG Tanz BW links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/923211553" start: "2025-09-27T19:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-27T22:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Kirchheim styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Ballkanesen organisation: Anja von Richthofen source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Leeds Contra links: - "http://www.leedscontra.freeuk.com/specialevents.html" start: "2025-09-27T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-27T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Leeds styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Contrary Faeries callers: - Charlie Turner price: £12 organisation: Leeds Contra source: events/uk/leeds_contra.yaml - name: Sytchampton Saturday dance links: - "https://www.sytchamptondanceclub.org.uk/p/dance-diary-experiment.html" start: "2025-09-27T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-27T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Sytchampton styles: - ecd - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - The Falconers callers: - Rhodri Davies price: £8 organisation: Sytchampton Folk Dance Club source: events/uk/sytchampton.yaml - name: Contrabridge details: "Join us for our contra dance with Bearded Dragons with calling from Sarah Trop.\n\nFrom fire and darkness rise the mighty Bearded Dragons. Blending traditional and electronic styles, they are pioneers of Techno Contra, Techno Playford, and Electro Folk in general, at the very cutting edge of folk dance music. They are fiddle playing behemoth Benjamin Rowe (also found rampaging in Contrasaurus); and bellows, keys and synths monster Vic Smith (known also in Double Dichotomy and Ceilidh Experiment). Using both traditional instruments and sounds, with live hardware synthesisers, Bearded Dragons weave a musical experience that is entirely unique.\n\nSarah Trop is a lifelong contra dancer and energetic caller based in San Francisco. She is a strong proponent of a safe and inclusive dance floor, and her steady calling will guide everyone through her varied programs with ease." links: - "https://contrabridge.org/events/2025-09/" start: "2025-09-27T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-27T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Bearded Dragons callers: - Sarah Trop price: £7-£15 organisation: Contrabridge source: events/uk/contrabridge.yaml - name: Dansez Français links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-09-27T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-09-27T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Sunset in Provence price: £10 organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-09-28T14:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-09-28T15:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Tanztag balfolk in Lautenbach details: "Ultra Tagada, La bonne suope" links: - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7800/balfolk-am-bodensee?jour=28-09-2025" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/859391792" start: "2025-09-28T11:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-09-28T21:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Großschönach styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - La Bonne Soupe - Ultra Tagada organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-10-01T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-01T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Kerry Fletcher organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-10-03T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-10-03T21:30:00+02:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: Dancing Fish links: - "https://dancingfish.dance/event/alexandra-deis-lauby-and-free-raisins/" start: "2025-10-03T19:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-10-04T21:00:00-04:00" country: USA state: FL city: Melrose styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - The Free Raisins callers: - Alex Deis-Lauby price: $15-$30 organisation: Dancing Fish source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-10-06T19:15:00+11:00" end: "2025-10-06T21:30:00+11:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Autumn Contra Dance Week links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/autumn-contra-dance-week-2025/" start: "2025-10-06T16:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-10T10:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Box of Frogs callers: - Cis Hinkle price: £255-£460 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Harvest Moon links: - "https://www.sbcds.org/hm/" start_date: 2025-10-10 end_date: 2025-10-12 country: USA state: CA city: Santa Barbara styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - The Gaslight Tinkers - Topspin callers: - Rick Mohr - Anna Rain price: $95-$195 organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Mountain Madness links: - "https://historicjonesboroughdancesociety.net" start_date: 2025-10-10 end_date: 2025-10-12 country: USA state: TN city: Jonesborough styles: - contra workshop: false social: true organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Alcester Contra links: - "https://davidfolk7.wixsite.com/alcestercontras" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/553957054174543/" start: "2025-10-10T19:45:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-10T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Alcester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Vertical Expression callers: - Cis Hinkle price: £4-£10 organisation: Alcester Contra source: events/uk/alcester_contra.yaml - name: Le Vendredi Danse links: - "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1035775671909454&set=pb.100064310937147.-2207520000" start: "2025-10-11T14:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-11T16:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Holmfirth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Le Vendredi Danse source: events/uk/le_vendredi_danse.yaml - name: Bal Folk RZF details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2509" start: "2025-10-11T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-10-12T00:30:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Alleur styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Manäcken - Fublène organisation: "Rif Zans L'Fiesse" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal Folk in der TanzEtage links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/912322855" start: "2025-10-11T20:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-10-11T23:30:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Gomaringen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Silvia Fuchs source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: "d'Accord" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876/posts/1813811482356480/" start: "2025-10-11T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-11T22:45:00+01:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £10 organisation: "d'Accord" source: events/uk/daccord.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" start: "2025-10-11T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-11T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Linda Game Band callers: - Cis Hinkle price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: Weedon Balfolk links: - "https://www.weedonbalfolk.co.uk/" start_date: 2025-10-12 end_date: 2025-10-12 country: UK city: Weedon Bec styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £5 organisation: Weedon Balfolk source: events/uk/badby_bals.yaml - name: Bal De La Cabane Du Bout Du Monde details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://www.facebook.com/viorelband/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2619" start: "2025-10-12T16:30:00+02:00" end: "2025-10-12T21:00:00+02:00" country: Belgium city: Watermaal-Bosvoorde styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Viorel price: €7-€12 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Contrabridge details: "Join us for our contra dance with Trip Hazard with calling from Jack Kanutin.\n\n[Trip Hazard](https://triphazardfolk.com/?utm_campaign=contrabridge23&utm_source=contrabridge-site) are Colm (misc hitty\nthings), James (misc squeezy things), Robin (misc blowy things) and Caro (misc things) — a new and exciting bunch of\nexperienced dance musicians with altogether too many instruments. They play tunes, but only the good ones.\n\nJack has grown up dancing at folk festivals and started calling whilst at Bristol University. With over five years of calling ceilidh and contra dances under his belt, he brings energy, clarity, and a deep love for traditional dance to every event." links: - "https://contrabridge.org/events/2025-10/" start: "2025-10-18T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-18T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Trip Hazard callers: - Jack Kanutin price: £7-£15 organisation: Contrabridge source: events/uk/contrabridge.yaml - name: Harrogate Contra links: - "http://harrogatecontra.org.uk/events.html" start: "2025-10-18T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-18T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Harrogate styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Linda & Philip callers: - Louise Siddons price: £6-£10 organisation: Harrogate Contra source: events/uk/harrogate_contra.yaml - name: ruffContra links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2025-10-18T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-18T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - WillPower callers: - Mic Spenceley price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-10-19T14:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-10-19T15:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Tanztag in Lautenbach details: "Naragonia und Duo L'Hetre hereux" links: - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7801/balfolk-am-bodensee?jour=19-10-2025" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/859394453" start: "2025-10-19T11:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-10-19T21:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Großschönach styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Naragonia - "Duo l'Hêtre Heureux" organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Balfolk Social details: "Balfolk op zondag\nDe Mezrab host iedere derde zondag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel hier alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van ... en ....\n\nTicket\n- Voorverkoop: 16 euro\n- Aan de deur: 18 euro\nTickets >>>\n\nProgramma\n16:15 Deuren open16:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners\n17:30 Bal met ...\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met ...21:00 Sessie\n\nBands\n\n \t...\n\n\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\n\n\n \t...\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\nLocatie\nMezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma.\n\nEr is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers.\n\nAdres:\nMezrab\nVeemkade 576\n1019 BL Amsterdam\n\nFotocredit\nBalfolk Amsterdam" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-op-zondag-oktober-2025/" start: "2025-10-19T16:15:00+02:00" end: "2025-10-19T22:00:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €16-€18 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bal Crewkerne details: French + Breton dance and live music links: - "https://balcrew.wixsite.com/balcrewkerne" start: "2025-10-19T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-19T21:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Crewkerne styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £4 organisation: Bal Crewkerne source: events/uk/crewkerne.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-10-20T19:15:00+11:00" end: "2025-10-20T21:30:00+11:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-10-22T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-22T22:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: CaDansa links: - "https://www.cadansa.nl/" - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/cadansa-balfolkfestival-2025/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1548949209828868/" start: "2025-10-23T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-26T19:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Steenwijk styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: CaDansa source: events/netherlands/cadansa.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-10-25T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-25T17:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: BalFolk Rechberghausen details: "mit L‘Equipe, Workshop 16-18 Uhr" links: - "https://gmuendfolk.de/termine.html" - "https://www.balhaus.de/251025_BalFolk_Rechberghausen.pdf" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/841368028" start: "2025-10-25T16:00:00+02:00" end: "2025-10-26T00:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Göppingen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - "L'Équipe" organisation: Marilou und Johann source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Dansez Français links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-10-25T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-25T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - "Peut Qu'Manquer" price: £10 organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: "https://gabrielchiapello.fr/en/duo-nello1" links: - "https://folkclub-marburg.de" start: "2025-10-26T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-26T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Marburg styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Duo Nello organisation: Folkclub Marburg source: events/germany/marburg.yaml - name: Foggy Moon Dance Weekend links: - "http://montereycontradance.org/foggy-moon.html" start_date: 2025-10-31 end_date: 2025-11-02 country: USA state: CA city: Monterey styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Countercurrent - Stringrays callers: - Alex Deis-Lauby - Lisa Greenleaf organisation: Monterey Country Dance Community source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck + Halloween celebration links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-10-31T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-10-31T21:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: Hey Fever links: - "http://www.ottawacontra.ca/heyFever/" start: "2025-10-31T19:00:00-04:00" end: "2025-11-02T15:00:00-05:00" country: Canada state: Ontario city: Ottawa styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Good Company - River Road callers: - Mary Wesley - Will Mentor organisation: Ottawa Contra Dance source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Hands Across Contra details: "Lesson at 7; Dance at 7:30. Sliding admission $5 to $15." links: - "https://boulderdance.org/event/hands-across-contra-10/" start: "2025-10-31T19:00:00-06:00" end: "2025-10-31T22:30:00-06:00" country: USA state: CO city: Boulder styles: - contra workshop: true social: true price: $5-$15 organisation: Colorado Friends of Old Time Music and Dance source: events/usa/boulder.yaml - name: Lancaster Contra details: "Behind the mic: Rhodri Davies\nMusicians: Ben Farmer, Chris Dixon, and Arthur Capelier-Mourguy" links: - "http://lancastercontra.org.uk/events/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/3356256961340365/" start: "2025-11-01T13:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-01T16:45:00+00:00" country: UK city: Lancaster styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - "Ben Farmer, Chris Dixon & Arthur Capelier-Mourguy" callers: - Rhodri Davies price: £10-£15 organisation: Lancaster Contra source: events/uk/lancaster.yaml - name: Bal Folk RZF details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2510" start: "2025-11-01T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-02T00:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Alleur styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Eä - Duo Pilartz-Gielen organisation: "Rif Zans L'Fiesse" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Leeds Contra links: - "http://www.leedscontra.freeuk.com/specialevents.html" start: "2025-11-01T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-01T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Leeds styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Box of Frogs callers: - Louise Siddons price: £12 organisation: Leeds Contra source: events/uk/leeds_contra.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-11-03T19:15:00+11:00" end: "2025-11-03T21:30:00+11:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-11-05T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-05T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Gallica organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: Skint links: - "https://www.skintdance.org.uk/" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/1119730636555625/" start: "2025-11-07T17:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-09T17:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Ashover styles: - balfolk - scandi workshop: true social: true price: £23-£53 organisation: Skint source: events/uk/skint.yaml - name: "11e Nuit Trad'Actuelle" links: - "https://folkafon.com/nos-evenements/11e-nuit-tradactuelle-carte-blanche-tiennet-simonnin" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/8778999902217391/" start: "2025-11-07T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-09T17:30:00+01:00" country: France city: Troyes styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Folkafon source: events/france/troyes.yaml - name: Alcester Contra links: - "https://davidfolk7.wixsite.com/alcestercontras" - "https://www.facebook.com/events/972124688266966/" start: "2025-11-07T19:45:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-07T22:45:00+00:00" country: UK city: Alcester styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Box of Frogs callers: - Geoff Cubitt price: £4-£10 organisation: Alcester Contra source: events/uk/alcester_contra.yaml - name: Dance in the Desert details: "A weekend of contra dancing with lots of jamming, featuring music by The Faux Paws and The Free Raisins. Callers are Koren Wake and Steve Zakon-Anderson." links: - "https://tucsoncontradancers.org/tucson-contra-dancers/dance-in-the-desert-2024/" - "https://cdss.org/event/dance-in-the-desert/" start: "2025-11-07T15:00:00-07:00" end: "2025-11-09T15:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: AZ city: Oracle styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - The Faux Paws - The Free Raisins callers: - Koren Wake - Steve Zakon-Anderson organisation: Tucson Friends of Traditional Music%2C Inc. source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: Le Vendredi Danse links: - "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1035775671909454&set=pb.100064310937147.-2207520000" start: "2025-11-08T14:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-08T16:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Holmfirth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Le Vendredi Danse source: events/uk/le_vendredi_danse.yaml - name: Nottingham Mixed Dance links: - "https://www.nfdg.org.uk/club_dances.php" start: "2025-11-08T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-08T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Nottingham styles: - contra - ecd workshop: false social: true bands: - Chris & Julie Dewhurst callers: - Neil Stuart organisation: Nottingham Folk Dance Group source: events/uk/nfdg.yaml - name: "d'Accord" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876/posts/1813811482356480/" start: "2025-11-08T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-08T22:45:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £10 organisation: "d'Accord" source: events/uk/daccord.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" start: "2025-11-08T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-08T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Fiddlechicks callers: - Lynne Render price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: Bal Miniscule links: - "https://www.facebook.com/events/2794042134106337/" start: "2025-11-09T14:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-09T18:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Oxford styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Oxford source: events/uk/oxford.yaml - name: Balfolk weekend Intensive 2025 details: "Multiple day intensive for experienced (balfolk) dancers.\r\n\r\nWorkshops will be in Dutch, if you like to participate in the English version or organise this in your dance community, send a message to: dancingbodies.workshops@gmail.com" links: - "https://www.plug.events/event/balfolk-weekend-intensive-2025" start: "2025-11-14T15:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-17T10:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Nijmegen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €275-€350 organisation: Dancing Bodies source: events/netherlands/plug_balfolk.yaml - name: Balfolk in der Neuen Schmiede links: - "https://www.neue-schmiede.de/unsere-angebote/kultur/kultur-am-abend" start_date: 2025-11-15 end_date: 2025-11-15 country: Germany city: Bielefeld styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: "Freizeit- und Kulturzentrum Neue Schmiede, Bielefeld" source: events/germany/bielefeld.yaml - name: Tanztag balfolk in Lautenbach details: "Airboxes Trio, Thalas und Folkschwestern Biese" links: - "https://danseinfo.ch/agenda/7802/bafolk-am-bodensee?jour=15-11-2025" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/721227433" start: "2025-11-15T11:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-15T21:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Großschönach styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Airboxes - Folkschwestern Biese - Thalas organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: FolkArena details: BalFolk-Tanzabend links: - "https://folkarena.wordpress.com/termine/" start: "2025-11-15T18:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-15T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Jena styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Budweis organisation: FolkArena source: events/germany/jena.yaml - name: ruffCeilidh links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2025-11-15T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-15T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - "Cat's Claw" callers: - Mic Spenceley - Ned Clamp price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: Airboxes und links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/908493880" start_date: 2025-11-16 end_date: 2025-11-16 country: Germany city: Ehningen styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Airboxes organisation: Danzamol source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Balfolk Social details: "Balfolk op zondag\nDe Mezrab host iedere derde zondag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel hier alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van ... en ....\n\nTicket\n- Voorverkoop: 16 euro\n- Aan de deur: 18 euro\nTickets >>>\n\nProgramma\n16:15 Deuren open16:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners\n17:30 Bal met ...\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met ...21:00 Sessie\n\nBands\n\n \t...\n\n\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\n\n\n \t...\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\nLocatie\nMezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma.\n\nEr is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers.\n\nAdres:\nMezrab\nVeemkade 576\n1019 BL Amsterdam\n\nFotocredit\nBalfolk Amsterdam" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/balfolk-op-zondag-november-2025/" start: "2025-11-16T16:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-16T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €16-€18 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bal De La Cabane Du Bout Du Monde details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2620" start: "2025-11-16T16:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-16T21:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Watermaal-Bosvoorde styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Plume Duo price: €7-€12 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-11-17T19:15:00+11:00" end: "2025-11-17T21:30:00+11:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Winterdans Folkbal details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2501" start: "2025-11-20T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-20T23:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Bornem styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: "Kasteel D'Ursel" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Zesty Contra Weekend links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/zesty-contra-weekend-2025/" start: "2025-11-21T16:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-23T16:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ali & Mollie callers: - Rhodri Davies - Mark Elvins price: £200-£330 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Herbstfest links: - "https://www.folktanz-halle.de/tanzhal/termine.html" start_date: 2025-11-22 end_date: 2025-11-22 country: Germany city: Halle styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Mara & Fine organisation: Folktanz Halle source: events/germany/halle.yaml - name: Friday Folk Saturday Special links: - "https://fridayfolk.org.uk/" start: "2025-11-22T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-22T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: St Albans styles: - ecd workshop: false social: true price: £12 organisation: Friday Folk source: events/uk/st_albans_friday_folk.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-11-26T19:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-26T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Winterdans Folkbal details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2502" start: "2025-11-27T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-27T23:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Bornem styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: ContraCopia links: - "http://www.thursdaycontra.com/contracopia/" start_date: 2025-11-28 end_date: 2025-11-30 country: USA state: PA city: Philadelphia styles: - contra workshop: true social: true organisation: TryContra source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-11-29T13:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-29T17:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: Leeds Contra links: - "http://www.leedscontra.freeuk.com/specialevents.html" start: "2025-11-29T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-29T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Leeds styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Portland Drive callers: - Geoff Cubitt price: £12 organisation: Leeds Contra source: events/uk/leeds_contra.yaml - name: Contrabridge details: "Join us for our contra dance with Definitely Contraband with calling from Adam Hughes.\n\n\n\nAdam Hughes has been dancing contra in the UK and US for 25 years, and calling contras across the UK for nearly that long. He calls new and traditional dances from across the world with clarity, enthusiasm and a hint of mischief." links: - "https://contrabridge.org/events/2025-11/" start: "2025-11-29T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-29T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cambridge styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Definitely Contraband callers: - Adam Hughes price: £7-£15 organisation: Contrabridge source: events/uk/contrabridge.yaml - name: Dansez Français links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-11-29T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-11-29T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Ça Ribote price: £10 organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: Weedon Balfolk links: - "https://www.weedonbalfolk.co.uk/" start_date: 2025-11-30 end_date: 2025-11-30 country: UK city: Weedon Bec styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £5 organisation: Weedon Balfolk source: events/uk/badby_bals.yaml - name: MiniBal at Toitū links: - "https://www.balfolk.co.nz/dunedin" start: "2025-11-30T14:00:00+13:00" end: "2025-11-30T15:30:00+13:00" country: New Zealand city: Dunedin styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Balfolk Dunedin source: events/new_zealand/dunedin.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: "Fetter BalFolk Sound aus Belgien EmBrun steht für modernen fetten BalFolk-Sound. Sie können blowzabellalike den Saal zum Kochen bringen und danach mit einer romantischen leisen Mazurka fast zärtlich die Gemüter in innige fast zeitlupenartige Bewegungen versezten. Ihre Kompositionen klingen neu und erfrischend – sind jedoch auch so tanzbar, als ob sie 100 Jahre in einem verstecken französischen Dörflein gereift wären. EmBrun ist eine der bekanntesten Bands der Szene, dynamisch und abwechslungsreich. Bert Leemans (Akkordeon) Ludo Stichelmeyer (Percussion/Schlagzeug) Jonas Scheys (Bass) Harald Baeweraerts (Drehleier) Pieterjan Van Kerckhoven (Dudelsack) Abendkasse: 17,-; ermäßigt 11,- Tanzworkshop 19:00 Uhr: Wir zeigen kurz die wichtigsten Tänze und Überlebenstricks für die Tanzfläche. Mit Live-Musik. Es geht auch gut ohne – aber mit Workshop macht es noch mehr Spaß! s.a: http://www.embrun.be/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zmePAhuh7Q" links: - "https://folkclub-marburg.de" start: "2025-11-30T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-11-30T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Marburg styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - EmBRUN price: €11-€17 organisation: Folkclub Marburg source: events/germany/marburg.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-12-01T19:15:00+11:00" end: "2025-12-01T21:30:00+11:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2025-12-03T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-12-03T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - BOF! organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: Contra Dance + Potluck links: - "https://contradance.at/" start: "2025-12-05T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-12-05T21:30:00+01:00" country: Austria city: Graz styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Woodcut callers: - Brian Roberts organisation: Contra Dance in Graz source: events/austria/graz-contra.yaml - name: Dancing Fish links: - "https://dancingfish.dance/event/thunderwing-derick-kalish/" start: "2025-12-05T19:00:00-05:00" end: "2025-12-06T21:00:00-05:00" country: USA state: FL city: Melrose styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Thunderwing callers: - Dereck Kalish price: $15-$30 organisation: Dancing Fish source: events/usa/trycontra.yaml - name: Midwinter Fair details: "Nog geen bands bekend, maar er zullen weer genoeg balfolk bands en workshops worden georganiseerd." links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/midwinter-fair-2/" start_date: 2025-12-06 end_date: 2025-12-07 country: Netherlands city: Alphen aan den Rijn styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Balfolk im Städtli links: - "https://balsoleil.ch/balfolk-in-lichtensteig/" start: "2025-12-06T17:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-12-06T22:00:00+01:00" country: Switzerland city: Lichtensteig styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Biskaya - Sol Do price: 35 CHF organisation: BalSoleil source: events/switzerland/lichtensteig.yaml - name: Bal Folk RZF details: Ball links: - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2511" start: "2025-12-12T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-12-13T00:30:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Alleur styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Naragonia - Clume organisation: "Rif Zans L'Fiesse" source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Le Vendredi Danse links: - "https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1035775671909454&set=pb.100064310937147.-2207520000" start: "2025-12-13T14:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-13T16:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Holmfirth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £5 organisation: Le Vendredi Danse source: events/uk/le_vendredi_danse.yaml - name: Sytchampton Saturday dance links: - "https://www.sytchamptondanceclub.org.uk/p/dance-diary-experiment.html" start: "2025-12-13T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-13T22:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Sytchampton styles: - ecd - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Vicky Swan & Jonny Dyer callers: - Ivan Aitken price: £8 organisation: Sytchampton Folk Dance Club source: events/uk/sytchampton.yaml - name: "d'Accord" links: - "https://www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876/posts/1813811482356480/" start: "2025-12-13T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-13T22:45:00+00:00" country: UK city: Exeter styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: £10 organisation: "d'Accord" source: events/uk/daccord.yaml - name: London Barndance links: - "https://www.barndance.org/programme.html" start: "2025-12-13T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-13T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: London styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Contrasaurus callers: - Nicola Scott price: £5-£15 organisation: London Barndance Company source: events/uk/london_barndance.yaml - name: Bal Crewkerne details: French + Breton dance and live music links: - "https://balcrew.wixsite.com/balcrewkerne" start: "2025-12-14T18:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-14T21:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Crewkerne styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: £4 organisation: Bal Crewkerne source: events/uk/crewkerne.yaml - name: TasContra links: - "https://folktas.org/dancing/hobartdances/" - "https://folktas.org/dancing/monday-night-folk-dances-tascontra/" - "https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/432472" start: "2025-12-15T19:15:00+11:00" end: "2025-12-15T21:30:00+11:00" country: Australia state: TAS city: New Town styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Ross Smithard & Up Jumped Trouble price: $7-$15 organisation: Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc source: events/australia/new_town.yaml - name: Hebden Bridge Panards links: - "https://hebdenbridgepanards.uk/" start: "2025-12-20T13:30:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-20T17:30:00+00:00" country: UK city: Hebden Bridge styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: false price: £3-£7 organisation: Hebden Bridge Panards source: events/uk/french_dance_leeds.yaml - name: Christmas Special details: "Balfolk op zondag\nDe Mezrab host iedere derde zondag van de maand het leukste Balfolkfeestje van Amsterdam. Bestel hier alvast een ticket en kom dansen op de livemuziek van ... en ....\n\nTicket\n- Voorverkoop: 16 euro\n- Aan de deur: 18 euro\nTickets >>>\n\nProgramma\n16:15 Deuren open16:30 Dansworkshop voor beginners\n17:30 Bal met ...\n18:00 Pauze\n19:00 Bal met ...21:00 Sessie\n\nBands\n\n \t...\n\n\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\n\n\n \t...\n\nBeschrijving volgt\n\nLocatie\nMezrab draagt Balfolk een warm hart toe en nodigt ons iedere maand uit te komen dansen. Je kunt in de Mezrab op andere dagen vooral terecht voor storytelling. Het café dient als inspiratiebron voor vele theaters, centra, musea en festivals om ook storytelling te programmeren. Mezrab programmeert meerdere keren per week regelmatig vertelavonden. Op de andere avonden wordt storytelling gecombineerd met andere kunstdisciplines (dans, beeldende kunst, poëzie, etc.) en een wereldmuziekprogramma.\n\nEr is plek voor zo'n 100 dansers.\n\nAdres:\nMezrab\nVeemkade 576\n1019 BL Amsterdam\n\nFotocredit\nBalfolk Amsterdam" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/kerstspecial-december-2025/" start: "2025-12-21T16:15:00+01:00" end: "2025-12-21T22:00:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Amsterdam styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: €16-€18 organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: Bal De La Cabane Du Bout Du Monde details: Ball links: - "http://chti-folkeux.chez-alice.fr/indexB.htm" - "https://www.remigeffroy.com/" - "https://folkbalbende.be/event/2621" start: "2025-12-21T16:30:00+01:00" end: "2025-12-21T21:00:00+01:00" country: Belgium city: Watermaal-Bosvoorde styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Rémi Geffroy price: €7-€12 organisation: ~ source: events/belgium/folkbalbende.yaml - name: Bal Folk details: Welche Band? HavoK. Und mehr. Wir werden sehen. links: - "https://folkclub-marburg.de" start: "2025-12-21T20:00:00+01:00" end: "2025-12-21T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Marburg styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Havok organisation: Folkclub Marburg source: events/germany/marburg.yaml - name: Christmas House Party links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/christmas-house-party-4/" start: "2025-12-23T16:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-27T10:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - contra workshop: true social: true bands: - Will Pound & Linda Game callers: - Geoff Cubitt price: £420-£645 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Le Bal-en-Rouge links: - "http://www.frenchdance.co.uk/dates.htm" start: "2025-12-27T19:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-27T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Ockbrook styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true price: free organisation: Ockbrook French Music and Dancing source: events/uk/ockbrook.yaml - name: Bal de Noel links: - "http://www.dansezfrancais.org.uk/" start: "2025-12-27T20:00:00+00:00" end: "2025-12-27T22:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Brighton styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Dansez Français source: events/uk/dansez_francais.yaml - name: Pied à Terre links: - "https://piedaterre.me.uk/events" start: "2026-01-07T20:15:00+01:00" end: "2026-01-07T22:30:00+01:00" country: UK city: Norwich styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Pied à Terre source: events/uk/pat_norwich.yaml - name: Balfolk details: "Bal Folk ab 18 Uhr \nTanzkurse für Einsteiger ab 13 Uhr, für Fortgeschrittene ab 15:30 Uhr.\n\nMitbringbuffet.\nGetränke gibt es günstig vor Ort.\n\nEintritt siehe Homepage" links: - "http://www.danzamol.de/balfolkstanzfest" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/968967151" start: "2026-01-11T13:00:00+01:00" end: "2026-01-11T21:30:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Ehningen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Parasol organisation: Danzamol e.v. source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Stellar Days & Nights details: "You’re invited to the 17th “Annual” Stellar Days & Nights. \nA 4-day, 3-night winter music and dance event in the Rocky Mountains – Buena Vista, CO. Contra, English Country, and Couples Dancing, plus workshops and music jams.  Cozy accommodations. Amazing scenery. Yummy food. \nNational Bands and National Callers – To Be Announced for 2026 \nCheck out the website for information.   \nOrganized by: Arkansas Valley Music and Dance. \nPut this on your calendar now and plan to attend! Join our email list HERE or email us at Info@RockyMountainRanchDance.com to be added." links: - "https://rockymountainranchdance.com" - "https://cdss.org/event/stellar-days-nights/" start: "2026-01-16T15:00:00-07:00" end: "2026-01-19T13:00:00-07:00" country: USA state: CO city: Buena Vista styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true organisation: Arkansas Valley Music and Dance source: events/usa/cdss.yaml - name: ruffCeilidh links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2026-01-17T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2026-01-17T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Oxford Nags callers: - Aidan Hansell price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: Winter Warmer links: - "https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/winter-warmer-2026/" start: "2026-01-19T16:00:00+00:00" end: "2026-01-23T10:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Halsway styles: - ecd workshop: true social: true bands: - "Dampier's Round" callers: - Madeleine Smith - Jane Hunter - Mark Hunter price: £240-£460 organisation: Halsway Manor source: events/uk/halsway.yaml - name: Balfolk Stuttgart details: Altes Feuerwehrhaus Süd links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/1009088734" start: "2026-01-31T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2026-01-31T23:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Stuttgart styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Holger & Moritz & Vera source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: KA-Balfolk details: "Mit L'air inconnu und Grand Balthazar ab 17:30h Workshop" links: - "https://ka-balfolk.de/termine-elementor/" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/1008282698" start: "2026-02-20T17:30:00+01:00" end: "2026-02-20T23:55:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Grand Balthazar - "L'air Inconnu" organisation: KA-BALFOLK source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: ruffContra links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2026-02-21T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2026-02-21T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - contra workshop: false social: true bands: - Bearded Dragons callers: - Charlie Turner price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: Tanz und Begegnung details: "Balfolk mit L'air inconnu und Grand Balthasar" links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/1008165645" start: "2026-02-22T12:00:00+01:00" end: "2026-02-22T21:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Großschönach styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true bands: - Grand Balthazar - "L'air Inconnu" organisation: Sönke source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Diemerbal details: Info volgt links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/diemerbal-2026/" start: "2026-03-01T13:30:00+01:00" end: "2026-03-01T22:30:00+01:00" country: Netherlands city: Diemen styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: ruffCeilidh links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2026-03-21T19:30:00+00:00" end: "2026-03-21T23:00:00+00:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Green/Matthews price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: Avondbal bij de Muziekstage details: "Jaarlijks is er in Sint-Michielsgestel een interessant muziekweekend met workshops over balfolk en dansmuziek. Overdag zijn er cursussen, vanaf 19:30 begint het avondprogramma met concerten, bal en sessie.\nProgramma\nWaarschijnlijk wordt het tijdschema als volgt, wijzigingen onder voorbehoud\n\n19:30  aanvang\n19:50 concert\n21:00  Bal\n23:30 Jam-bal : neem je instrument mee,  en speel of dans mee\nFoto's van het workshopweekend:\n• Foto's van de Workshops 2023\n• Foto's van de Avonden 2022\n• video's van het weekend" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/avondbal-muziekstage2026-vrijdag/" start: "2026-04-17T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2026-04-17T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: St.Michielsgestel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: KA-Balfolk details: "Mit N.N. und Workshop ab 17:30h" links: - "https://ka-balfolk.de/termine-elementor/" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/1008283024" start: "2026-04-18T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2026-04-18T23:55:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true organisation: KA-BALFOLK source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Avondbal bij de Muziekstage details: "Jaarlijks is er in Sint-Michielsgestel een interessant muziekweekend met workshops over balfolk en dansmuziek. Overdag zijn er cursussen, vanaf 19:30 begint het avondprogramma met concerten, bal en sessie.\nProgramma\nWaarschijnlijk wordt het tijdschema als volgt, wijzigingen onder voorbehoud\n\n19:30  aanvang\n19:50 concert\n21:00  Bal\n23:30 Jam-bal : neem je instrument mee, en speel of dans mee\nFoto's van het workshopweekend:\n• Foto's van de Workshops 2023\n• Foto's van de Avonden 2022\n• video's van het weekend" links: - "https://www.balfolk.nl/agenda/avondbal-muziekstage2026-zaterdag/" start: "2026-04-18T19:30:00+02:00" end: "2026-04-18T23:59:00+02:00" country: Netherlands city: St.Michielsgestel styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true price: donation organisation: balfolk.nl source: events/netherlands/balfolk_nl.yaml - name: ruffContra links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2026-04-18T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2026-04-18T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - contra workshop: false social: true price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: ruffCeilidh links: - "https://ruffceilidhs.org/" start: "2026-05-16T19:30:00+01:00" end: "2026-05-16T23:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Cardiff styles: - e-ceilidh workshop: false social: true bands: - Diatonics price: £5-£12 organisation: ruffCeilidhs source: events/uk/cardiff.yaml - name: Blowout Bal details: "Part of the Blowout - The Bagpipe Society's annual festival" links: - "https://www.bagpipesociety.org.uk/blowout/" start: "2026-05-30T21:00:00+01:00" end: "2026-05-31T00:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Tamworth styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: The Bagpipe Society source: events/uk/tamworth.yaml - name: Balfolk Stuttgart details: Altes Feuerwehrhaus Süd links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/1008238796" start: "2026-06-13T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2026-06-13T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Stuttgart styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Holger & Moritz & Vera source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Lichfield Folk Festival links: - "https://www.lichfieldfolkfestival.co.uk/" start: "2026-06-19T19:00:00+01:00" end: "2026-06-21T17:00:00+01:00" country: UK city: Lichfield styles: - contra - ecd workshop: true social: true organisation: Lichfield Folk Festival source: events/uk/lichfield.yaml - name: KA-Balfolk details: "Mit Hartwin Dhoore Trio und Workshop ab 17:30h" links: - "https://ka-balfolk.de/termine-elementor/" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/1008283069" start: "2026-09-26T17:30:00+02:00" end: "2026-09-26T23:55:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - balfolk workshop: true social: true bands: - Hartwin Dhoore Trio organisation: KA-BALFOLK source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: Balfolk Stuttgart details: Altes Feuerwehrhaus Süd links: - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/1008238843" start: "2026-10-17T18:00:00+02:00" end: "2026-10-17T23:00:00+02:00" country: Germany city: Stuttgart styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: Holger & Moritz & Vera source: events/germany/kalender.yaml - name: KA-Balfolk details: Mit N.N. links: - "https://ka-balfolk.de/termine-elementor/" - "https://kalender.digital/574d155c91900caea879/event/1008285137" start: "2026-11-22T18:00:00+01:00" end: "2026-11-22T21:00:00+01:00" country: Germany city: Karlsruhe styles: - balfolk workshop: false social: true organisation: KA-BALFOLK source: events/germany/kalender.yaml